
Reputation: 7567

How to force a Flutter application restart (in production mode)?

In production mode, is there a way to force a full restart of the application (I am not talking about a hot reload at development time!).

Practical use cases:

In both use cases, I would like the application to proceed with a full restart, rather than having to build a complex logic at the ApplicationState level.

Upvotes: 136

Views: 144586

Answers (14)

Abdullah Alamodi
Abdullah Alamodi

Reputation: 349

There is another way no one mentioned

were we can add entryPoint method inside main and for restart just call that method it's even more useful if you wanna pass env for example here is the code

void main() async {
  await entryPoint(;

and to restart call this method from anywhere will restart the entire app

// restart
await entryPoint(

this is more helpful if you have configurations like sentry and you wanna update it based on [env] for example where sentry configuration before runApp.

Upvotes: 0

Luke Hutchison
Luke Hutchison

Reputation: 9230

Here is a simplification of the answer by Rémi Rousselet:

Create a global ValueNotifier<UniqueKey>:

/// Write a new UniqueKey to this to restart the app
final ValueNotifier<UniqueKey> appRestartNotifier = ValueNotifier(UniqueKey());

Then in main:

    // Resart the app if the appRestartNotifier changes
    valueListenable: appRestartNotifier,
    builder: (context, key, _) {
      logInfo('Building app');
      return MaterialApp(
        key: key,

Then to "restart" the app, from anywhere:

appRestnartNotifier.value = UniqueKey();

Although note that as others have observed, this is not a "hard restart" -- it just basically rebuilds the entire widget tree. Which will probably do nothing more than you would get from changing the current route (depending on the state management and routing mechanism of your app).

Upvotes: 6

Emmanuel Kasongo Mavetya
Emmanuel Kasongo Mavetya

Reputation: 1696

The code bellow worked for me by navigating to the stateful widget which is called in the void main function located in main.dart, in my case that widget is called MyApp.

Navigator.pushAndRemoveUntil(context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context)=>MyApp()), (route) => false);

Upvotes: 1

Hossein Yousefpour
Hossein Yousefpour

Reputation: 4963

I developed the restart_app plugin, with +200 likes in, to restart the whole app with native APIs.

Update May 25, 2023:

The package now supports all Android, iOS and Web platforms.

Upvotes: 30

Nikhil Biju
Nikhil Biju

Reputation: 825

I tried the above suggested methods and none of them worked and i was using getx. so i ended up modified the accepted answer with a delay as a workaround and it works now.

   class RestartAppWidget extends StatefulWidget {

  final Widget child;

  static void restartApp(BuildContext context) {

  _RestartAppWidgetState createState() => _RestartAppWidgetState();

class _RestartAppWidgetState extends State<RestartAppWidget> {
  bool restarting = false;

  void restartApp() async {
    restarting = true;   // restart variable is set to true
    setState(() {});
    Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 300)).then((value) {
      setState(() {
        restarting = false; //restart variable is set to false
    // setState(() {
    //   key = UniqueKey();
    // });

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    if (restarting) {
      return SizedBox();   //an empty Sizedbox is displayed for 300 milliseconds you can add a loader if you want
    return SizedBox(
      child: widget.child,

wrap the root widget with RestartAppWidget

      child: MyApp(),

you can use this code to restart the app at flutter level


Upvotes: 1

Damia Fuentes
Damia Fuentes

Reputation: 5503

Thecnically this is not a restart but it will work for most of the scenarios:

// Remove any route in the stack
Navigator.of(context).popUntil((route) => false);

// Add the first route. Note MyApp() would be your first widget to the app.
  CupertinoPageRoute(builder: (context) => const MyApp()),

Upvotes: 9

Reputation: 574

Follow the steps-

  1. Go to your terminal and type in the following:
flutter pub add flutter_restart

This will update some dependencies in pubspec.yaml file.

  1. Import the following package in whichever file you want to implement the restart code-
import 'package:flutter_restart/flutter_restart.dart';
  1. Create a void function
void _restartApp() async {
  await FlutterRestart.restartApp();
  1. Write this wherever you want to start the app-

Upvotes: 0

Aayush Rawat
Aayush Rawat

Reputation: 109

I wanted to restart my app after logout. so I used (flutter phoenix). It worked for me.

  1. Install flutter_phoenix by running this command on your terminal inside your flutter app directory. $ flutter pub add flutter_phoenix
  2. Import it inside your "main.dart".
  3. Wrap your root widget inside Phoenix.
      child: MyApp()

  1. Now you can call this wherever you want to restart your app :- Phoenix.rebirth(context)

Note: flutter_phoenix does not restart the app on OS level, it only restarts the app on app level.

Upvotes: 4

Shahryar Rafique
Shahryar Rafique

Reputation: 1358

I just want to add Regarding I have Tried @Remi answer which works great on most of the cases to restart the app. The only problem with the answer is that some things if you are doing Navigation route extensively you probably go to a state which It gives you an error like, The method 'restartApp' was called on null. To resolve this error you have to know the Context and use Navigator.of(context).pop(); multiples times back. For me, the solution is that just go to the initial route. It will inject all the states from a new. Where you want to restart just add this Line.

 Navigator.pushNamedAndRemoveUntil(context,'/',(_) => false);

If you want to only restart a specific widget then the Remi solution is awesome. Thanks for the solution Remi though. It help me understand states in flutter.

Upvotes: 21


Reputation: 61

I have found Hossein's restart_app package also pretty useful for native restarts (not only on Flutter level).

To everyone having the MissingPluginException error, just reinstall the app again on the device, means that hot reload won't work. The app has native methods which need to compiled in the Android/iOS App.

Upvotes: 5

Mina Farid
Mina Farid

Reputation: 5887

So simple package: flutter_restart

flutter_restart: ^0.0.3

to use:

void _restartApp() async {

Upvotes: 8


Reputation: 609

The flutter_phoenix package is based on Rémi Rousselet's answer, making it even simpler.

void main() {
      child: App(),

Then when you need to restart the app, just call:


Upvotes: 57

R&#233;mi Rousselet
R&#233;mi Rousselet

Reputation: 277467

You could wrap your whole app into a statefulwidget. And when you want to restart you app, rebuild that statefulwidget with a child that possess a different Key.

This would make you loose the whole state of your app.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() {
      child: MaterialApp(),

class RestartWidget extends StatefulWidget {

  final Widget child;

  static void restartApp(BuildContext context) {

  _RestartWidgetState createState() => _RestartWidgetState();

class _RestartWidgetState extends State<RestartWidget> {
  Key key = UniqueKey();

  void restartApp() {
    setState(() {
      key = UniqueKey();

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return KeyedSubtree(
      key: key,
      child: widget.child,

In this example you can reset your app from everywhere using RestartWidget.restartApp(context).

Upvotes: 244

David H Moreno
David H Moreno

Reputation: 704

You can also use the runApp(new MyWidget) function to do something similar

This is what this function does:

Inflate the given widget and attach it to the screen.

The widget is given constraints during layout that force it to fill the entire screen. If you wish to align your widget to one side of the screen (e.g., the top), consider using the Align widget. If you wish to center your widget, you can also use the Center widget

Calling runApp again will detach the previous root widget from the screen and attach the given widget in its place. The new widget tree is compared against the previous widget tree and any differences are applied to the underlying render tree, similar to what happens when a StatefulWidget rebuilds after calling State.setState.

Upvotes: 9

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