Reputation: 11
I want to create a Amortisation calculator to obtain a quote from a number N of lenders for 36 month loans where each lender have a different interest rate. The goal is to provide as low a rate as possible and provide the monthly repayment amount and the total repayment amount. The result of my code is close but not exact.
I am using the formula
calculating i
(the interest rate) as total amount lended / requested amount
, where the total amount lended is the money lended per each of lender multiply by the lender's rate.
BigDecimal requestedAmountP = new BigDecimal("" + requestedAmount);
BigDecimal minLendersRate = calculateRate(requestedAmount, lenders);
// r*P/(1 - (1+r)^(-N)) if r != 0
// P/N if r == 0
BigDecimal monthlyRepayment;
if (minLendersRate.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0) {
monthlyRepayment = requestedAmountP.divide(DURATION_MONTHS, MathContext.DECIMAL128);
} else {
BigDecimal r = calculateEffectiveInterestInMonths(minLendersRate);
BigDecimal tmp = r.add(BigDecimal.ONE).pow(-DURATION_MONTHS.intValue(), MathContext.DECIMAL128);
BigDecimal dividend = BigDecimal.ONE.subtract(tmp);
monthlyRepayment = r.multiply(requestedAmountP).divide(dividend, MathContext.DECIMAL128);
BigDecimal totalRepayment = monthlyRepayment.multiply(DURATION_MONTHS);
To calculate rate:
private BigDecimal calculateRate(double requestedAmount, List<Lender> lenders) {
List<Lender> sortedLenders =;
List<BigDecimal> moneyLended = moneyLended(requestedAmount, sortedLenders);
BigDecimal totalMoneyLended = IntStream.range(0, moneyLended.size())
.mapToObj(index -> moneyLended.get(index).multiply(sortedLenders.get(index).getRate()))
.reduce(BigDecimal.ZERO, BigDecimal::add);
return totalMoneyLended.divide(new BigDecimal("" + requestedAmount), MathContext.DECIMAL128);
private List<BigDecimal> moneyLended(double requestedAmount, List<Lender> sortedLenders) {
List<BigDecimal> moneyLended = new ArrayList<>(sortedLenders.size());
int i = 0;
Double remaining = requestedAmount;
while (remaining > 0) {
if (remaining - sortedLenders.get(i).getAvailable().doubleValue() >= 0) {
remaining = remaining - sortedLenders.get(i).getAvailable().doubleValue();
} else {
remaining = 0d;
return moneyLended;
To calculate Effective Interest in Months
private BigDecimal calculateEffectiveInterestInMonths(BigDecimal nominalInterest) {
// Formula: ((1+nominalInterest)^(1/12))-1
BigDecimal exp = BigDecimal.ONE.divide(new BigDecimal("12"), MathContext.DECIMAL128);
return BigDecimalMath.pow(BigDecimal.ONE.add(nominalInterest), exp, MathContext.DECIMAL128)
It seems there is a problem with decimal operations but I can't spot where.
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Views: 117