Zen Chan
Zen Chan

Reputation: 47

python discord bot event not working

My distance calculator event is not working. It should ( if working ) calculate the distance between 2 places and give a message on how long the player should wait untill he go's there ( pokemon go related ) Not given me errors it just does nothing. i tryed different things but none seem to work. Anyone can help me out ? Would be great !

from discord.ext import commands
import discord
import gpxpy.geo
import math
import asyncio

client = discord.Client(command_prefix='kaikai*')

async def on_ready():
    print("Logged in as:")
    print("Ready to use!")

async def on_message(message) :
    if message.author == client.user:
    elif message.content.startswith("kaikai*test") :
        await client.send_message(message.channel, "BOT READY!")

class Distance:
    """Calculate the distance between two coordinates."""
    def __init__(self, client):
        self.client = client

    async def distance(self, ctx, *, message):
        """Calculate the distance between two coordinates and also provide you with a cooldown time."""
        # Your code will go here

        def error_embed_1(self):
                description="Not enough data given. Did you give 4 different coordinates, seperated by spaces?",

            return embed
        def error_embed_2(self):
                description="Your message is invalid. Please use this format\n``!distance <num1> <num2> <num3> <num4>``\nWhich would look like this: ``!distance 51.301597 -0.598019 51.270664 -0.594132``",
            return embed

        def calc_embed(msg, msg2):
                description=" ",
                name="**Calculated Distance:**",
                value="{} Kilometers".format(msg),
                name="**Cooldown Timer:**",
                value="{} ".format(msg2),
            return embed

        def calculate(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2):
            dist = gpxpy.geo.haversine_distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2)
            dist = dist/1000
            dist = round(dist, 2)

            return dist

        def cooldown(dist):
            time = " "

            if dist >= 1500:
                time = "120 minutes"

            elif dist >= 1403 and dist <= 1500:
                time = "120 minutes"

            elif dist >= 1344 and dist <= 1403:
                time = "119 minutes"

            elif dist >= 1300 and dist <= 1344:
                time = "117 minutes"

            elif dist >= 1221 and dist <= 1300:
                time = "112 minutes"

            elif dist >= 1180 and dist <= 1221:
                time = "109 minutes"

            elif dist >= 1020 and dist <= 1180:
                time = "101 minutes"

            elif dist >= 1007 and dist <= 1020:
                time = "97 minutes"

            elif dist >= 948 and dist <= 1007:
                time = "94 minutes"

            elif dist >= 897 and dist <= 948:
                time = "90 minutes"

            elif dist >= 839 and dist <= 897:
                time = "88 minutes"

            elif dist >= 802 and dist <= 839:
                time = "83 minutes"

            elif dist >= 751 and dist <= 802:
                time = "81 minutes"

            elif dist >= 700 and dist <= 751:
                time = "76 minutes"

            elif dist >= 650 and dist <= 700:
                time = "73 minutes"

            elif dist >= 600 and dist <= 650:
                time = "69 minutes"

            elif dist >= 550 and dist <= 600:
                time = "65 minutes"

            elif dist >= 500 and dist <= 550:
                time = "61 minutes"

            elif dist >= 450 and dist <= 500:
                time = "58 minutes"

            elif dist >= 400 and dist <= 450:
                time = "54 minutes"

            elif dist >= 350 and dist <= 400:
                time = "49 minutes"

            elif dist >= 328 and dist <= 350:
                time = "48 minutes"

            elif dist >= 300 and dist <= 328:
                time = "46 minutes"

            elif dist >= 250 and dist <= 300:
                time = "41 minutes"

            elif dist >= 201 and dist <= 250:
                time = "36 minutes"

            elif dist >= 175 and dist <= 201:
                time = "33 minutes"

            elif dist >= 150 and dist <= 175:
                time = "31 minutes"

            elif dist >= 125 and dist <= 150:
                time = "28 minutes"

            elif dist >= 100 and dist <= 125:
                time = "26 minutes"

            elif dist >= 90 and dist <= 100:
                time = "24 minutes"

            elif dist >= 80 and dist <= 90:
                time = "23 minutes"

            elif dist >= 70 and dist <= 80:
                time = "22 minutes"

            elif dist >= 60 and dist <= 70:
                time = "21 minutes"

            elif dist >= 50 and dist <= 60:
                time = "20 minutes"

            elif dist >= 45 and dist <= 50:
                time = "19 minutes"

            elif dist >= 40 and dist <= 45:
                time = "18 minutes"

            elif dist >= 35 and dist <= 40:
                time = "17 minutes"

            elif dist >= 30 and dist <= 35:
                time = "16 minutes"

            elif dist >= 25 and dist <= 30:
                time = "14 minutes"

            elif dist >= 20 and dist <= 25:
                time = "11 minutes"

            elif dist >= 15 and dist <= 20:
                time = "8 minutes"

            elif dist >= 10 and dist <= 15:
                time = "6 minutes"

            elif dist >= 8 and dist <= 10:
                time = "4 minutes"

            elif dist >= 5 and dist <= 8:
                time = "3 minutes"

            elif dist >= 4 and dist <= 5:
                time = "2 minutes"

            elif dist >= 3 and dist <= 4:
                time = "2 minutes"

            elif dist >= 2 and dist <= 3:
                time = "1 minutes"

            elif dist and dist <= 1:
                time = "48 seconds"

            return time

        bool = True
        List = str(message)
        var = List.split(" ")
            lat1 = float(var[0])
            long1 = float(var[1])

            lat2 = float(var[2])
            long2 = float(var[3])

        except IndexError:
            msg = error_embed_1(self)
            bool = False
        except ValueError:
            msg = error_embed_2(self)
            bool = False

        if bool == True:
            calc = calculate(long1, lat1, long2, lat2)
            cooldown = cooldown(calc)
            msg = calc_embed(calc, cooldown)
        await client.send(embed=msg)


Upvotes: 2

Views: 7907

Answers (1)


Reputation: 3495

Try changing all the @client.async_event to @client.event. You can see in the example here that this is the correct usage.

Since you have an on_message event, you will have to specify that commands have to be processed. This is done by calling process_commands(message) inside the on_message event. This is not done by default. Documentation for the async branch is here, while for the rewrite branch it's here.

The Distance class that you create is also not loaded (as far as I can tell, please correct me if I am wrong). I suggest moving this to a separate file, then loading it in your main bot file. Below is an example of how this can be done, where bot.py is the main file that runs the bot and cog.py contains an example class with an add command. bot.py also includes the on_message event with process_commands(message) to illustrate it's usage.


from discord.ext import commands

client = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!')


async def on_ready():
    print('client ready')

async def ping():
    await client.say('Pong')

async def on_message(message):
    if message.content == 'Hello'
        await client.send_message(message.channel, 'Hello')

    await client.process_commands(message)



from discord.ext import commands

class TestCog:

    def __init__(self, bot):
        self.bot = bot
        self.counter = 0

    async def add(self):
        self.counter += 1
        await self.bot.say('Counter is now %d' % self.counter)

def setup(bot):

Upvotes: 2

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