Reputation: 1208
I am trying to pull substrings out of text files in bulk saving these substrings to an array. I have tried variations of the following. This outputs all of the selected strings to the screen but only saves the final output to the variable. Is there a way to mimic the functionality of a =+ operator in outvariable so that all items get stored in an array?
$FILES = ls "*.txt"
foreach($f in $FILES){
$in=Get-Content $f
$in | Foreach { Select-String -Path "$f" -Pattern "Ad ID" -outvariable
array1 }}
In the event that my strategy is misguided, the overall purpose of pulling substrings into an array is to have several arrays of separate substrings of these text files. Then I will concatenate the values into a csv. I'm attempting to pull elements out rather than re-arrange the text files as substrings within the text files are in different order. Example:
Txt File One:
Ad Id: xxxx
Ad Text: blah blah
Ad placement: spaceship
Txt File Two:
Ad Id: yyyy
Ad placement: zoo
Ad Text: blah blah
Final desired result (this part is working except for the order of the elements)
CSV file
xxxx, spaceship, blah blah
yyyy, zoo, blah blah
Upvotes: 1
Views: 5881
Another slightly different approach.
) and value what is behind$Data = ForEach ($File in (Get-ChildItem File*.txt)){
ForEach ($Line in (Get-Content $File)){
If ($Line -Match "AD (?<Label>.*?): (?<Value>.*)"){
Set-Variable -Name "$($Matches.Label)" -Value $Matches.Value
[PSCustomObject]@{ID = $Id
Placement = $placement
Text = $Text}
$Data | Export-CSv ".\Result.csv" -NoTypeInformation
Sample output:
ID Placement Text
-- --------- ----
xxxx spaceship blah blah
yyyy zoo blah blah
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1782
Try this one:
$files = ls "*.txt"
$dictionary = @{}
foreach($f in $files) {
$in = Get-Content $f
$in.Split([Environment]::NewLine) | ForEach-Object {
$key,$value = $_.Split(':')
$dictionary[$key] = $value
$dictionary['Ad Id'] + ', ' + $dictionary['Ad placement'] + ', ' + $dictionary['Ad Text'] | Out-File -FilePath '.\results.csv' -Append
Sorted output:
$files = ls "fil*.txt"
$dictionary = @{}
[System.Collections.Generic.List[String]]$list = @()
foreach($f in $files) {
$in = Get-Content $f
$in.Split([Environment]::NewLine) | ForEach-Object {
$key,$value = $_.Split(':')
$dictionary[$key] = $value
[void]$list.Add( $dictionary['Ad Id'] + ', ' + $dictionary['Ad placement'] + ', ' + $dictionary['Ad Text'] )
$list | Out-File -FilePath '.\results.csv' -Append
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 16236
Here is a way to build the array you are talking about. I do not think this is the best way to solve this problem. This does nothing about the order of results, nor does it create a .csv file.
$FILES = Get-ChildItem -File -Filter "*.txt"
$array1 = $()
foreach($f in $FILES) {
Get-Content -Path $f |
Select-String -Pattern "Ad Id.*" |
ForEach-Object { $array1 += @($_.Matches.Value) }
Upvotes: 2