Reputation: 965
I'm making a voxel engine and I can render a chunk. I'm using instanced rendering, meaning that I can render all of the chunk with a single draw call. Every blocks of a chunk has a single int (From 0 to 4095) that defines his block type (0 for air, 1 for dirt, etc...). I wanna be able to render my block by applying the good texture in my fragment shader. My chunk contains a tri-dimensionnal array :
uint8_t blocks[16][16][16]
The problem is that I can't find a way to send my array of int to the shader. I tried using a VBO but it makes no-sense (I didn't get any result). I also tried to send my array with glUniform1iv() but I failed.
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Views: 3150
Reputation: 45352
I do second the approach as laid out in @Xirema's answer, but come to a slightly different recommendation. Since your original data type is just uint8_t
, using an SSBO or UBO directly will require to either waste 3 bytes per element or to manually pack 4 elements into a single uint
. From @Xirema's answer:
For all purposes and intents, data of this type should be treated like texture data. This doesn't mean literally uploading it as texture data, but rather that that's the frame of thinking you should be using when considering how to transfer it.
I totally agree to that. Hence I recommend the use of a Texture Buffer Object (TBO), (a.k.a. "Buffer Texture").
Using glTexBuffer()
you can basically re-interpret a buffer object as a texture. In your case, you can just pack the uint8_t[16][16][16]
array into a buffer and interpret it as GL_R8UI
"texture" format, like this:
uniform usamplerBuffer terrainData;
void main() {
uint terrainType = texelFetch(terrainData, voxel.z * (16*16) + voxel.y * 16 + voxel.x).r
//Do whatever
struct terrain_data {
uint8_t data[16][16][16];
terrain_data data = get_terrain_data();
GLuint tbo;
GLuint tex;
glGenBuffers(1, &tbo);
glBindBuffer(GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER, tbo);
glBufferData(GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER, sizeof(terrain_data),, usage);
glGenTextures(1, &tex);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER, tex);
glTexBuffer(GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER, GL_R8UI, tbo);
Note that this will not copy the data to some texture object. Accessing the texture means directly accessing the memory of the buffer.
TBOs also have the advantage that they are available since OpenGL 3.1.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 20396
For all purposes and intents, data of this type should be treated like texture data. This doesn't mean literally uploading it as texture data, but rather that that's the frame of thinking you should be using when considering how to transfer it.
Or, in more basic terms: don't try to pass this data as uniform data.
If you have access to OpenGL 4.3+ (which is a reasonably safe bet for most hardware no older than 6-8 years), then Shader Storage Buffers are going to be the most laconic solution:
layout(std430, binding = 0) buffer terrainData
int data[16][16][16];
void main() {
int terrainType = data[voxel.x][voxel.y][voxel.z];
//Do whatever
struct terrain_data {
int data[16][16][16];
terrain_data data = get_terrain_data();
GLuint ssbo;
GLuint binding = 0;//Should be equal to the binding specified in the shader code
glGenBuffers(1, &ssbo);
glBufferData(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, GLsizeiptr size,, GLenum usage);
glBindBufferBase(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, binding, ssbo);
Any point after this where you need to update the data, simply bind ssbo
, call glBufferData
(or your preferred method for updating buffer data), and then you're good to go.
If you're limited to older hardware, you do have some options, but they quickly get clunky:
Upvotes: 4