I want to chain following operations
I wrote createUserandVerify as below. I wonder how should I write uploadStuff
in reactive way. Upload function depends on user credentials. Therefore It must only run after createUserandVerify. I know I could just check count of array inside uploadStuff
and return empty but I wonder the best practices.
func createUserandVerify() -> Single<User> {
return Service.sharedInstance.generateAnonUser()
.flatMap{ user in
if Service.sharedInstance.isOldRegisteredUser {
print("It is old user")
// We need to verify the receipt
return Service.sharedInstance.verifyReceipt()
.flatMap { verifiedUser in
print("Returning Verified new user [Verification Success]")
return Single.just((verifiedUser))
}.catchError{ error ->Single<User> in
print("Returning firstly created user [Verification Failed]")
print("Error Type: \(error)")
return Single.just(user)
} else {
//Normal anonymous old user
print("Returning firstly created user [Anonymous]")
return Single.just(user)
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Assumptions (since I have not worked with Single
I changed them to Observable
func createUserandVerify() -> Observable<User>
func getStuff() -> [Stuff]
func uploadStuff(_ user: User) -> Observable<String>
should publish errors with onError
so uploadStuff
will not be called if something goes wrong.
Possible solution:
enum CustomError: Error {
case instanceMissing
case notEnoughStuff
.flatMap { [weak self] (user) -> Observable<String> in
guard let strongSelf = self else { throw CustomError.instanceMissing }
guard strongSelf.getStuff().count > 0 else { throw CustomError.notEnoughStuff }
return strongSelf.uploadStuff(user)
onNext: { stringResult in
// print result from 'uploadStuff'
onError: { error in
// will be reached if something goes
// wrong in 'createUserandVerify' or 'uploadStuff'
// or if one of your custom errors in 'flatMap' are thrown
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
You could also make getStuff
reactive by returning an Observable
or Single
and also include it in the chain via flatMap
Upvotes: 2