Reputation: 1
I am making a project for my university. It is about controlling the lock of the house along with its lighting from your Android phone. Here is the Arduino code.
#include <Servo.h> //Includes servo motor library
char data = 0; //Variable data of type char we will receive these characters from Android device
Servo myservo; //declaring a servo motor
int pos = 0; //default position of lock
int led = 13; //attaching red led for locked position on pin 13
int led2 = 12; //attaching green led for unlocked position on pin 12
int led3 = 7; //attaching lighting of room1 to digital pin 7
int led4 = 4; //attaching lighting of room2 to digital pin 4
int led5 = 8; //attaching lighting of room3 to digital pin 8
int led6 = 2; //attaching lighting of room4 to digital pin 2
void setup() {
myservo.attach(9); //attaching servo motor to pin 9
Serial.begin(9600); //Sets the data rate in bits per second (baud) for serial data transmission.
pinMode(led, OUTPUT); //The code makes the digital pin 13 OUTPUT and toggles it HIGH and LOW.
pinMode(led2, OUTPUT); //The code makes the digital pin 12 OUTPUT and toggles it HIGH and LOW.
pinMode(led3, OUTPUT); //The code makes the digital pin 7 OUTPUT and toggles it HIGH and LOW.
pinMode(led4, OUTPUT); //The code makes the digital pin 4 OUTPUT and toggles it HIGH and LOW.
pinMode(led5, OUTPUT); //The code makes the digital pin 8 OUTPUT and toggles it HIGH and LOW.
pinMode(led6, OUTPUT); //The code makes the digital pin 2 OUTPUT and toggles it HIGH and LOW.
void loop() {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
// Get the number of bytes (characters) available for reading from the serial port.
data =; //Reads incoming serial data
Serial.print(data); //Prints data to the serial port as human-readable ASCII text.
Serial.print("\n"); //new line
if (data == '1') {
digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
//When data = 1 rotate the motor and turn off green light and turn on red light (LOCK the door)
digitalWrite(led2, LOW);
pos = 1;
if (data == '0') {
digitalWrite(led, LOW);
//When data = 0 rotate the motor and turn on green light and turn off red light (UNLOCK the door)
digitalWrite(led2, HIGH);
pos = 0;
if (data == 'G')
digitalWrite(led3, HIGH); //When data = G turn on lighting for room 1
else if (data == 'R')
digitalWrite(led3, LOW); //When data = R turn off lighting for room 1
if (data == 'K')
digitalWrite(led4, HIGH); //When data = K turn on lighting for room 2
else if (data == 'L')
digitalWrite(led4, LOW); //When data = L turn off lighting for room 2
if (data == 'M')
digitalWrite(led5, HIGH); //When data = M turn on lighting for room 3
else if (data == 'N')
digitalWrite(led5, LOW); //When data = N turn off lighting for room 3
if (data == 'O')
digitalWrite(led6, HIGH); //When data = O turn on lighting for room 4
else if (data == 'P')
digitalWrite(led6, LOW); //When data = P turn off lighting for room 4
The Android app is built using App Inventor and it is working as it should, but one thing though... I want the Arduino to send the pos to the Android app then change a label to lock or unlocked accordingly.
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Views: 3347
Reputation: 21
Code to send data from Arduino to Android using Bluetooth
void setup() {
void loop() {
MIT App inventor blocks to receive data from Arduino through Bluetooth
Upvotes: 1