Reputation: 5966
I am writing an app that uploads an image to a server, and instead of just showing a spinner, I'd love to be able to get progress on the status of that upload.
Additionally, I want to do this without using Multipart form data. This is the code I'm currently using - but it appears to be stalling out with a broken pipe, and I have zero feedback as to whether data is being sent to the server:
Future<String> _uploadFile(File assetFile) async {
final url = <removed>;
final stream = await assetFile.openRead();
int length = assetFile.lengthSync();
final client = new HttpClient();
final request = await client.postUrl(Uri.parse(url));
request.headers.add(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/octet-stream");
request.contentLength = length;
await request.addStream(stream);
final response = await request.close();
// response prociessing.
Is it possible to send large data as a stream without reading it into memory, and can I get progress on that upload with current dart / flutter APIs?
Upvotes: 30
Views: 33215
Reputation: 44808
A day after posting this I realized that this is not actually measuring the upload progress, but only the progress of reading the bytes from the local JSON payload, which is almost instantaneous. If/when I figure out how to actually measure the upload progress, I'll update this answer.
This works for me, without using Multipart:
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
// ...
final jsonPayload = {'base64File': 'abc123', 'something': 'else'};
// We are using a StreamedRequest so we can track the upload progress
final streamedRequest = http.StreamedRequest("POST", apiUri);
streamedRequest.headers['content-type'] = 'application/json';
// Length transferred (to calculate upload progress)
var transferredLength = 0;
// Upload progress (from 0.0 to 1.0)
var uploadProgress = 0.0;
// The stringified JSON payload
var stringEncodedPayload = jsonEncode(jsonPayload);
// Total length (to calculate upload progress)
var totalLength = stringEncodedPayload.length;
// Create a stream of the payload string
// Transform the string-stream to a byte stream (List<int>)
// Start reading the stream in chunks, submitting them to the streamedRequest for upload
.listen((chunk) {
transferredLength += chunk.length;
uploadProgress = transferredLength / totalLength;
print("Chunk: ${chunk.length}, transferred: $transferredLength, progress: $uploadProgress");
}, onDone: () {
print("Done. Total: $totalLength, transferred: $transferredLength, progress: $uploadProgress");
final result = await client.send(streamedRequest).then(http.Response.fromStream);
The output:
flutter: Chunk: 1024, transferred: 1024, progress: 0.0008807503580198599
flutter: Chunk: 1024, transferred: 2048, progress: 0.0017615007160397197
flutter: Chunk: 1024, transferred: 3072, progress: 0.0026422510740595796
flutter: Chunk: 1024, transferred: 1159168, progress: 0.9970094052784814
flutter: Chunk: 1024, transferred: 1160192, progress: 0.9978901556365013
flutter: Chunk: 1024, transferred: 1161216, progress: 0.9987709059945211
flutter: Chunk: 1024, transferred: 1162240, progress: 0.9996516563525409
flutter: Chunk: 405, transferred: 1162645, progress: 1.0
flutter: Done. Total: 1162645, transferred: 1162645, progress: 1.0
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 268174
Screenshot (Null Safe):
This solution
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
class _MyPageState extends State<MyPage> {
int _total = 0, _received = 0;
late http.StreamedResponse _response;
File? _image;
final List<int> _bytes = [];
Future<void> _downloadImage() async {
_response = await http.Client()
.send(http.Request('GET', Uri.parse('')));
_total = _response.contentLength ?? 0; {
setState(() {
_received += value.length;
}).onDone(() async {
final file = File('${(await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory()).path}/image.png');
await file.writeAsBytes(_bytes);
setState(() {
_image = file;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton.extended(
label: Text('${_received ~/ 1024}/${_total ~/ 1024} KB'),
icon: Icon(Icons.file_download),
onPressed: _downloadImage,
body: Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(20.0),
child: Center(
child: SizedBox.fromSize(
size: Size(400, 300),
child: _image == null ? Placeholder() : Image.file(_image!, fit: BoxFit.fill),
Upvotes: 29
Reputation: 342
Try dio library. The onSendProgress
callback would be helpful.
response = await
data: data,
onSendProgress: (int sent, int total) {
print("$sent $total");
Upvotes: 14
Reputation: 51751
The way that you are already using Stream
means that you are not reading the whole file into memory. It's being read in as, probably, 64k chunks.
You could intercept the stream between the producer (File) and consumer (HttpClient) with a StreamTransformer, like this:
int byteCount = 0;
Stream<List<int>> stream2 = stream.transform(
new StreamTransformer.fromHandlers(
handleData: (data, sink) {
byteCount += data.length;
handleError: (error, stack, sink) {},
handleDone: (sink) {
await request.addStream(stream2);
You should see byteCount
incrementing in 64k chunks.
Upvotes: 15