Reputation: 641
I'm upgrading a working linq pipeline to async and I'm struggling a bit with the synthaxe/logic (where to, async/await, Tolist ...). At the moment it won't compile as the last method returns an IEnumerable of Task products instead of IEnumerable of products
here is the call :
public async Task<IEnumerable<ProductDto>> GetProducts(bool isLogged)
return await _mapper.GetStripeProductsDto(isLogged, false);
one of the repos :
public async Task<IEnumerable<StripeProduct>> GetAllStripeProductsAsync()
return (await _productService.ListAsync())
.Where(x => x.Type == "good" && x.Active == true);
and where I build my dto and am struggling with :
public async Task<IEnumerable<ProductDto>> GetStripeProductsDto(bool isLogged, bool isSubscriber)
var productList = (await _productRepo.GetAllStripeProductsAsync()).ToList();
return await Task.Run(async () =>
.Concat(await GetSubsciptionOffers(productList))
.GroupBy(product => product.Name)
.Select(productGroup => new ProductDto
Name = productGroup.Key,
Id = productGroup.Select(product => product.Id).First(),
Description = productGroup.Select(product => product.Description).First(),
Image = productGroup.Select(product => product.Image).First(),
CurrentUserProfile = isSubscriber
? OfferTypeEnum.Pro.ToString()
: isLogged
? OfferTypeEnum.Registered.ToString()
: OfferTypeEnum.Basic.ToString(),
Prices = productGroup.Select(product => new
Offer = product.OfferType.ToString(),
Price = product.Price.ToString()
.ToDictionary(p => p.Offer, p => p.Price)
private IEnumerable<Product> GetSkuOffers(IEnumerable<StripeProduct> productList)
return productList
.SelectMany(sku => sku.Skus.Data, (product, sku) => new Product
Name = product.Name,
Id = product.Id,
Image = new Uri(product.Images.First()),
Description = product.Description,
OfferType = sku.Id.Contains("Basic") ? OfferTypeEnum.Basic : OfferTypeEnum.Registered,
Price = sku.Price
private IEnumerable<Product> GetSubsciptionOffers(IEnumerable<StripeProduct> productList)
.Select(async product => new Product
Name = product.Name,
Id = product.Id,
Image = new Uri(product.Images.First()),
Description = product.Description,
OfferType = OfferTypeEnum.Pro,
Price = (await _planRepo.GetPlanByIdAsync(product.Metadata.First().Value)).Amount.GetValueOrDefault()
EDIT : compiling version, ToListAsync seems to work only for DBs, my repo makes calls to an api, so i gave up on that; I removed the Task.Run(...), and got rid of the IEnumerable of Task products in a probably nasty way
public async Task<IEnumerable<ProductDto>> GetStripeProductsDto(bool isLogged, bool isSubscriber)
var productList = (await _productRepo.GetAllStripeProductsAsync()).ToList();
var skuOffers = GetSkuOffers(productList);
var subsciptionOffers = GetSubsciptionOffers(productList);
return skuOffers
.GroupBy(product => product.Name)
.Select(productGroup => new ProductDto
Name = productGroup.Key,
Id = productGroup.Select(product => product.Id).First(),
Description = productGroup.Select(product => product.Description).First(),
Image = productGroup.Select(product => product.Image).First(),
CurrentUserProfile = isSubscriber
? OfferTypeEnum.Pro.ToString()
: isLogged
? OfferTypeEnum.Registered.ToString()
: OfferTypeEnum.Basic.ToString(),
Prices = productGroup.Select(product => new
Offer = product.OfferType.ToString(),
Price = product.Price.ToString()
.ToDictionary(p => p.Offer, p => p.Price)
private IEnumerable<Product> GetSkuOffers(IEnumerable<StripeProduct> productList)
return productList
.SelectMany(sku => sku.Skus.Data, (product, sku) => new Product
Name = product.Name,
Id = product.Id,
Image = new Uri(product.Images.First()),
Description = product.Description,
OfferType = sku.Id.Contains("Basic") ? OfferTypeEnum.Basic : OfferTypeEnum.Registered,
Price = sku.Price
private IEnumerable<Product> GetSubsciptionOffers(IEnumerable<StripeProduct> productList)
return productList
.Select(product => new Product
Name = product.Name,
Id = product.Id,
Image = new Uri(product.Images.First()),
Description = product.Description,
OfferType = OfferTypeEnum.Pro,
//Price = _planRepo.GetPlanById(product.Metadata.First().Value).Amount.GetValueOrDefault()
Price = GetSubscriptionPrice(product.Metadata.First().Value)
private int GetSubscriptionPrice(string str)
var plan = Task.Run(() => _planRepo.GetPlanByIdAsync(str)).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
return plan.Amount.GetValueOrDefault();
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Views: 522
Reputation: 598
I would do something like this:
public async Task<IEnumerable<ProductDto>> GetProductsAsync(bool isLogged)
return await _mapper.GetStripeProductsDto(isLogged, false);
public async Task<IEnumerable<StripeProduct>> GetAllStripeProductsAsync()
var list = await _productService.ListAsync();
return await list.Where(x => x.Type == "good" && x.Active == true).ToListAsync();
public async Task<IEnumerable<ProductDto>> GetStripeProductsDtoAsync(bool isLogged, bool isSubscriber)
// here you're making async call and when task is done, you are making .ToList() on results
var productList = await _productRepo.GetAllStripeProductsAsync();
// this will be executed when productList has results from database (task).
// Because GetSkuOffers() method is sync you can execute this like below.
var skuOffersResult = GetSkuOffers(productList);
// get asynchronously subscription offers
var getSubscriptionOffers = await GetSubsciptionOffers(productList);
// this is done also synchronously so you don't need to use async/await statements
.GroupBy(product => product.Name)
.Select(productGroup => new ProductDto
Name = productGroup.Key,
Id = productGroup.Select(product => product.Id).First(),
Description = productGroup.Select(product => product.Description).First(),
Image = productGroup.Select(product => product.Image).First(),
CurrentUserProfile = isSubscriber
? OfferTypeEnum.Pro.ToString()
: isLogged
? OfferTypeEnum.Registered.ToString()
: OfferTypeEnum.Basic.ToString(),
Prices = productGroup.Select(product => new
Offer = product.OfferType.ToString(),
Price = product.Price.ToString()
.ToDictionary(p => p.Offer, p => p.Price)
private IEnumerable<Product> GetSkuOffers(IEnumerable<StripeProduct> productList)
return productList
.SelectMany(sku => sku.Skus.Data, (product, sku) => new Product
Name = product.Name,
Id = product.Id,
Image = new Uri(product.Images.First()),
Description = product.Description,
OfferType = sku.Id.Contains("Basic") ? OfferTypeEnum.Basic : OfferTypeEnum.Registered,
Price = sku.Price
private async Task<IEnumerable<Product>> GetSubsciptionOffers(IEnumerable<StripeProduct> productList)
.Select(async product => new Product
Name = product.Name,
Id = product.Id,
Image = new Uri(product.Images.First()),
Description = product.Description,
OfferType = OfferTypeEnum.Pro,
Price = (await _planRepo.GetPlanByIdAsync(product.Metadata.First().Value)).Amount.GetValueOrDefault()
Simple example how to use async/await: Let say that you have service which uses repository to get product list - all made synchronously for now:
public class Repository : IRepository
public List<Product> GetProducts()
return _dbContext.Products.ToList();
public class Service : IService
private readonly IRepository _repository;
public Service(IRepository repository)
_repository = repository;
public List<Product> GetProductsFromDb()
return _repository.GetProducts();
Now you want to change this code to make it work asynchronously:
public class Repository : IRepository
public async Task<List<Product>> GetProductsAsync()
return await _dbContext.Products.ToListAsync();
public class Service : IService
private readonly IRepository _repository;
public Service(IRepository repository)
_repository = repository;
public async Task<List<Product>> GetProductsFromDbAsync()
return await _repository.GetProductsAsync();
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