Reputation: 5224
I have this resource defined in my ARM template, with a single API, with a single operation, but when i deploy the template it does not include the API. What am I missing?
"apiVersion": "2017-03-01",
"name": "[variables('am-apimanagement-service-name')]",
"type": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service",
"location": "North Europe",
"tags": {},
"sku": {
"name": "[parameters('am-sku')]",
"capacity": "[parameters('am-skuCount')]"
"properties": {
"publisherEmail": "[parameters('am-publisher-email-p')]",
"publisherName": "[parameters('am-publisher-name-p')]",
"resources": [
"type": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis",
"apiVersion": "2017-03-01",
"name": "testapi",
"dependsOn": [
"properties": {
"displayName": "TestApi",
"description": "",
"serviceUrl": "",
"path": "testpath",
"protocols": [
"authenticationSettings": null,
"subscriptionKeyParameterNames": null,
"isCurrent": true,
"apiVersion": null,
"resources": [
"apiVersion": "2017-03-01",
"type": "operations",
"name": "GetOperation",
"dependsOn": [
"[concat('Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/', variables('am-apimanagement-service-name'), '/apis/testapi')]"
"properties": {
"displayName": "GET",
"method": "GET",
"urlTemplate": "/resource",
"description": "Get"
It creates the API management resource just fine, but it does not include my API.
I must be configuring something wrong, I just cant see it.
Basically what I want is an API that calls a Web API located in same resource group.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 302
Reputation: 5224
The missing part here is that I was unable to wrap my head around the simple fact that the subresources was put under the properties. When this was corrected, everything was fine:
"apiVersion": "2017-03-01",
"name": "[variables('am-apimanagement-service-name')]",
"type": "Microsoft.ApiManagement/service",
"location": "North Europe",
"sku": {
"name": "[parameters('am-sku')]",
"capacity": "[parameters('am-skuCount')]"
"properties": {
"publisherEmail": "[parameters('am-publisher-email-p')]",
"publisherName": "[parameters('am-publisher-name-p')]"
"resources": [
"type": "apis",
"apiVersion": "2017-03-01",
"name": "test",
"dependsOn": [
"properties": {
"displayName": "test",
"description": "",
"serviceUrl": "[concat('https://test-webapi-',parameters('environment'),'')]",
"path": "test",
"protocols": [
"isCurrent": true
"resources": [
"apiVersion": "2017-03-01",
"type": "operations",
"name": "Get",
"dependsOn": [
"[concat('Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/', variables('am-apimanagement-service-name'), '/apis/test')]"
"properties": {
"displayName": "GET",
"method": "GET",
"urlTemplate": "/api/sites",
"description": "Get"
Upvotes: 1