Reputation: 127
I'm using Wikidata with the purpose to find, for the String "Scotland", the values of the properties "type / instance of", "subclass of" and "part of" if they exist.
For example, manually by browsing the Wikidata's website, I type Scotland, I find the ressource and those data are displayed inside it, just like : Thus I can see that Scotland is an instance of "country within the United Kingdom".
What would be the equivalent query in SPARQL to do that please ?
I tried this "valid" query but it whether does not return any results or bypasses the time limit :
SELECT ?instanceOf ?subclassOf ?partOf WHERE {
?word rdfs:label ?label;
wdt:P361 ?instanceOf;
wdt:P279 ?subclassOf;
wdt:P361 ?partOf.
FILTER(CONTAINS(?label, "Scotland"))
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en".}
Upvotes: 0
Views: 826
Reputation: 30534
If you already now Scotland is Entity Q22 on wikidata,you can use the
URL to retrieve all the statements related to Scotland, without using SQARQL:
See also: About Data in WikiData's help.
To search matching entities by a string, use the wbsearchentities REST API, for example: .
Upvotes: 2