Reputation: 287
I now this is duplicated question but not any solution solve my problem. I'm new in IOS and i'm using TabBar Controller in my project using swift 4. TabBar is working perfect but design issues on Iphone X. Storyboard preview is ok on IphonX but Simulator and devices showing design issue.. view my storyboard
i'm not using any custom view for TabBar. I have also checked used safe area layouts guides in my project.
and my TabBar controller code is
import UIKit
class TabBarSingleton: NSObject {
static let sharedInstance = TabBarSingleton()
var tabBarObject : UITabBar?
override init(){}
class TabBarViewController:
UITabBarController,UITabBarControllerDelegate {
let userID = PSStateManager.sharedManager.userId
override func viewDidLoad() {
TabBarSingleton.sharedInstance.tabBarObject = self.tabBar
for vc in viewControllers!{
vc.tabBarItem.imageInsets=UIEdgeInsetsMake(-2, 0, +2, 0)
self.tabBar.unselectedItemTintColor = UIColor.init(hexString: "#5E5E5E")
self.tabBar.tintColor=UIColor.init(hexString: "#36C4E5")
self.delegate = self
self.tabBar.barTintColor = themeColor
self.tabBar.isTranslucent = false
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
patientStatisticCallerFunc(userID: userID!) { (model) in
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
override func tabBar(_ tabBar: UITabBar, didSelect item: UITabBarItem) {
let navVC = selectedViewController as! PSNavigationViewController
navVC.popToRootViewController(animated: false)
func changeSelectionColor() {
let numberOfItems = CGFloat(tabBar.items!.count)
let tabBarItemSize = CGSize(width: tabBar.frame.width / numberOfItems, height: tabBar.frame.height)
tabBar.selectionIndicatorImage = UIImage.imageWithColor(color: UIColor.white, size: tabBarItemSize).resizableImage(withCapInsets: .zero)
// remove default border
tabBar.frame.size.width = self.view.frame.width + 4
tabBar.frame.origin.x = -2
// tab bar item tint color for selected and unselected and font size
let colorNormal : UIColor = UIColor.init(hexString: "#5E5E5E")
let selectedColor : UIColor = UIColor.init(hexString: "#36C4E5")
let titleFontAll : UIFont = UIFont(name: "segoeui", size: 9.0)!
let attributesNormal = [
NSAttributedStringKey.foregroundColor : colorNormal,
NSAttributedStringKey.font : titleFontAll
let attributesSelected = [
NSAttributedStringKey.foregroundColor : selectedColor,
NSAttributedStringKey.font : titleFontAll
UITabBarItem.appearance().setTitleTextAttributes(attributesNormal, for: .normal)
UITabBarItem.appearance().setTitleTextAttributes(attributesSelected, for: .selected)
UITabBarItem.appearance().titlePositionAdjustment = UIOffset(horizontal: 0, vertical: -3)
func tabBarController(_ tabBarController: UITabBarController, didSelect viewController: UIViewController) {
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
if #available(iOS 11.0, *) {
self.tabBar.insetsLayoutMarginsFromSafeArea = true
func tabBarController(_ tabBarController: UITabBarController, shouldSelect viewController: UIViewController) -> Bool {
let tabViewControllers = tabBarController.viewControllers!
guard let toIndex = tabViewControllers.index(of: viewController) else {
return false
animateToTab(toIndex: toIndex)
return true
func animateToTab(toIndex: Int) {
let tabViewControllers = viewControllers!
let fromView = selectedViewController!.view
let toView = tabViewControllers[toIndex].view
let fromIndex = tabViewControllers.index(of: selectedViewController!)
guard fromIndex != toIndex else {return}
// Add the toView to the tab bar view
// Position toView off screen (to the left/right of fromView)
let screenWidth = UIScreen.main.bounds.size.width;
let scrollRight = toIndex > fromIndex!;
let offset = (scrollRight ? screenWidth : -screenWidth)
toView?.center = CGPoint(x: (fromView?.center.x)! + offset, y: (toView?.center.y)!)
// Disable interaction during animation
view.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
UIView.animate(withDuration: mediumTranstionDuration, delay: 0.0, usingSpringWithDamping: 1, initialSpringVelocity: 0, options: UIViewAnimationOptions.curveEaseOut, animations: {
// Slide the views by -offset
fromView?.center = CGPoint(x: (fromView?.center.x)! - offset, y: (fromView?.center.y)!);
toView?.center = CGPoint(x: (toView?.center.x)! - offset, y: (toView?.center.y)!);
}, completion: { finished in
// Remove the old view from the tabbar view.
self.selectedIndex = toIndex
self.view.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
func changeLabelColors(inView: UIView) {
// MARK: - Navigation
// In a storyboard-based application, you will often want to do a little preparation before navigation
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
// Get the new view controller using segue.destinationViewController.
// Pass the selected object to the new view controller.
Upvotes: 4
Views: 1272
Reputation: 20804
I was having the same issue and was solved using this class for my UITabBar
@IBDesignable class CustomTabBar: UITabBar {
@IBInspectable var height: CGFloat = 0.0
override func sizeThatFits(_ size: CGSize) -> CGSize {
var sizeThatFits = super.sizeThatFits(size)
if height > 0.0 {
sizeThatFits.height = height
if(isiPhoneXScreen()) {
sizeThatFits.height = height + 35
return sizeThatFits
then you only have to replace the normal UITabBar
for your CustomTabBar
class in the storyboard
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 3395
Change this vc.tabBarItem.imageInsets=UIEdgeInsetsMake(-2, 0, +2, 0)
to vc.tabBarItem.imageInsets=UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 0, 0, 0)
also this UITabBarItem.appearance().titlePositionAdjustment = UIOffset(horizontal: 0, vertical: -3)
to UITabBarItem.appearance().titlePositionAdjustment = UIOffset(horizontal: 0, vertical: 0)
Upvotes: 0