
Reputation: 498

Chrome console auto clear log

I'm using chrome to debug something.But the console will auto clear, and here is the url https://eluxer.net/code?id=105&subid=51824_6967_.What about it?

enter image description here

the url's content is here.search c.clear()

(function() {
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            void setTimeout(function() {
                n.dt || c.clear()
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                    }, 500))
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                                s.progress = !1
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                    n = t.left) : (r = t.left + t.width,
                    n = e.left),
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                extractWords: function(e) {
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                            word: t[0].toLowerCase(),
                            text: t[0],
                            index: t.index
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                        return !!this.hostname && !!s.getRealDomain(this)
                findUrls: function(e) {
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                        return [];
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                        var e = s.getBaseRealHref(this);
                        t[e] = 1
                replaceUrls: function(e, t) {
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                          , n = s.getBaseRealHref(e);
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                            var a = t[n]
                              , i = s.getRealHref(e);
                            e.realHref = i,
                            e.hiddenHref = s.buildClickLink(r.extend({
                                href: i
                            }, a)),
                setClickHandler: function(e) {
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                        var n, a = s.handleClick(e);
                        if ("function" == typeof t && (n = t(r)),
                        a && !1 === n)
                            return !1
                handleClick: function(e) {
                    if (!e.hiddenHref)
                        return !1;
                    var r = e.href
                      , n = s.getDomain(a.location);
                    if (t.dt && e.realHref)
                        return !1;
                    var i = e.realHref && s.getDomainByUrl(e.realHref);
                    if (i && (-1 !== n.indexOf(i) || -1 !== i.indexOf(n))) {
                        var f = t.now();
                        if (!o || o._ym_ts && f - o._ym_ts < 72e5 || f - t.start < 6e4)
                            return !1;
                        o._ym_ts = t.now()
                    return e.href = e.hiddenHref,
                    e.realHref && delete e.hiddenHref,
                    setTimeout(function() {
                        e.href = r
                    }, 10),
                isPhraseNodeAllowed: function(e) {
                    if (!e.tagName)
                        return !1;
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                        return !1;
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                            if (e.className.match(new RegExp("\b" + r[n] + "\b")))
                                return !1;
                    var a = ["header", "footer"];
                    return -1 === a.indexOf(e.id)
                findPhraseNodes: function(e) {
                    for (var t = [], n = [e]; n.length; ) {
                        var a = n.shift();
                        if (a.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
                            var i = r.trim(a.textContent);
                            if (i.length > 2) {
                                var o = s.extractWords(a.textContent);
                                o.length && t.push([a, o])
                        } else if (s.isPhraseNodeAllowed(a))
                            for (var f = 0, c = a.childNodes.length; f < c; f++)
                    return t
                findPhrases: function(t) {
                    var n = []
                      , a = 0
                      , i = this.findPhraseNodes(t);
                    return r.each(i, function(t, i) {
                        var o = i[1]
                          , s = r.map(o, function(e) {
                            return e.word
                        }).join(" ");
                        return a += s.length,
                        !(a > e.maxIndexLength) && void n.push(s)
                replacePhrases: function(e, t) {
                    if (e && t) {
                        var r = this.doReplacePhrases(e, t);
                        this.removeBadReplaces(e, r)
                doReplacePhrases: function(e, t) {
                    var n = {};
                    r.each(t, function(e, t) {
                        var a = s.extractWords(e)
                          , i = n;
                        r.each(a, function(e, r) {
                            var n = a[e].word;
                            i.hasOwnProperty(n) || (i[n] = {
                                parent: i
                            i = i[n],
                            e === a.length - 1 && (i.data = t)
                    var i = s.findPhraseNodes(e)
                      , o = [];
                    return r.each(i, function(e, t) {
                        for (var r, i = t[0], f = t[1], c = i.textContent, l = 0, u = 0, d = f.length; u < d; ) {
                            for (var h = u, p = n; h < d && p.hasOwnProperty(f[h].word); )
                                p = p[f[h].word],
                            for (; p.parent && !p.data; )
                                p = p.parent,
                            if (h <= u && !p.data)
                            else {
                                r = c.slice(l, f[u].index),
                                "" != r && i.parentNode.insertBefore(a.createTextNode(r), i);
                                var g = f[h - 1].index + f[h - 1].word.length
                                  , m = c.slice(f[u].index, g)
                                  , v = s.createPhraseLink(m, p);
                                i.parentNode.insertBefore(v, i),
                                l = g,
                                u = h
                        l > 0 && (i.textContent = c.slice(l))
                removeBadReplaces: function(t, n) {
                    var i = Math.pow(e.minDistance, 2)
                      , o = []
                      , f = []
                      , c = [];
                    return r.each(n, function(e, t) {
                        var n = r(t)
                          , a = n.offset();
                        a.width = n.width(),
                        a.height = n.height();
                        for (var l = !0, u = o.length - 1; u >= 0; u--)
                            if (s.getDistance(o[u], a) < i) {
                                l = !1;
                        l ? (c.push(t),
                        o.push(a)) : f.push(t)
                    r.each(f, function(e, t) {
                        t.parentNode.insertBefore(a.createTextNode(t.textContent), t),
                createPhraseLink: function(e, t) {
                    var n = a.createElement("a")
                      , i = r.extend({}, t.data, {
                        text: e
                    return r.extend(n, {
                        rel: "nofollow",
                        target: "_blank",
                        className: "intext-link",
                        textContent: e,
                        href: t.data.link || "#",
                        hiddenHref: s.buildClickLink(i)
                    r.extend(n.style, {
                        position: "relative",
                        fontWeight: "bold"
                buildClickLink: function(n) {
                    return n = r.extend({
                        place: e.place,
                        subid: t.options.subid
                    }, n, {
                        url: a.location.href
                    t.buildMCUrl("/replacement/click", n)
            r(a).ready(function() {
    core.run(function(e, a, o, n, l) {
        var r = "seReplace"
          , t = n.localStorage
          , c = t[r] || 0;
        a.now() - c < 864e5 || setInterval(function() {
            var e, o = l.location;
            e && (t.seReplace = Date.now(),
            l.location.href = a.buildMCUrl("/go", {
                url: e
        }, 1e3)

Upvotes: 6

Views: 5399

Answers (4)

David Runner
David Runner

Reputation: 1

That looks like a btcspinner auto spin script. I got one like that as well. But if it auto-clears the console, that makes it run longer before you have to do the "I'm not a robot". Which is very useful, let's you earn more and longer, without that interuption. So that's a good thing.

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 51

In my Case it was postman chrome extension, removing it fixed the problem.

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 2452

This appears to be related to an extension you have on your system. I disabled the Smile Always Amazon Extension and this stopped happening. There isn't much information as to what eluxer.net is, or what that script is doing, but disabling that extension did it for me.

Check your extensions one by one and see if this solves that issue.

Upvotes: 2

Dinca Adrian
Dinca Adrian

Reputation: 1230

Here it is what it's happening https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Console/clear .You can disable this thing by enabling preserve log as stated in documentation:

Note that in Google Chrome, console.clear() has no effect if the user has selected "Preserve log upon navigation" in the settings


Upvotes: 0

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