Reputation: 145
whats the difference between class and instance in lua?
I know classes are like the template and the instance is the object created from the template but I am wondering what the difference in code is.
my goal is to make a system that works like this..
local class = require "class"
local widget = class("class.widget")
function widget:create()
--create variables here
function widget:update()
--update variables here
function widget:render()
--widget render
return widget
local class = require "class"
local widget = require "class.widget"
local button = class("button", widget)
function button:create(x, y)
--create variables here
function button:update()
--update variables here
function button:render()
--widget render
return button
local button = require "class.widget.button.lua"
button1 = button(0, 0)
button2 = button(0, 16)
Upvotes: 1
Views: 244
Reputation: 145
even though this hasn't been answered, this right here is working exactly the way I want it to
I am posting it here if anybody wants to use it
EDIT: this is a better version for both me and any one looking for a good lua class
return function(name, base)
local class = {}
--private vars
class.__name = name
class.__base = base
class.__index = class
class.__event = "create"
class.onCreate = function(inst) end
class.onUpdate = function(inst) end
class.onRender = function(inst) end
class.onDelete = function(inst) end
class.create = function(inst) inst.__event = "create" inst:onCreate() end
class.update = function(inst) inst.__event = "update" inst:onUpdate() end
class.render = function(inst) inst.__event = "render" inst:onRender() end
class.delete = function(inst) inst.__event = "delete" inst:onDelete() end
class.getBase = function(inst) return inst.__base end
class.getName = function(inst) return inst.__name end
class.inheritEvent = function(inst)
if inst.__event == "create" then inst.__base:create() end
if inst.__event == "update" then inst.__base:update() end
if inst.__event == "render" then inst.__base:render() end
if inst.__event == "delete" then inst.__base:delete() end
local MT = {}
MT.__index = base
function MT:__call(_, ...)
local inst = setmetatable({}, class)
inst:create(inst, ...)
return inst
return setmetatable(class, MT)
Upvotes: 1