
Reputation: 658

Calling a method from the same class

I'm writing a class for a simple game of 4 in a row, but I'm running into a problem calling a method in the same class. Here's the whole class for the sake of completeness:

class Grid:
    grid = None
    # creates a new empty 10 x 10 grid
    def reset():
        Grid.grid = [[0] * 10 for i in range(10)]
    # places an X or O
    def place(player,x,y):
        Grid.grid[x][y] = player
    # returns the element in the grid
    def getAt(x,y):
        return Grid.grid[x][y]
    # checks for wins in a certain direction
    def checkLine(player,v,count,x,y):
        x = x+v[0]
        y = y+v[1]
        if x < 0 or x > 9:
        if y < 0 or y > 9:
        if Grid.grid[x][y] == p:
            count = count+1
            if count == 4:
                return True
        return False
    # returns the number of the player that won
    def check():
        i = 'i'
        for x in range(0,10):
            for y in range(0,10):
                if Grid.grid[x][y] > 0:
                    p = Grid.grid[x][y]
                    f = checkLine(p,0,array(i,[1,0]),x,y)
                    if f:
                        return p
                    f = checkLine(p,0,array(i,[0,1]),x,y)
                    if f:
                        return p
                    f = checkLine(p,0,array(i,[1,1]),x,y)
                    if f:
                        return p
                    f = checkLine(p,0,array(i,[-1,0]),x,y)
                    if f:
                        return p
                    f = checkLine(p,0,array(i,[0,-1]),x,y)
                    if f:
                        return p
                    f = checkLine(p,0,array(i,[-1,-1]),x,y)
                    if f:
                        return p
                    f = checkLine(p,0,array(i,[1,-1]),x,y)
                    if f:
                        return p
                    f = checkLine(p,0,array(i,[-1,1]),x,y)
                    if f:
                        return p
        return 0
    reset = staticmethod(reset)
    place = staticmethod(place)
    getAt = staticmethod(getAt)
    check = staticmethod(check)
    checkLine = staticmethod(checkLine)

I'm trying to call checkLine() from check(), but I get the error "NameError: global name 'checkLine' is not defined". When I call Grid.checkLine() instead, I get "TypeError: 'module' object is not callable"

How do I call checkLine()?



class Grid(object):
    grid = None
    # creates a new empty 10 x 10 grid
    def reset(self):
        Grid.grid = [[0] * 10 for i in range(10)]
    # places an X or O
    def place(self,player,x,y):
        Grid.grid[x][y] = player
    # returns the element in the grid
    def getAt(self,x,y):
        return Grid.grid[x][y]
    # checks for wins in a certain direction
    def checkLine(self,player,v,count,x,y):
        x = x+v[0]
        y = y+v[1]
        if x < 0 or x > 9:
        if y < 0 or y > 9:
        if Grid.grid[x][y] == p:
            count = count+1
            if count == 4:
                return True
        return False
    # returns the number of the player that won
    def check(self):
        i = 'i'
        for x in range(0,10):
            for y in range(0,10):
                if Grid.grid[x][y] > 0:
                    p = Grid.grid[x][y]
                    for vx in range(-1,2):
                        for vy in range(-1,2):
                            f = self.checkLine(p,0,array(i,[vx,vy]),x,y)
                            if f:
                                return p
        return 0
    reset = staticmethod(reset)
    place = staticmethod(place)
    getAt = staticmethod(getAt)
    check = staticmethod(check)
    checkLine = staticmethod(checkLine)

Upvotes: 7

Views: 26995

Answers (7)


Reputation: 1

Java programmer as well here, here is how I got it to call an internal method:

class Foo:
    variable = 0

    def test(self):
        self.variable = 'Hi'

    def test2(self):

tmp = Foo()

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 625





Upvotes: 3


Reputation: 956

Instead of operating on an object, you are actually modifying the class itself. Python lets you do that, but it's not really what classes are for. So you run into a couple problems

-You will never be able to make multiple Grids this way

  • the Grid can't refer back to itself and e.g. call checkLine

After your grid definition, try instantiating your grid and calling methods on it like this

aGrid = Grid()

To do that you, you first need to modify all of the method definitions to take "self" as your first variable and in check, call self.checkLine()

def check(self):

Also, your repeated checking cries out for a FOR loop. You don't need to write out the cases.

Upvotes: 0

Hugh Bothwell
Hugh Bothwell

Reputation: 56694

A reworked example (hopefully showing a better use of classes!)

import itertools

    rng = xrange   # Python 2.x
except NameError:
    rng = range    # Python 3.x

class Turn(object):
    def __init__(self, players):
        self.players = itertools.cycle(players)

    def __call__(self):
        return self.now

    def next(self):
        self.now = self.players.next()

class Grid(object):
    EMPTY = ' '
    WIDTH = 10
    HEIGHT = 10

    def __init__(self, debug=False):
        self.debug = debug
        self.grid = [Grid.EMPTY*Grid.WIDTH for i in rng(Grid.HEIGHT)]
        self.player = Turn(['X','O'])

    def set(self, x, y):
        if self.grid[y][x]==Grid.EMPTY:
            t = self.grid[y]
            self.grid[y] = t[:x] + self.player() + t[x+1:]
            raise ValueError('({0},{1}) is already taken'.format(x,y))

    def get(self, x, y):
        return self.grid[y][x]

    def __str__(self):
        corner = '+'
        hor = '='
        ver = '|'
        res = [corner + hor*Grid.WIDTH + corner]
        for row in self.grid[::-1]:
            res.append(ver + row + ver)
        res.append(corner + hor*Grid.WIDTH + corner)
        return '\n'.join(res)

    def _check(self, s):
        if self.debug: print("Check '{0}'".format(s))
        # Exercise left to you!
        # See if a winning string exists in s
        # If so, return winning player char; else False
        return False

    def _checkVert(self):
        if self.debug: print("Check verticals")
        for x in rng(Grid.WIDTH):
            winner = self._check([self.get(x,y) for y in rng(Grid.HEIGHT)])
            if winner:
                return winner
        return False

    def _checkHoriz(self):
        if self.debug: print("Check horizontals")
        for y in rng(Grid.HEIGHT):
            winner = self._check([self.get(x,y) for x in rng(Grid.WIDTH)])
            if winner:
                return winner
        return False

    def _checkUpdiag(self):
        if self.debug: print("Check up-diagonals")
        for y in rng(Grid.HEIGHT-Grid.WINLENGTH+1):
            winner = self._check([self.get(d,y+d) for d in rng(min(Grid.HEIGHT-y, Grid.WIDTH))])
            if winner:
                return winner
        for x in rng(1, Grid.WIDTH-Grid.WINLENGTH+1):
            winner = self._check([self.get(x+d,d) for d in rng(min(Grid.WIDTH-x, Grid.HEIGHT))])
            if winner:
                return winner
        return False

    def _checkDowndiag(self):
        if self.debug: print("Check down-diagonals")
        for y in rng(Grid.WINLENGTH-1, Grid.HEIGHT):
            winner = self._check([self.get(d,y-d) for d in rng(min(y+1, Grid.WIDTH))])
            if winner:
                return winner
        for x in rng(1, Grid.WIDTH-Grid.WINLENGTH+1):
            winner = self._check([self.get(x+d,d) for d in rng(min(Grid.WIDTH-x, Grid.HEIGHT))])
            if winner:
                return winner
        return False

    def isWin(self):
        "Return winning player or False"
        return self._checkVert() or self._checkHoriz() or self._checkUpdiag() or self._checkDowndiag()

def test():
    g = Grid()
    for o in rng(Grid.WIDTH-1):
    return g

g = test()
print g.isWin()

Upvotes: 1

Senthil Kumaran
Senthil Kumaran

Reputation: 56951

There are multiple problems in your class definition. You have not defined array which you are using in your code. Also in the checkLine call you are sending a int, and in its definition you are trying to subscript it. Leaving those aside, I hope you realize that you are using staticmethods for all your class methods here. In that case, whenever you are caling your methods within your class, you still need to call them via your class's class object. So, within your class, when you are calling checkLine, call it is as Grid.checkLine That should resolve your NameError problem.

Also, it looks like there is some problem with your module imports. You might have imported a Module by name Grid and you have having a class called Grid here too. That Python is thinking that you are calling your imported modules Grid method,which is not callable. (I think,there is not a full-picture available here to see why the TypeError is resulting)

The best way to resolve the problem, use Classes as they are best used, namely create objects and call methods on those objects. Also use proper namespaces. And for all these you may start with some good introductory material, like Python tutorial.

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 880757

Get rid of the class. Use plain functions and module level variable for grid. The class is not helping you in any way.

PS. If you really want to call checkline from within the class, you'd call Grid.checkline. For example:

class Foo:
    def test():
    def test2():




Upvotes: 12

Foo Bah
Foo Bah

Reputation: 26281

Unlike java or c++, in python all class methods must accept the class instance as the first variable. In pretty much every single python code ive seen, the object is referred to as self. For example:

def reset(self):
    self.grid = [[0] * 10 for i in range(10)]

See http://docs.python.org/tutorial/classes.html

Note that in other languages, the translation is made automatically

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