Reputation: 1403
I downloaded the PrimeFaces showcase-6.2.war and deployed it on JBoss WildFly 12.0.0.Final running on EE 8. The drag and drop 'DataTable' example works fine.
For a test/PoC I have replicated the showcase example (exactly) just using some of my own data. Which populates & displays in the DataTable.
However, when I drag an item to the 'Selected Pane' I get the error:
SEVERE [javax.enterprise.resource.webcontainer.jsf.context] (default task-1) javax.el.MethodNotFoundException: Method not found: class com.notifywell.controller.NOTiFYwellController.onIngredientDrop(org.primefaces.event.DragDropEvent)
The XHTML that calls this is:
<p:droppable for="fieldsetSelectedIngredients" tolerance="touch" activeStyleClass="ui-state-highlight" datasource="dataTableAvailableIngredients" onDrop="handleDrop">
<p:ajax listener="#{nOTiFYwellController.onIngredientDrop}" update="dropArea dataTableAvailableIngredients" />
PrimeFace ShowCase :
<p:ajax listener="#{dndCarsView.onCarDrop}" update="dropArea availableCars" />
My Java 'backing bean' with the method ''onIngredientDrop":
@ViewScoped // OmniFaces 3.1
//@ManagedBean(name="nOTiFYwellController") // Deprecated
public class NOTiFYwellController implements Serializable {
public void onIngredientDrop(DragDropEvent ddEvent) {
Ingredient ingredient = ((Ingredient) ddEvent.getData());"***** onIngredientDrop ddEvent = {}", ddEvent.getData());
PrimeFace ShowCase:
public void onCarDrop(DragDropEvent ddEvent) {
Car car = ((Car) ddEvent.getData());
The error is due to the p:ajax listener
not passing the DragDropEvent parameter.
In the PF ShowCase example, the parameter isn't required. How can I get the 'DragDropEvent' in my backing bean?
If I make the 'onIngredientDrop' method with no parameters it gets called and displays a (revised) log message.
My environment:
PrimeFace 6.2.3 JSF 2.3 JBoss WildFly 12.0.0.FINAL Java version 1.8.0_66 (build 1.8.0_66-b17) Google Chrome Version 66.0.3359.117 (Official Build) (64-bit) macOS High Sierra 10.13.4
Upvotes: 1
Views: 675
Reputation: 1403
Your code contains a contradiction: @Model = @Named +@RequestScoped and the additional @Named is taking the default class name. So please make up your mind.... And an @Path on a bean that is used from JSF is also uncommon. Maybe you need to put more code in a service class and call that class from either a @Path+@Model annotated class and Also from a @Named and @ViewScoped. At the same time that would be weird that you want the usage from two different scoped beans – Kukeltje
Solved by @Kukeltje suggestion.
Yes, the error was mixing the annotations for a JSF backing bean in my @Model Controller.
I moved the method 'onIngredientDrop' to a 'dedicated' JSF backing bean and included in my WAR for deployment.
// @ManagedBean(name = "ingredientBean") // Deprecated
public class IngredientBean implements Serializable {
private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
private List<Ingredient> droppedIngredients = new ArrayList<Ingredient>();
* @param ddEvent DragDropEvent
public void onIngredientDrop(DragDropEvent ddEvent) {
Ingredient ingredient = ((Ingredient) ddEvent.getData());"***** onIngredientDrop ingredient = {}", ingredient.toString());
WildFly console output:
12:10:04,021 INFO [com.notifywell.jsf.IngredientBean] (default task-3) ***** onIngredientDrop ingredient = Ingredient{id='5aec3dc5c0a118606e42a11b', ingredientName='Folic Acid'}
Upvotes: 1