Reputation: 3352
I borrowed a little bit of code from the WebRTC project that I need to get to compile on a system with gcc-4.6. The code compiles no problem on my gcc-4.8 environment. After doing a little bit of digging it looks like the unary + may not be doing the same thing when compiled on gcc-4.6 and gcc-4.8. I say this because the enum test is failing the static asserts as found in the code.
On a later GCC machine the output is:
$ g++ -std=c++0x test2.cpp -o test2
$ ./test2
It's equal
It's not equal
But on a gcc-4.6 machine the compile throws the static assert errors:
$ g++ -std=c++0x test2.cpp -o test2
test2.cpp:152:3: error: static assertion failed: ""
test2.cpp:153:3: error: static assertion failed: ""
test2.cpp:159:3: error: static assertion failed: ""
test2.cpp:160:3: error: static assertion failed: ""
test2.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
test2.cpp:195:15: error: no matching function for call to ‘Eq(int, int)’
test2.cpp:195:15: note: candidates are:
test2.cpp:185:2: note: template<class T1, class T2, typename std::enable_if<(safe_cmp_impl::IsIntlike<T1>::value && safe_cmp_impl::IsIntlike<T2>::value), void>::type* <anonymous> > bool Eq(T1, T2)
test2.cpp:185:2: note: template<class T1, class T2, typename std::enable_if<((! safe_cmp_impl::IsIntlike<T1>::value) || (! safe_cmp_impl::IsIntlike<T2>::value)), void>::type* <anonymous> > bool Eq(T1&&, T2&&)
test2.cpp:197:15: error: no matching function for call to ‘Ne(int, int)’
test2.cpp:197:15: note: candidates are:
test2.cpp:186:2: note: template<class T1, class T2, typename std::enable_if<(safe_cmp_impl::IsIntlike<T1>::value && safe_cmp_impl::IsIntlike<T2>::value), void>::type* <anonymous> > bool Ne(T1, T2)
test2.cpp:186:2: note: template<class T1, class T2, typename std::enable_if<((! safe_cmp_impl::IsIntlike<T1>::value) || (! safe_cmp_impl::IsIntlike<T2>::value)), void>::type* <anonymous> > bool Ne(T1&&, T2&&)
So really the question is, what can I do to get the code to compile for gcc-4.6 while keeping the original intent of the function.
The part where the code seems to be failing:
// Determines if the given type is an enum that converts implicitly to
// an integral type.
template <typename T>
struct IsIntEnum {
// This overload is used if the type is an enum, and unary plus
// compiles and turns it into an integral type.
template <typename X,
typename std::enable_if<
std::is_enum<X>::value &&
std::is_integral<decltype(+std::declval<X>())>::value>::type* =
static int Test(int);
// Otherwise, this overload is used.
template <typename>
static char Test(...);
static constexpr bool value =
std::is_same<decltype(Test<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type>(0)),
// Determines if the given type is integral, or an enum that
// converts implicitly to an integral type.
template <typename T>
struct IsIntlike {
typedef typename std::remove_reference<T>::type X;
static constexpr bool value =
std::is_integral<X>::value || IsIntEnum<X>::value;
namespace test_enum_intlike {
enum E1 { e1 };
enum { e2 };
enum class E3 { e3 };
struct S {};
static_assert(IsIntEnum<E1>::value, "");
static_assert(IsIntEnum<decltype(e2)>::value, "");
static_assert(!IsIntEnum<E3>::value, "");
static_assert(!IsIntEnum<int>::value, "");
static_assert(!IsIntEnum<float>::value, "");
static_assert(!IsIntEnum<S>::value, "");
static_assert(IsIntlike<E1>::value, "");
static_assert(IsIntlike<decltype(e2)>::value, "");
static_assert(!IsIntlike<E3>::value, "");
static_assert(IsIntlike<int>::value, "");
static_assert(!IsIntlike<float>::value, "");
static_assert(!IsIntlike<S>::value, "");
} // test_enum_intlike
The entire minimal example
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
namespace safe_cmp_impl {
template <size_t N>
struct LargerIntImpl : std::false_type {};
template <>
struct LargerIntImpl<sizeof(int8_t)> : std::true_type {
typedef uint16_t type;
template <>
struct LargerIntImpl<sizeof(int16_t)> : std::true_type {
typedef int32_t type;
template <>
struct LargerIntImpl<sizeof(int32_t)> : std::true_type {
typedef int64_t type;
// LargerInt<T1, T2>::value is true iff there's a signed type that's larger
// than T1 (and no larger than the larger of T2 and int*, for performance
// reasons); and if there is such a type, LargerInt<T1, T2>::type is an alias
// for it.
template <typename T1, typename T2>
struct LargerInt
: LargerIntImpl<sizeof(T1) < sizeof(T2) || sizeof(T1) < sizeof(int*)
? sizeof(T1)
: 0> {};
template <typename T>
inline typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type MakeUnsigned(T a) {
return static_cast<typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type>(a);
// Overload for when both T1 and T2 have the same signedness.
template <typename Op,
typename T1,
typename T2,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_signed<T1>::value ==
std::is_signed<T2>::value>::type* = nullptr>
inline bool Cmp(T1 a, T2 b) {
return Op::Op(a, b);
// Overload for signed - unsigned comparison that can be promoted to a bigger
// signed type.
template <typename Op,
typename T1,
typename T2,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_signed<T1>::value &&
std::is_unsigned<T2>::value &&
LargerInt<T2, T1>::value>::type* = nullptr>
inline bool Cmp(T1 a, T2 b) {
return Op::Op(a, static_cast<typename LargerInt<T2, T1>::type>(b));
// Overload for unsigned - signed comparison that can be promoted to a bigger
// signed type.
template <typename Op,
typename T1,
typename T2,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_unsigned<T1>::value &&
std::is_signed<T2>::value &&
LargerInt<T1, T2>::value>::type* = nullptr>
inline bool Cmp(T1 a, T2 b) {
return Op::Op(static_cast<typename LargerInt<T1, T2>::type>(a), b);
// Overload for signed - unsigned comparison that can't be promoted to a bigger
// signed type.
template <typename Op,
typename T1,
typename T2,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_signed<T1>::value &&
std::is_unsigned<T2>::value &&
!LargerInt<T2, T1>::value>::type* = nullptr>
inline bool Cmp(T1 a, T2 b) {
return a < 0 ? Op::Op(-1, 0) : Op::Op(safe_cmp_impl::MakeUnsigned(a), b);
// Overload for unsigned - signed comparison that can't be promoted to a bigger
// signed type.
template <typename Op,
typename T1,
typename T2,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_unsigned<T1>::value &&
std::is_signed<T2>::value &&
!LargerInt<T1, T2>::value>::type* = nullptr>
inline bool Cmp(T1 a, T2 b) {
return b < 0 ? Op::Op(0, -1) : Op::Op(a, safe_cmp_impl::MakeUnsigned(b));
#define RTC_SAFECMP_MAKE_OP(name, op) \
struct name { \
template <typename T1, typename T2> \
static constexpr bool Op(T1 a, T2 b) { \
return a op b; \
} \
// Determines if the given type is an enum that converts implicitly to
// an integral type.
template <typename T>
struct IsIntEnum {
// This overload is used if the type is an enum, and unary plus
// compiles and turns it into an integral type.
template <typename X,
typename std::enable_if<
std::is_enum<X>::value &&
std::is_integral<decltype(+std::declval<X>())>::value>::type* =
static int Test(int);
// Otherwise, this overload is used.
template <typename>
static char Test(...);
static constexpr bool value =
std::is_same<decltype(Test<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type>(0)),
// Determines if the given type is integral, or an enum that
// converts implicitly to an integral type.
template <typename T>
struct IsIntlike {
typedef typename std::remove_reference<T>::type X;
static constexpr bool value =
std::is_integral<X>::value || IsIntEnum<X>::value;
namespace test_enum_intlike {
enum E1 { e1 };
enum { e2 };
enum class E3 { e3 };
struct S {};
static_assert(IsIntEnum<E1>::value, "");
static_assert(IsIntEnum<decltype(e2)>::value, "");
static_assert(!IsIntEnum<E3>::value, "");
static_assert(!IsIntEnum<int>::value, "");
static_assert(!IsIntEnum<float>::value, "");
static_assert(!IsIntEnum<S>::value, "");
static_assert(IsIntlike<E1>::value, "");
static_assert(IsIntlike<decltype(e2)>::value, "");
static_assert(!IsIntlike<E3>::value, "");
static_assert(IsIntlike<int>::value, "");
static_assert(!IsIntlike<float>::value, "");
static_assert(!IsIntlike<S>::value, "");
} // test_enum_intlike
} // namespace safe_cmp_impl
#define RTC_SAFECMP_MAKE_FUN(name) \
template <typename T1, typename T2, \
typename std::enable_if< \
safe_cmp_impl::IsIntlike<T1>::value && \
safe_cmp_impl::IsIntlike<T2>::value>::type* = nullptr> \
inline bool name(T1 a, T2 b) { \
/* Unary plus here turns enums into real integral types. */ \
return safe_cmp_impl::Cmp<safe_cmp_impl::name##Op>(+a, +b); \
} \
template <typename T1, typename T2, \
typename std::enable_if< \
!safe_cmp_impl::IsIntlike<T1>::value || \
!safe_cmp_impl::IsIntlike<T2>::value>::type* = nullptr> \
inline bool name(T1&& a, T2&& b) { \
return safe_cmp_impl::name##Op::Op(a, b); \
int main()
if( Eq( 1, 1 ) )
std::cout << "It's equal" << std::endl;
if( Ne( 1, 2 ) )
std::cout << "It's not equal" << std::endl;
return( 0 );
Upvotes: 0
Views: 108
Reputation: 218098
unary +
trick might be replaced by std::is_convertible<T, int>::value
In addition, the way your write your traits is problematic for gcc 4.6.
Issue is with default template argument.
template <typename X,
typename std::enable_if<
&& std::is_integral<decltype(+std::declval<X>())>::value>::type* = nullptr>
static int Test(int);
template <typename X>
typename std::enable_if<
&& std::is_convertible<T, int>::value,
Upvotes: 2