Reputation: 11
I'm new here and this is my first post. I created a stored procedure in SQL Server that has (4) input parameters and (1) output parameter. The stored procedure is used to insert or delete a record into / from a table. The output parameter is assigned a message to be returned to the ASP page to provide feedback as to what happened in the stored procedure. ie. "Record Inserted", "Record Already Exists", or "Record Deleted".
When I run the code from the web page, records are added and deleted as they should be. The only problem I seem to be having in getting the output parameter to return a value.
When I execute the stored procedure from SQL Server Management Studio, The output parameter is displayed.
I've searched the internet and checked my code against other examples. I am not sure why else I wouldn't get the returned values. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
CREATE PROC My_Stored_Procedure
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@ContactID AS INT = '0', /* Contact ID relates to br_UID from the dbo.Reporting_Contacts table */
@FacNum AS CHAR(4) = '0866', /* Facility Number from the Reporting Admin Page on Intranet */
@EmployeeID AS CHAR(8) = '10023258', /* EmployeeID from the Reporting Admin Page on Intranet */
@Delete AS CHAR(1) = 'N', /* Delete flag value to be passed from webpage on Intranet */
@OutputMessage AS NVARCHAR(200) = 'test' OUTPUT /* To send back sucuess or error messages */
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
-- Set variables for use in Stored Procedure
-- Insert statements for procedure here
IF @Delete = 'N'
Select * FROM dbo.Reporting_Contacts
SET @OutputMessage = 'Contact does not exist as an employee.'
IF @EmployeeID IN (SELECT employeeID FROM dbo.Reporting_Contacts WHERE EmployeeID = @EmployeeID AND FacilityNumber = @FacNum)
SELECT @OutputMessage = 2
PRINT @OutputMessage
SET @OutputMessage = 'This Person is already a contact.'
IF @EmployeeID IN (SELECT HGISSN FROM dbo.EMP_Table) AND @EmployeeID NOT IN (SELECT employeeID FROM dbo.Reporting_Contacts WHERE EmployeeID = @EmployeeID AND FacilityNumber = @FacNum)
INSERT INTO dbo.Reporting_Contacts (employeeID, FacilityNumber, ContactLevel)
VALUES (@EmployeeID, @FacNum, 'S')
SET @OutputMessage = 'New Contact has been added.'
ELSE IF @Delete = 'Y'
DELETE FROM dbo.Reporting_Contacts WHERE br_UID = @ContactID
SET @OutputMessage = 'Record Deleted'
SELECT @OutputMessage
This is my VBScript:
Dim addContacts__ContactID
addContacts__ContactID = "0"
if(Request("ContactID") <> "") then addContacts__ContactID = Request("ContactID")
Dim addContacts__FacNum
addContacts__FacNum = LEFT(Request.Form("FacilityNumber"),4)
if(Request("FacNum") <> "") then addContacts__FacNum = Request("FacNum")
Dim addContacts__EmployeeID
addContacts__EmployeeID = Request.Form("EmployeeID")
if(Request("EmployeeID") <> "") then addContacts__EmployeeID = Request("EmployeeID")
Dim addContacts__Delete
addContacts__Delete = "N"
if(Request("Delete") <> "") then addContacts__Delete = Request("Delete")
Dim strReturnMessage
set addContacts = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
addContacts.ActiveConnection = MY_STRING
addContacts.CommandText = "My_Stored_Procedure"
addContacts.CommandType = 4 'Evaluate as a stored procedure
addContacts.CommandTimeout = 0
addContacts.Prepared = true
addContacts.Parameters.Append addContacts.CreateParameter("@RETURN_VALUE", 3, 4)
addContacts.Parameters.Append addContacts.CreateParameter("@ContactID", 3, 1,10,addContacts__ContactID)
addContacts.Parameters.Append addContacts.CreateParameter("@FacNum", 129, 1,4,addContacts__FacNum)
addContacts.Parameters.Append addContacts.CreateParameter("@EmployeeID", 129, 1,8,addContacts__EmployeeID)
addContacts.Parameters.Append addContacts.CreateParameter("@Delete", 129, 1,1,addContacts__Delete)
addContacts.Parameters.Append addContacts.CreateParameter("@OutputMessage", 200, 2,200)
strReturnMessage = addContacts.Parameters("@OutputMessage")
Upvotes: 1
Views: 4332
Reputation: 31
You are using the same variable as an integer and a string. The stored procedure has one OUTPUT parameter defined - @OutputMessage. This variable is modified and returned by the stored procedure. It is this variable you should be capturing. The code in your stored procedure is confused. Do you want @OutputMessage to be a string or an integer? As an example, see these adjacent lines in your SP:
SELECT @OutputMessage = 2
PRINT @OutputMessage
SET @OutputMessage = 'This Person is already a contact.'
The first line is treating @OutputMessage as an integer (and what is with using the SELECT statement when a SET statement would suffice?) Then you print, no complaints. Then you set it to a text value (at least it is with a SET statement this time).
Look back to the definition of the SP and it defines the parameter as: @OutputMessage AS NVARCHAR(200) = 'test' OUTPUT It is not an integer.
The VB script seems to expect an integer as you try to convert the result using cint, and yet the default value for the variable in the SP is "test".
With cmd
.NamedParameters = true 'Add this line to make things easier to read
.CommandText = "sproc_login"
'.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@RETURN_VALUE", adInteger, adParamReturnValue) 'This is useless and should be removed.
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@username", adVarChar, adParamInput,50,username)
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@password", adVarChar, adParamInput,50,password)
.Parameters.Append (cmd.CreateParameter ("@OutputMessage",adInteger,adParamOutput)) 'This is the variable being returned so get it.
'strResponse = CInt(.Parameters("@Output").value ) 'Confused - @OutputMessage is defined as NVARCHAR(200) - not INTEGER.
strResponse = .Parameters("@OutputMessage").value 'This is much better.
End With
The code in the area "with Response" is also confused and should be re-written.
By clearing up the confusion with using an integer and a string, the code can work.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1420
try something like this
Function LoginUser()
Dim cmd
Set cmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set cmd.ActiveConnection = dbconn
With cmd
.CommandText = "sproc_login"
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@RETURN_VALUE", adInteger, adParamReturnValue)
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@username", adVarChar, adParamInput,50,username)
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@password", adVarChar, adParamInput,50,password)
strResponse = CInt(.Parameters(0).value )
End With
With Response
If strResponse > 0 Then
.Write strSuccess
.Write strFailure
End If
End With
Set cmd = Nothing
End Function
++example use only modify as needed++
Upvotes: 2