Reputation: 109
I am writing this not for asking the question, but sharing the knowledge. I was using Spark to connect to snowflake. But I could not access snowflake. It seemed like there was something wrong with internal JDBC driver in databricks.
Here was the error I got.
I tried many versions of snowflake jdbc drivers and snowflake drivers. It seemed like I could match the correct one.
Upvotes: 7
Views: 5264
Reputation: 1264
If you are using Databricks, there is a Databricks Snowflake connector created jointly by Databricks and Snowflake people. You just have to provide a few items to create a Spark dataframe (see below -- copied from the Databricks document).
# snowflake connection options
options = dict(sfUrl="<URL for your Snowflake account>",
sfDatabase="<The database to use for the session after connecting>",
sfSchema="<The schema to use for the session after connecting>",
sfWarehouse="<The default virtual warehouse to use for the session after connecting>")
df = \
.format("snowflake") \
.options(**options) \
.option("dbtable", "<The name of the table to be read>") \
As long as you are accessing your own databases with all the access rights granted correctly, this only take a few minutes, even during our first attempt.
Good luck!
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 923
You need to set the CLASSPATH Variables to point to jar like below. You need to set up SPARK_HOME and SCALA_HOME besides PYTHONPATH also.
export CLASSPATH=/snowflake-jdbc-3.8.0.jar:/spark-snowflake_2.11-2.4.14-spark_2.4.jar
You can also load in memory jars in your code to resolve this issue.
spark = SparkSession \ .builder \ .config("spark.jars", "file:///app/snowflake-jdbc-3.9.1.jar,file:///app/spark-snowflake_2.11-2.5.3-spark_2.2.jar") \ .config("spark.repl.local.jars", "file:///app/snowflake-jdbc-3.9.1.jar,file:///app/spark-snowflake_2.11-2.5.3-spark_2.2.jar") \ .config("spark.sql.catalogImplementation", "in-memory") \ .getOrCreate()
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 21563
Answer as given by the asker (I just extracted it from the question for better site usability:
Step 1: Create cluster with Spark version - 2.3.0. and Scala Version - 2.11
Step 2: Attached snowflake-jdbc-3.5.4.jar to the cluster.
Step 3: Attached spark-snowflake_2.11-2.3.2 driver to the cluster.
Here is the sample code.
val SNOWFLAKE_SOURCE_NAME = "net.snowflake.spark.snowflake"
val sfOptions = Map(
"sfURL" -> "<snowflake_url>",
"sfAccount" -> "<your account name>",
"sfUser" -> "<your account user>",
"sfPassword" -> "<your account pwd>",
"sfDatabase" -> "<your database name>",
"sfSchema" -> "<your schema name>",
"sfWarehouse" -> "<your warehouse name>",
"sfRole" -> "<your account role>",
"region_id"-> "<your region name, if you are out of us region>"
val df: DataFrame =
.option("dbtable", "<your table>")
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 279
Please update to the latest version of the Snowflake JDBC driver (3.2.5); that should resolve this issue. Thanks!
Upvotes: -4