Reputation: 63
I got a stm32l0 series procesor and i dont know how to calculate i2c timing. I want to work with Bosh bme680/bme280 sensor. I find only Timming configuration tool for stm32F0/f3. Some1 know how to calculate it?
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TLDR: RM0377 Reference manual "Ultra-low-power STM32L0x1 advanced Arm®-based 32-bit MCUs", page 614 contains examples.
Note: I haven't actually worked with I2C yet. All the following is based on documentation.
UM1749 User Manual "Description of STM32L0 HAL and Low Layer drivers" (p. 233):
uint32_t I2C_InitTypeDef::Timing Specifies the I2C_TIMINGR_register value. This parameter calculated by referring to I2C initialization section in Reference manual
RM0377 Reference manual "Ultra-low-power STM32L0x1 advanced Arm®-based 32-bit MCUs" (p.641):
Timing register (I2C_TIMINGR)
PRESC[3:0] : Timing prescaler
This field is used to prescale I2CCLK in order to generate the clock period t_PRESC used for data setup and hold counters (refer to I2C timings on page 587 ) and for SCL high and low level counters (refer to I2C master initialization on page 602 ).
t_PRESC = (PRESC+1) x t_I2CCLK
SCLDEL[3:0] : Data setup time This field is used to generate a delay t_SCLDEL between SDA edge and SCL rising edge. In master mode and in slave mode with NOSTRETCH = 0, the SCL line is stretched low during t_SCLDEL.
Note: t_SCLDEL is used to generate t_SU:DAT timing.
SDADEL[3:0] : Data hold time This field is used to generate the delay t_SDADEL between SCL falling edge and SDA edge. In master mode and in slave mode with NOSTRETCH = 0, the SCL line is stretched low during t_SDADEL.
Note: SDADEL is used to generate t_HD:DAT timing.
SCLH[7:0] : SCL high period (master mode) This field is used to generate the SCL high period in master mode.
t_SCLH = (SCLH+1) x t_PRESC
Note: SCLH is also used to generate t_SU:STO and t_HD:STA timing.
SCLL[7:0] : SCL low period (master mode) This field is used to generate the SCL low period in master mode.
t_SCLL = (SCLL+1) x t_PRESC
Note: SCLL is also used to generate t_BUF and t_SU:STA timings.
More info about prescalers can be found in paragraphs about timers (p. 433).
RM0377 (p. 581):
The interface is connected to the I2C bus by a data pin (SDA) and by a clock pin (SCL). It can be connected with a standard (up to 100 kHz), Fast-mode (up to 400 kHz) or Fast-mode Plus (up to 1MHz) I2C bus.
So in order to communicate the I2C clock needs to be have appropriate frequency.
RM0377 (p. 583):
This independent clock source can be selected from the following three clock sources:
- PCLK1: APB1 clock (default value)
- HSI16: internal 16 MHz RC oscillator
- SYSCLK: system clock Refer to Section 7: Reset and clock control (RCC) for more details.
RM0377 (p. 602):
t_SCL = t_SYNC1 + t_SYNC2 + {[(SCLH+1) + (SCLL+1)] x (PRESC+1) x t_I2CCLK}
The duration of t_SYNC1 depends on these parameters:
- SCL falling slope
- When enabled, input delay induced by the analog filter.
- When enabled, input delay induced by the digital filter: DNF x t_I2CCLK
- Delay due to SCL synchronization with I2CCLK clock (2 to 3 I2CCLK periods)
The duration of t_SYNC2 depends on these parameters:
- SCL rising slope
- When enabled, input delay induced by the analog filter.
- When enabled, input delay induced by the digital filter: DNF x t_I2CCLK
- Delay due to SCL synchronization with I2CCLK clock (2 to 3 I2CCLK periods)
BME280 Datasheet (p. 30):
All modes (standard, fast, high speed) are supported.
Gathering it all up: Basing on the I2C clock frequency, and the speed you want to use, you need to choose such values of PRESC
that you comply to the I2C-SMBUS specification clock timings
using formula t_SCL = t_SYNC1 + t_SYNC2 + {[(SCLH+1) + (SCLL+1)] x (PRESC+1) x t_I2CCLK}
There are also some I2C_TIMINGR register configuration examples
in RM0377 at page 614.
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