I am making a game in SpriteKit for iOS, and I want my app to support iOS 8.0 devices. I changed my deployment target to 8.0, and suddenly I have an error:
Main.storyboard:7Ti-J4-z1q: error: Safe Area Layout Guide before iOS 9.0
So I Google how to disable them, and I uncheck the "Safe Area Layout Guide" box in all of my storyboards:
I build again, only to the same error, even though it is unchecked. I tried restarting Xcode, deleting and recreating the storyboards, but nothing seems to work!
Does anyone know how to fix this issue? Thanks!
After restarting Xcode, the check box reappears checked, even after unchecking and saving.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 924
Ok, after searching through settings, I realized that you also have to uncheck safe area layout guides under your view controller, so now I have unchecked it there and it builds successfully!
Upvotes: 1