Reputation: 85
I have tried to build LSTM model with this sample of dataset
(patient number, time in mill/sec., normalization of X Y and Z, kurtosis, skewness, pitch, roll and yaw, label) respectively.
and this what i have done with the code
train = np.loadtxt("featwithsignalsTRAIN.txt", delimiter=",")
test = np.loadtxt("featwithsignalsTEST.txt", delimiter=",")
x_train = train[:,[2,3,4,5,6,7]]
x_test = test[:,[2,3,4,5,6,7]]
y_train = train[:,8]
y_test = test[:,8]
x_train = x_train.reshape((-1,1,6))
model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(64,activation='relu',input_shape=(1, 6)))
model.add(Dense(1, activation='softmax'))
metrics=['accuracy']), y_train, batch_size = 128, epochs = 10, verbose = 2)
there is no error but the accuracy is very low and the loss is very high
Epoch 1/20 - 63s - loss: 15.0343 - acc: 0.0570 Epoch 2/20 - 60s - loss: 15.0343 - acc: 0.0570 Epoch 3/20 - 60s - loss: 15.0343 - acc: 0.0570 Epoch 4/20 - 60s - loss: 15.0343 - acc: 0.0570
Upvotes: 0
Views: 766
Reputation: 85
the wrong here is the use of the softmax activation function,, because it is used for categorical problems.. but this is a binary problem so the best activation function is the sigmoid
Upvotes: 1