Reputation: 553
I know there is a good explanation in the book Entreprise Pharo for deployment production over a Linux server. I followed the tutorial and was able to deploy the same project. However the project contained only a simple class 'MyFirstWebApp' and did not include Seaside framework. The run script was as followed:
ZnServer defaultOn: 8080.
ZnServer default logToStandardOutput.
ZnServer default delegate
map: 'image'
to: MyFirstWebApp new;
map: 'redirect-to-image'
to: [ :request | ZnResponse redirect: 'image' ];
map: '/'
to: 'redirect-to-image'.
ZnServer default start
What about if you have a project with many classes using Seaside framework? I repeated the same procedure for my own Seaside project but I get a message error WARequestContextNotFound
when I launch the script with the following command ./pharo myapp.image
. Any idea?
Upvotes: 4
Views: 815
Reputation: 1218
You're mixing the use of pure Zinc Server delegates with the handling of Seaside Applications. Zinc provides a "server adaptor" for Seaside, that can be setup using ZnZincServerAdaptor startOn: 8080
(or any port of your choice).
If you want to run a Seaside web application, you must deploy an image with the Seaside framework installed in it, along with your own classes (MyFirstWebApp
and friends).
So your
would look more like:
ZnZincServerAdaptor startOn: 8080.
ZnZincServerAdaptor default server debugMode: true.
ZnServer default logToStandardOutput.
"Here you register the Seaside application _class_"
(WAAdmin register: MyFirstWebApp asApplicationAt: 'image')
preferenceAt: #serverPath put: '/'.
WAAdmin defaultDispatcher defaultName: 'image'.
Upvotes: 6