intercept methods through AspectJ. And I need in pointcut expression execution(* *.*(..))
add returning type TestObj. How can I do this?
@Around("@annotation(interceptor) && execution(* *.*(..)) && args(argType, ..)")
public Object logAction(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, Interceptor interceptor, TestObj argType) throws Throwable {
// do smth
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The execution()
expression supports the return type filtering. If you need the return type to be TestObj
, or any of it's subtypes, following should work:
@Around("@annotation(interceptor) && execution(* TestObj *.*(..)) && args(argType, ..)")
public Object logAction(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, Interceptor interceptor, TestObj argType) throws Throwable {
You can find more in the official docs, Chapter 2. Annotations:
execution(public (@Immutable *)*.*(..))
The execution of any public method in a package with prefix, where the method returns an immutable result.
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