Reputation: 99
I´m trying to make a code that enables the user to click in 3 points on a window and then the code will automaticly generate a triangle with said points. The code is also suposed to draw the incircle and circumcircle of the generated triangle. So far I have been able to make it work for the incircle that its properly centered and it is able to create the circumcircle but it´s not properly centered given the fact that i haven´t been able to figure out how to calculate the circumcenter of said triangle.
If any of you have any tip in how to calculate the circumcenter in my case I would really appreciate it. Thank a lot in Advanced
import java.awt.*;
import static java.awt.Color.BLACK;
import static java.awt.Color.BLUE;
import static java.awt.Color.RED;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import static java.lang.Math.sqrt;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
public class graficadorTriangulo extends JComponent
private double [] coordinatesX;
private double [] coordinatesY;
public graficadorTriangulo (double [] valoresX, double [] valoresY )
coordenadasX = valoresX;
coordenadasY = valoresY;
public void paintComponent (Graphics g)
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
Point2D.Double click1Pun = new Point2D.Double(coordenadasX[0], coordenadasY[0]);
Point2D.Double click2Pun = new Point2D.Double(coordenadasX[1], coordenadasY[1]);
Point2D.Double click3Pun= new Point2D.Double(coordenadasX[2], coordenadasY[2]);
Point2D.Double click4Pun = new Point2D.Double(coordenadasX[0]/2, coordenadasY[0]/2);
Point2D.Double click1Mitad = new Point2D.Double(coordenadasX[0]/2, coordenadasY[0]/2);
Point2D.Double click2Mitad = new Point2D.Double(coordenadasX[1]/2, coordenadasY[1]/2);
Point2D.Double click3Mitad = new Point2D.Double(coordenadasX[2]/2, coordenadasY[2]/2);
Line2D.Double ladoaLin = new Line2D.Double(click1Pun, click2Pun);
Line2D.Double ladobLin = new Line2D.Double(click1Pun, click3Pun);
Line2D.Double ladocLin = new Line2D.Double(click2Pun, click3Pun);
double magnitudA = Math.sqrt( ( (coordenadasX[1] - coordenadasX[0] ) * ( coordenadasX[1]- coordenadasX[0] ) ) + ( ( coordenadasY[1] - coordenadasY[0] ) * ( coordenadasY[1] - coordenadasY[0] ) ) );
double magnitudB = Math.sqrt( ( (coordenadasX[2] - coordenadasX[1] ) * ( coordenadasX[2]- coordenadasX[1] ) ) + ( ( coordenadasY[2] - coordenadasY[1] ) * ( coordenadasY[2] - coordenadasY[1] ) ) );
double magnitudC = Math.sqrt( ( (coordenadasX[0] - coordenadasX[2] ) * ( coordenadasX[0]- coordenadasX[2] ) ) + ( ( coordenadasY[0] - coordenadasY[2] ) * ( coordenadasY[0] - coordenadasY[2] ) ) );
double perimetroTriangulo = magnitudA + magnitudB + magnitudC;
double incentroNumeradorx = ((coordenadasX[0]*magnitudB)+(coordenadasX[1]*magnitudC)+(coordenadasX[2]*magnitudA));
double incentroNumeradory = ((coordenadasY[0]*magnitudB)+(coordenadasY[1]*magnitudC)+(coordenadasY[2]*magnitudA));
double incentroX = incentroNumeradorx/perimetroTriangulo;
double incentroY = incentroNumeradory/perimetroTriangulo;
Point2D.Double incentroPunto = new Point2D.Double(incentroX,incentroY);
double magnitudD = Math.sqrt( ( (incentroX - coordenadasX[3] ) * ( incentroX- coordenadasX[3] ) ) + ( ( incentroY - coordenadasY[3] ) * ( incentroY - coordenadasY[3] ) ) );
Line2D.Double centroaLin = new Line2D.Double(incentroPunto, click1Pun);
Line2D.Double centrobLin = new Line2D.Double(incentroPunto, click2Pun);
Line2D.Double centrocLin = new Line2D.Double(incentroPunto, click3Pun);
double magPerpendicularX = coordenadasX[1] - coordenadasX[0];
double magPerpendicularY = coordenadasY[1] - coordenadasY[0];
double magnitudBase = sqrt(magPerpendicularX*magPerpendicularX + magPerpendicularY*magPerpendicularY);
magPerpendicularX /= magnitudBase;
magPerpendicularY /= magnitudBase ;
double lambda = (magPerpendicularX * (incentroX - coordenadasX[0])) + (magPerpendicularY * (incentroY - coordenadasY[0]));
double x4 = (magPerpendicularX * lambda) + coordenadasX[0];
double y4 = (magPerpendicularY * lambda) + coordenadasY[0];
Point2D.Double pointPerpendicular= new Point2D.Double(x4,y4);
Line2D.Double ladoH = new Line2D.Double(incentroPunto, pointPerpendicular);
double magnitudRadioincentro= Math.sqrt( ( (x4 - incentroX ) * ( x4- incentroX ) ) + ( ( y4 - incentroY ) * ( y4 - incentroY ) ) );
int magnitudDiametroincentro = (int)magnitudRadioincentro *2;
int x = (int)incentroX;
int y = (int)incentroY;
int x2 = (int)incentroX;
int y2 = (int)incentroY;
x = x-(magnitudDiametroincentro/2);
y = y-(magnitudDiametroincentro/2);
double magnitudRadiocircuncentro = (magnitudA*magnitudB*magnitudC)/
int magnitudDiametrocircuncentro= (int)magnitudRadiocircuncentro *2;
x2 = x2-(magnitudDiametrocircuncentro/2);
y2 = y2-(magnitudDiametrocircuncentro/2);
double angle = (double) Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2( coordenadasX[1] - coordenadasX[0], coordenadasY[1] - coordenadasY[0]));
if(angle < 0){
angle += 360;
System.out.println("***********" + angle);
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Views: 944
Reputation: 36
Given three points whose coordinates are:
(p,t) (q,u) (s,z)
...the equation of the circle defined by those three points is:
x^2 + y^2 + Ax + By + C = 0
where: ```
B=-((q-p)*z^2+(p-s)*u^2+(s-q)*t^2+(q-p)*s^2+(p^2- q^2)*s+p*q^2-p^2*q)/((q-p)*z+(p-s)*u+(s-q)*t)
```` The above is the general solution. You can put the formulas for A, B, and C into your program and find the equation for any circle, given 3 points.
For your particular problem with points (0,1) (1,0) (0,-1) you will get:
... so the equation will be
x^2 + y^2 -1 = 0 (the unit circle
Upvotes: 1