Reputation: 93
I am trying to create a grammar which accepts any character or number or just about anything, provided its length is equal to 1.
Is there a function to check the length?
Let me make my question more clear with an example. I wrote the following code:
grammar first;
tokens {
SET = 'set';
VAL = 'val';
UND = 'und';
CON = 'con';
ON = 'on';
OFF = 'off';
@parser::members {
private boolean inbounds(Token t, int min, int max) {
int n = Integer.parseInt(t.getText());
return n >= min && n <= max;
parse : SET expr;
expr : VAL('u'('e')?)? String |
UND('e'('r'('l'('i'('n'('e')?)?)?)?)?)? (ON | OFF) |
CON('n'('e'('c'('t')?)?)?)? oneChar
CHAR : 'a'..'z';
DIGIT : '0'..'9';
String : (CHAR | DIGIT)+;
dot : .;
oneChar : dot { $dot.text.length() == 1;} ;
Space : (' ' | '\t' | '\r' | '\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;};
I want my grammar to do the following things:
In my grammar all the three requirements I have listed above are not working fine. Don't know why.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 2542
Reputation: 170207
There are some mistakes and/or bad practices in your grammar:
The following is not a validating predicate:
{$dot.text.length() == 1;}
A proper validating predicate in ANTLR has a question mark at the end, and the inner code has no semi colon at the end. So it should be:
{$dot.text.length() == 1}?
You should not be handling these alternative commands:
: VAL('u'('e')?)? String
| UND('e'('r'('l'('i'('n'('e')?)?)?)?)?)? (ON | OFF)
| CON('n'('e'('c'('t')?)?)?)? oneChar
in a parser rule. You should let the lexer handle this instead. Something like this will do it:
: VAL String
| UND (ON | OFF)
| CON oneChar
// ...
VAL : 'val' ('u' ('e')?)?;
UND : 'und' ( 'e' ( 'r' ( 'l' ( 'i' ( 'n' ( 'e' )?)?)?)?)?)?;
CON : 'con' ( 'n' ( 'e' ( 'c' ( 't' )?)?)?)?;
(also see #5!)
Your lexer rules:
CHAR : 'a'..'z';
DIGIT : '0'..'9';
String : (CHAR | DIGIT)+;
are making things complicated for you. The lexer can produce three different kind of tokens because of this: CHAR
or String
. Ideally, you should only create String
tokens since a String
can already be a single CHAR
. You can do that by adding the fragment
keyword before these rules:
fragment CHAR : 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z';
fragment DIGIT : '0'..'9';
String : (CHAR | DIGIT)+;
There will now be no CHAR
tokens in your token stream, only String
tokens. In short: fragment
rules are only used inside lexer rules, by other lexer rules. They will never be tokens of their own (and can therefor never appear in any parser rule!).
The rule:
dot : .;
does not do what you think it does. It matches "any token", not "any character". Inside a lexer rule, the .
matches any character but in parser rules, it matches any token. Realize that parser rules can only make use of the tokens created by the lexer.
The input source is first tokenized based on the lexer-rules. After that has been done, the parser (though its parser rules) can then operate on these tokens (not characters!!!). Make sure you understand this! (if not, ask for clarification or grab a book about ANTLR)
Take the following grammar:
p : . ;
A : 'a' | 'A';
B : 'b' | 'B';
The parser rule p
will now match any token that the lexer produces: which is only a A
- or B
-token. So, p
can only match one of the characters 'a'
, 'A'
, 'b'
or 'B'
, nothing else.
And in the following grammar:
prs : . ;
FOO : 'a';
BAR : . ;
the lexer rule BAR
matches any single character in the range \u0000 .. \uFFFF
, but it can never match the character 'a'
since the lexer rule FOO
is defined before the BAR
rule and captures this 'a'
already. And the parser rule prs
again matches any token, which is either FOO
or BAR
Putting single characters like 'u'
inside your parser rules, will cause the lexer to tokenize an u
as a separate token: you don't want that. Also, by putting them in parser rules, it is unclear which token has precedence over other tokens. You should keep all such literals outside your parser rules and make them explicit lexer rules instead. Only use lexer rules in your parser rules.
So, don't do:
pRule : 'u' ':' String
String : ...
but do:
pRule : U ':' String
U : 'u';
String : ...
You could make ':'
a lexer rule, but that is of less importance. The 'u'
however can also be a String
so it must appear as a lexer rule before the String
Okay, those were the most obvious things that come to mind. Based on them, here's a proposed grammar:
grammar first;
: (SET expr {System.out.println("expr = " + $expr.text);} )+ EOF
: VAL String {System.out.print("A :: ");}
| UL (ON | OFF) {System.out.print("B :: ");}
| CON oneChar {System.out.print("C :: ");}
: String {$String.text.length() == 1}?
SET : 'set';
VAL : 'val' ('u' ('e')?)?;
UL : 'und' ( 'e' ( 'r' ( 'l' ( 'i' ( 'n' ( 'e' )?)?)?)?)?)?;
CON : 'con' ( 'n' ( 'e' ( 'c' ( 't' )?)?)?)?;
ON : 'on';
OFF : 'off';
String : (CHAR | DIGIT)+;
fragment CHAR : 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z';
fragment DIGIT : '0'..'9';
Space : (' ' | '\t' | '\r' | '\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;};
that can be tested with the following class:
import org.antlr.runtime.*;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String source =
"set value abc \n" +
"set underli on \n" +
"set conn x \n" +
"set conn xy ";
ANTLRStringStream in = new ANTLRStringStream(source);
firstLexer lexer = new firstLexer(in);
CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
firstParser parser = new firstParser(tokens);
System.out.println("parsing:\n======\n" + source + "\n======");
which, after generating the lexer and parser:
java -cp antlr-3.2.jar org.antlr.Tool first.g javac -cp antlr-3.2.jar *.java java -cp .:antlr-3.2.jar Main
prints the following output:
set value abc
set underli on
set conn x
set conn xy
A :: expr = value abc
B :: expr = underli on
C :: expr = conn x
line 0:-1 rule oneChar failed predicate: {$String.text.length() == 1}?
C :: expr = conn xy
As you can see, the last command, C :: expr = conn xy
, produces an error, as expected.
Upvotes: 8