Reputation: 913
Where let's say:
datatype bin_tree = Empty |
Node of value * bin_tree * bin_tree
How would I go about filling a binary tree (not a binary search tree where left is smaller than root and right bigger). Just values from a list inserted at each node in a binary tree.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1484
Reputation: 5944
It's not really possible to help you, without knowing more about how you wan't your tree constructed from a given list. However here is an example that creates a balanced tree. It takes the first element and uses it as the node value, and then it splits the rest of the list into two sub lists of equal size (if possible), by taking all "even" element in the "left" list and all "odd" elements in the "right" list:
datatype 'a bin_tree = Empty
| Node of 'a * 'a bin_tree * 'a bin_tree
fun list_split xs =
fun loop [] (left, right) = (rev left, rev right)
| loop (x::y::xs) (left, right) = loop xs (x :: left, y :: right)
| loop (x :: xs) (left, right) = loop xs (x :: left, right)
loop xs ([], [])
fun built_tree [] = Empty
| built_tree (x :: xs) =
val (left, right) = list_split xs
val left_tree = built_tree left
val right_tree = built_tree right
Node (x, left_tree, right_tree)
The result:
- built_tree [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];
val it =
(1,Node (2,Node (4,Node (8,Empty,Empty),Empty),Node (6,Empty,Empty)),
Node (3,Node (5,Node (9,Empty,Empty),Empty),Node (7,Empty,Empty)))
: int bin_tree
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 50948
You use the value constructors you've declared.
If we assume for a moment that value
is int
instead, then we for instance have that the tree
/ \
2 4
is represented by:
Node (1,
Node (2,
Node (3, Empty, Empty),
Node (4, Empty, Empty)
Or, equivalently, on one line:
Node (1, Node (2, Node (3, Empty, Empty), Empty), Node (4, Empty, Empty))
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 3183
Here is an answer to the same question done in Java. This will probably help a good bit :).
Upvotes: -2