
Reputation: 658

Searching for a string within JSON list

I'm searching for JIRA subtask name (summary) and can't figure it out (posted separate question-Parsing JSON file python). No solution so far then i tried to search list i got, for values under summary (in this case i have 2 tickets, both have subtasks created:

[{u'fields': {u'status': {u'statusCategory': {u'name': u'To Do', u'self': u'', u'id': 2, u'key': u'new', u'colorName': u'blue-gray'}, u'description': u'', u'self': u'', u'iconUrl': u'', u'id': u'10000', u'name': u'Backlog'}, u'priority': {u'iconUrl': u'', u'self': u'', u'name': u'Medium', u'id': u'3'}, u'issuetype': {u'name': u'Sub-task', u'self': u'', u'iconUrl': u'', u'subtask': True, u'avatarId': 10316, u'id': u'10101', u'description': u'The sub-task of the issue'}, u'summary': u'The specified directory could not be found in the specified region.-traider'}, u'self': u'', u'id': u'18938', u'key': u'TECH-1483'}]

[{u'fields': {u'status': {u'statusCategory': {u'name': u'To Do', u'self': u'', u'id': 2, u'key': u'new', u'colorName': u'blue-gray'}, u'description': u'', u'self': u'', u'iconUrl': u'', u'id': u'10000', u'name': u'Backlog'}, u'priority': {u'iconUrl': u'', u'self': u'', u'name': u'Medium', u'id': u'3'}, u'issuetype': {u'name': u'Sub-task', u'self': u'', u'iconUrl': u'', u'subtask': True, u'avatarId': 10316, u'id': u'10101', u'description': u'The sub-task of the issue'}, u'summary': u'The specified directory could not be found in the specified region.-traider'}, u'self': u'', u'id': u'18939', u'key': u'TECH-1484'}]

for both tickets i'm trying to search if value The specified directory could not be found in the specified region.-traider exists. It's under summary if exists, print it, if not print nothing


This code returns, no error nor any result:

import os
import csv
import urllib2
import argparse
import json
from bson import json_util

#password = str(sys.argv[1])

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',

params = (
    ('jql', 'project="Technology" AND summary~"workspace creation*" AND issuetype="Task" AND status!="DONE"'),

response = requests.get('', headers=headers, params=params, auth=('user', 'pass;))

data = response.json()

for issue in data['issues']:
   summary = issue['fields']['subtasks']
   sub='The specified directory could not be found in the specified region.-traider'
   if sub in summary:
     print sub

Upvotes: 0

Views: 250

Answers (1)

Nishant Nawarkhede
Nishant Nawarkhede

Reputation: 8400

You just need to iterate over response

In [41]: print d
{u'expand': u'schema,names', u'total': 2, u'startAt': 0, u'maxResults': 50, u'issues': [{u'expand': u'operations,versionedRepresentations,editmeta,changelog,renderedFields', u'fields': {u'customfield_10700': None, u'creator': {u'avatarUrls': {u'24x24': u'', u'16x16': u'', u'48x48': u'', u'32x32': u''}, u'displayName': u'user', u'name': u'user', u'key': u'user', u'timeZone': u'Europe/Belgrade', u'active': True, u'emailAddress': u'[email protected]', u'self': u''}, u'customfield_10600': None, u'aggregatetimeestimate': None, u'labels': [], u'aggregatetimespent': None, u'watches': {u'self': u'', u'watchCount': 1, u'isWatching': True}, u'fixVersions': [], u'assignee': None, u'lastViewed': u'2018-04-19T14:43:45.534+0000', u'customfield_11018': None, u'issuelinks': [], u'duedate': None, u'customfield_11019': None, u'customfield_11009': None, u'customfield_11005': None, u'customfield_11004': None, u'votes': {u'hasVoted': False, u'self': u'', u'votes': 0}, u'customfield_11006': None, u'customfield_11001': None, u'customfield_11000': None, u'customfield_11003': None, u'customfield_11002': None, u'timeoriginalestimate': None, u'description': u'Username:traider1\r\n\r\\r\n\r\nFirst Name:tomb1\r\n\r\nLast Name:raider1', u'customfield_10302': None, u'customfield_11100': None, u'customfield_11101': None, u'customfield_11102': None, u'created': u'2018-04-17T12:03:20.000+0000', u'priority': {u'iconUrl': u'', u'self': u'', u'name': u'Medium', u'id': u'3'}, u'timespent': None, u'customfield_10000': None, u'progress': {u'progress': 0, u'total': 0}, u'customfield_10108': None, u'customfield_10300': u'com.atlassian.servicedesk.plugins.approvals.internal.customfield.ApprovalsCFValue@38ef713', u'customfield_11008': None, u'status': {u'statusCategory': {u'colorName': u'blue-gray', u'self': u'', u'name': u'To Do', u'key': u'new', u'id': 2}, u'description': u'', u'self': u'', u'iconUrl': u'', u'id': u'10000', u'name': u'Backlog'}, u'updated': u'2018-04-19T06:58:37.000+0000', u'subtasks': [{u'fields': {u'status': {u'statusCategory': {u'colorName': u'blue-gray', u'self': u'', u'name': u'To Do', u'key': u'new', u'id': 2}, u'description': u'', u'self': u'', u'iconUrl': u'', u'id': u'10000', u'name': u'Backlog'}, u'priority': {u'iconUrl': u'', u'self': u'', u'name': u'Medium', u'id': u'3'}, u'issuetype': {u'name': u'Sub-task', u'self': u'', u'iconUrl': u'', u'subtask': True, u'avatarId': 10316, u'id': u'10101', u'description': u'The sub-task of the issue'}, u'summary': u'The specified directory could not be found in the specified region.-traider1'}, u'self': u'', u'id': u'18938', u'key': u'TECH-1483'}], u'aggregateprogress': {u'progress': 0, u'total': 0}, u'reporter': {u'avatarUrls': {u'24x24': u'', u'16x16': u'', u'48x48': u'', u'32x32': u''}, u'displayName': u'user', u'name': u'user', u'key': u'user', u'timeZone': u'Europe/Belgrade', u'active': True, u'emailAddress': u'[email protected]', u'self': u''}, u'customfield_11007': None, u'customfield_10107': {u'self': u'', u'id': u'10400', u'value': u'company Internal'}, u'customfield_10301': None, u'versions': [], u'customfield_10103': None, u'customfield_10102': None, u'customfield_10101': [], u'customfield_10100': None, u'customfield_10006': None, u'aggregatetimeoriginalestimate': None, u'customfield_10004': u'0|i013au:', u'customfield_10005': None, u'customfield_10002': None, u'environment': None, u'customfield_10001': None, u'customfield_11016': None, u'customfield_11017': None, u'customfield_11014': None, u'customfield_11015': None, u'customfield_11012': None, u'customfield_11013': None, u'customfield_11010': None, u'customfield_11011': None, u'customfield_10204': None, u'customfield_10205': None, u'customfield_10206': None, u'summary': u'workspace creation-2', u'customfield_10200': None, u'customfield_10201': u'2018-04-19', u'customfield_10202': u'2018-04-19', u'customfield_10203': None, u'project': {u'self': u'', u'avatarUrls': {u'24x24': u'', u'16x16': u'', u'48x48': u'', u'32x32': u''}, u'id': u'10001', u'key': u'TECH', u'name': u'Technology'}, u'components': [], u'issuetype': {u'name': u'Task', u'self': u'', u'iconUrl': u'', u'subtask': False, u'avatarId': 10318, u'id': u'10100', u'description': u'A task that needs to be done.'}, u'resolutiondate': None, u'workratio': -1, u'resolution': None, u'timeestimate': None}, u'self': u'', u'id': u'18812', u'key': u'TECH-1433'}, {u'expand': u'operations,versionedRepresentations,editmeta,changelog,renderedFields', u'fields': {u'customfield_10700': None, u'creator': {u'avatarUrls': {u'24x24': u'', u'16x16': u'', u'48x48': u'', u'32x32': u''}, u'displayName': u'user', u'name': u'user', u'key': u'user', u'timeZone': u'Europe/Belgrade', u'active': True, u'emailAddress': u'[email protected]', u'self': u''}, u'customfield_10600': None, u'aggregatetimeestimate': None, u'labels': [], u'aggregatetimespent': None, u'watches': {u'self': u'', u'watchCount': 1, u'isWatching': True}, u'fixVersions': [], u'assignee': None, u'lastViewed': u'2018-04-19T14:43:07.835+0000', u'customfield_11018': None, u'issuelinks': [], u'duedate': None, u'customfield_11019': None, u'customfield_11009': None, u'customfield_11005': None, u'customfield_11004': None, u'votes': {u'hasVoted': False, u'self': u'', u'votes': 0}, u'customfield_11006': None, u'customfield_11001': None, u'customfield_11000': None, u'customfield_11003': None, u'customfield_11002': None, u'timeoriginalestimate': None, u'description': u'Username:traider\r\n\r\\r\n\r\nFirst Name:tomb\r\n\r\nLast Name:raider', u'customfield_10302': None, u'customfield_11100': None, u'customfield_11101': None, u'customfield_11102': None, u'created': u'2018-04-17T10:24:00.000+0000', u'priority': {u'iconUrl': u'', u'self': u'', u'name': u'Medium', u'id': u'3'}, u'timespent': None, u'customfield_10000': None, u'progress': {u'progress': 0, u'total': 0}, u'customfield_10108': None, u'customfield_10300': u'com.atlassian.servicedesk.plugins.approvals.internal.customfield.ApprovalsCFValue@3860cc5d', u'customfield_11008': None, u'status': {u'statusCategory': {u'colorName': u'blue-gray', u'self': u'', u'name': u'To Do', u'key': u'new', u'id': 2}, u'description': u'', u'self': u'', u'iconUrl': u'', u'id': u'10000', u'name': u'Backlog'}, u'updated': u'2018-04-19T07:10:21.000+0000', u'subtasks': [{u'fields': {u'status': {u'statusCategory': {u'colorName': u'blue-gray', u'self': u'', u'name': u'To Do', u'key': u'new', u'id': 2}, u'description': u'', u'self': u'', u'iconUrl': u'', u'id': u'10000', u'name': u'Backlog'}, u'priority': {u'iconUrl': u'', u'self': u'', u'name': u'Medium', u'id': u'3'}, u'issuetype': {u'name': u'Sub-task', u'self': u'', u'iconUrl': u'', u'subtask': True, u'avatarId': 10316, u'id': u'10101', u'description': u'The sub-task of the issue'}, u'summary': u'The specified directory could not be found in the specified region.-traider'}, u'self': u'', u'id': u'18939', u'key': u'TECH-1484'}], u'aggregateprogress': {u'progress': 0, u'total': 0}, u'reporter': {u'avatarUrls': {u'24x24': u'', u'16x16': u'', u'48x48': u'', u'32x32': u''}, u'displayName': u'user', u'name': u'user', u'key': u'user', u'timeZone': u'Europe/Belgrade', u'active': True, u'emailAddress': u'[email protected]', u'self': u''}, u'customfield_11007': None, u'customfield_10107': {u'self': u'', u'id': u'10400', u'value': u'company Internal'}, u'customfield_10301': None, u'versions': [], u'customfield_10103': None, u'customfield_10102': None, u'customfield_10101': [], u'customfield_10100': None, u'customfield_10006': None, u'aggregatetimeoriginalestimate': None, u'customfield_10004': u'0|i013am:', u'customfield_10005': None, u'customfield_10002': None, u'environment': None, u'customfield_10001': None, u'customfield_11016': None, u'customfield_11017': None, u'customfield_11014': None, u'customfield_11015': None, u'customfield_11012': None, u'customfield_11013': None, u'customfield_11010': None, u'customfield_11011': None, u'customfield_10204': None, u'customfield_10205': None, u'customfield_10206': None, u'summary': u'workspace creation', u'customfield_10200': None, u'customfield_10201': u'2018-04-19', u'customfield_10202': u'2018-04-19', u'customfield_10203': None, u'project': {u'self': u'', u'avatarUrls': {u'24x24': u'', u'16x16': u'', u'48x48': u'', u'32x32': u''}, u'id': u'10001', u'key': u'TECH', u'name': u'Technology'}, u'components': [], u'issuetype': {u'name': u'Task', u'self': u'', u'iconUrl': u'', u'subtask': False, u'avatarId': 10318, u'id': u'10100', u'description': u'A task that needs to be done.'}, u'resolutiondate': None, u'workratio': -1, u'resolution': None, u'timeestimate': None}, u'self': u'', u'id': u'18806', u'key': u'TECH-1427'}]}

In [42]: for issue in d['issues']:
    ...:     for subtask in issue['fields']['subtasks']:
    ...:         if subtask['fields']['summary'] == 'The specified directory could not be found in the specified region.-traider':
    ...:             print(subtask['fields']['summary'])
The specified directory could not be found in the specified region.-traider

In [43]:

Upvotes: 1

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