
Reputation: 1693

How do I download multiple files or an entire folder from Google Colab?

Currently, I can download files as individual files with the command


I also tried uploading them to the drive with the below code snippet but it is uploading them as individual files.

uploaded = drive.CreateFile({'title': file_name})
uploaded.SetContentString('Sample upload file content')
print('Uploaded file with ID {}'.format(uploaded.get('id')))

How can I download multiple files as a folder to my local computer? Or how can I upload these files as a folder to my google drive?

Upvotes: 153

Views: 259386

Answers (11)


Reputation: 2300

The following solution worked for me with low latency:

Step 1: Mount the google drive.

Step 2: Zip the content.

!zip -r destination_path_to_zip_file.zip source_path_to_zip

Step 3: Copy the zip file to the google drive.

!cp source destination

Step 4: Download the file.

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 307

  1. If Drive and Colab Notebook both are your private:

    • a) Mount the Drive,
    • b) travers the path to your folder, click on "..." in front of the file name and use the path to the file/folder
  2. If You want to download a special folder without mounting Drive:

    • a) make a zip file of your folder (for single file no need for zipping)

    • b) !gdown --id zip_file_id 'like this id 1ZxqBjXlF0H6.....'

    • c) for file_id

      1-- -----use Get Link or Share of your ziped file --- enter image description here 2-- -------ID part of your file share link-------

enter image description here

Upvotes: -1


Reputation: 63

Use the copy path for the folder which you want to download. Then:

from google.colab import files

Upvotes: 1

Aravind R
Aravind R

Reputation: 1281

!zip -r /content/sample_data.zip /content/sample_data
# change sample_data.zip to your desired download name Ex: nothing.zip
# change sample_data to your desired download folder name Ex: ner_data 

enter image description here

Upvotes: 15

Sneha Valabailu
Sneha Valabailu

Reputation: 115

In my case, I had to download an entire folder containing h5 files(for submitting a college project) of each model my notebook built. Easiest way I found to download this folder and hence all files in the folder is to drag and drop the folder into the "My Drive" folder in the same folder tree.

Drive folder and folder to be uploaded highlighted

Obviously I later downloaded the folder from Google Drive.

Upvotes: 8

Shubham Panchal
Shubham Panchal

Reputation: 4299

You may use code to zip folders and download them using files.

#@title Utility to zip and download a directory
#@markdown Use this method to zip and download a directory. For ex. a TB logs 
#@markdown directory or a checkpoint(s) directory.

from google.colab import files
import os

dir_to_zip = 'dir_name' #@param {type: "string"}
output_filename = 'file.zip' #@param {type: "string"}
delete_dir_after_download = "No"  #@param ['Yes', 'No']

os.system( "zip -r {} {}".format( output_filename , dir_to_zip ) )

if delete_dir_after_download == "Yes":
    os.system( "rm -r {}".format( dir_to_zip ) )

files.download( output_filename )

Upvotes: 6

Muhammad Ali Abbas
Muhammad Ali Abbas

Reputation: 401

For example, if you have to download log folder:

!zip -r log.zip log/

-r represent recursive

while log.zip is destination zip file and log/ is source folder path

enter image description here

Upvotes: 37


Reputation: 769

I found that:

!zip -r ./myresultingzippedfolderwithallthefiles.zip ./myoriginalfolderwithallthefiles/

worked for me in colab.

Here . can be your home directory or the directory where your original myoriginalfolderwithallthefiles is and where myresultingzippedfolderwithallthefiles.zip will be created. Change the directories as needed.

Upvotes: 12

Shashank Mishra
Shashank Mishra

Reputation: 4017

I have created a zip file:

!zip -r /content/file.zip /content/Folder_To_Zip

Than I have downloded that zip file:

from google.colab import files

Upvotes: 390

Bob Smith
Bob Smith

Reputation: 38674

Use tar to group files in a directory into a single file.

For example, here's a snippet that creates a directory, 3 files inside it, and a .tar archive containing the group:

!mkdir demo
!echo a > demo/a
!echo b > demo/b
!echo c > demo/c
!tar -cvf demo.tar demo/

The file to download would be demo.tar in this case. For more tips, search for creating and expanding tar archives.

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 441

Copy this code into a cell, and change the 2 fields filename and folders_or_files_to_save. It will zip all of the folders or files into a zipfile and save it in your Google drive

#@title save yo data to drive
filename = "kerasmodel" #@param {type:"string"}
folders_or_files_to_save = "keras_model.h5" #@param {type:"string"}
from google.colab import files
from google.colab import auth
from googleapiclient.http import MediaFileUpload
from googleapiclient.discovery import build

def save_file_to_drive(name, path):
    file_metadata = {
    'name': name,
    'mimeType': 'application/octet-stream'

    media = MediaFileUpload(path, 

    created = drive_service.files().create(body=file_metadata, media_body=media, fields='id').execute()

    print('File ID: {}'.format(created.get('id')))

    return created

extension_zip = ".zip"

zip_file = filename + extension_zip

# !rm -rf $zip_file
!zip -r $zip_file {folders_or_files_to_save} # FOLDERS TO SAVE INTO ZIP FILE

drive_service = build('drive', 'v3')

destination_name = zip_file
path_to_file = zip_file
save_file_to_drive(destination_name, path_to_file)

Upvotes: 4

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