
Reputation: 7467

Storing input value to check wether postcondition holds true when applying Design-by-Contract

I make use of the assertthat package quite often to check postconditions in functions. When reading more about the idea of Design by Contract I stumbled upon the idea to make checks of output in comparison to input values.

The most simple example is the following:

toggle <- function(x)!x

One can immediately state that x == !old_x must always be true. (old_x stands for the value of x before evaluation.)

(Of course this example is oversimplified and the postcondition does not add more useful information for humans or computers. A more useful example is on the bottom of the question..)

So I can extend my toggle function as follows to check that condition with every call:

toggle <- function(x){
  old_x <- x
  x <- !x
  assertthat::assert_that(x == !old_x)

This works of course but I wondered if there's another way to access the value of old_x without explicitely store it (or the result) under a new name. And without splitting the postcondition-checking code to the top and bottom of the function. Something along the line of how R evaluates function calls..

One attempt I can think of is to use and eval.parent to access to the old values:

toggle <- function(x){
  x <- !x
  .x <- eval.parent(as.list([[2]])
  assertthat::assert_that(x == !.x)

This works, but I still need to assign a new variable .x and also the subsetting with [[2]] is not flexible yet. However writing it like assertthat::assert_that(x == !eval.parent(as.list([[2]]) does not work and playing around with the search levels of ..) did not help.

Another (a bit more useful) example where the postcondition adds some information:

increment_if_smaller_than_2 <- function(x){
  old_x <- x
  x <- ifelse(x < 2, x <- x + 1, x)
  assertthat::assert_that(all(x >= old_x))

Any hints?

Upvotes: 4

Views: 55

Answers (1)


Reputation: 372

You can access the old parameter-values by accessing it via the parent environment. For this solution to work, you need to introduce new variable(s) for the return-result, i.e. retval, to prevent re-assignments to method-params. IMHO this isn't a serious drawback, since it's good programming-style not to overwrite method-parameters anyway. You could i.e. do the following:

test <- function(.a) {
  retval <- 2 * .a
  assertthat::assert_that(abs(retval) >= abs(.a))

a <- 42
# [1] 84

If you would like to take it a step further and submit the assertion-function dynamically you could do that as follows:

test_with_assertion <- function(.a, assertion) {
  retval <- 2 * .a
  assertthat::assert_that(assertion(retval, eval.parent(.a)))

a <- 42
test_with_assertion(a, function(new_value, old_value) 
  abs(new_value) >= abs(eval.parent(old_value)) )
# [1] 84

Does this do, what you intended to do?

Upvotes: 1

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