Reputation: 1
What I am trying to do is download 2 images from URL's and open them after download. Here's what I have:
@echo off
set files='',''
powershell "(%files%)|foreach{$fileName='%TEMP%'+(Split-Path -Path $_ -Leaf);(new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($_,$fileName);Invoke-Item $fileName;}"
Im getting 'Cannot find drive' A drive with the name 'https' cannot be found.
It's the Split-path
command that is having problems but cant seem to find a solution.
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Views: 171
Reputation: 46710
You could get away with basic string manipulation but, if the option is available, I would opt for using anything else that is data aware. In your case you could use the [uri]
type accelerator to help with these. I would also just opt for pure PowerShell instead of splitting between batch and PS.
$urls = '',
$urls | ForEach-Object{
$uri = [uri]$_
Invoke-WebRequest $_ -OutFile ([io.path]::combine($env:TEMP,$uri.Segments[-1]))
Segments will get you the last portion of the url which is a proper file name in your case. Combine()
will build the target destination path for you. Feel free to add you invoke item logic of course.
This also lacks error handling if the url cannot be accessed or what not. So be aware of that possibility. The code above was meant to be brief to give direction.
Upvotes: 1