
Reputation: 586

algorithm for finding a node in a linked list

what is the algorithm used to write Snode* find and set& operator=( set &rhs) I just can't understand these two. I can read the code but I can't figure out why are they there. I can't understand the steps of the used algorithm. Things I already figured out: 1. Snode is a function that gets a value and returns the node with the same data.but what do prev and previous do and what is **previous and why ahould we create a pointer to a pointer? 2. set& operator= is for overriding the = operator. but I can't understand what does it do after overriding.and why should we swap the heads of temp and rhs sets. here's the code:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct Snode //Snode class defines a node in a list
    char data;//a node includes a character
    int count;//an integer to count the occurrence
    Snode *next = NULL;//and a pointer to the next node
    Snode(char data, Snode* next) : data(data), next(next) {}

class set
    Snode *head;//first node in the list
    Snode *tail;//last node of the list


    set() : head(NULL), tail(NULL)

    set( set &src) : head(NULL), tail(NULL)//copy constructor method
        Snode *temp = src.head;//set head of the second list as temp to travers

        while (temp)//untill the end of the list
            // insert(temp->data);

            Snode *newNode = new Snode(temp->data,NULL);//create a new node with the same data and count
            newNode->count = temp->count;

            //now puts it in the right place
            if (!head)//if head = NULL (if sset is empty)
                head = newNode;//set the new node as the first node

            if (tail)//if tail != NULL (if set isn't empty)
                tail->next = newNode;//set new node as the next node of current tail, so it'll be the tail
            tail = newNode;

            temp = temp->next;//does the same thing for all the nodes of the second list

    ~set()//destructor method
        Snode *temp = head;
        while (temp)//traverse the list and delete each node
            Snode *next = temp->next;
            delete temp;
            temp = next;

    set& operator=( set &rhs)
        if (&rhs != this)
            set temp(rhs);
            Snode *ptr = head;
            head = temp.head;
            temp.head = ptr;
        return *this;

    bool isAvailable(char value)//checks if any node with the same data exists or not
        return (find(value) != NULL);//if find function can't find any, there's no same node

    Snode* find(char value, Snode **previous = NULL)
        if (previous)
            *previous = NULL;

        Snode *temp = head;
        Snode *prev = NULL;

        while (temp)
            if (temp->data == value)
                if (previous)
                    *previous = prev;
                return temp;

            temp = temp->next;

        return NULL;
    bool isFirst(char value)
        return ((head) && (head->data == value));//if head's data is equal to value returns true

    bool isLast(char value)
        return ((tail) && (tail->data == value));//if tail's data is equal to value returns true

    void display()
        Snode *temp = head;
        while (temp)
            cout << temp->data << " " << temp->count+1 << "\n";
            temp = temp->next;

    void insert(char value)//to insert a new value
        Snode *temp = find(value);//if a node with the same data alreay exists
        if (temp)
            temp->count += 1;//increase the count by one
            temp = new Snode(value,NULL);//if if a node with the same data doesn't exist

            if (!head)//if list is empty
                head = temp;

            if (tail)//if list is not empty
                tail->next = temp;
            tail = temp;

    int count(char value)//count the nodes by the counter temp
        Snode *temp = find(value);//travers the set
        return (temp) ? temp->count : 0;//if the list is empty return 0, else return the counter

    void deleteFirst()//deletes the first node
        if (head)//if list isn't empty
            Snode *temp = head;
            head = head->next;//move the head forward
            if (tail == temp)//if loop faced the tail
                tail = NULL;
            delete temp;//delete the data

    void deleteLast()//delete the last node
        if (head)
            Snode *last = head;
            Snode *previous = NULL;

            while (last->next)//move forward untill the node before the last one
                previous = last;
                last = last->next;

            if (previous)//at the end of the list
                previous->next = NULL;
            tail = previous;

            if (head == last)//if there's only one node
                head = NULL;

            delete last;

    void remove(char value)//remove the node with the same data as the entry
        Snode *previous;
        Snode *temp = find(value, &previous);

        if (temp)
            if (temp->count > 1)
                temp->count -= 1;
                if (previous)
                    previous->next = temp->next;

                if (head == temp)
                    head = temp->next;

                if (tail == temp)
                    tail = previous;

                delete temp;
    }   };

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Views: 429

Answers (1)

Serge Ballesta
Serge Ballesta

Reputation: 148890

As you have guessed, find tries to locate a Snode containing the required character. If only that is required, you can ignore the previous parameter (it will be NULL), and previous/prev processing will just be useless.

But find is used in remove... In order to remove a node in a singly linked list, you must have the previous one point to the next one. So you must browse the list keeping a track of the previous node. That is exactly the way it is used in remove with:

            if (previous)
                previous->next = temp->next;

The assignment operator uses a close variant of the copy and swap idiom. But as the destructor only uses the head member, only that member is swapped: that will be enough to have the destructor of temp to destroy all nodes of the original list.

Simply tail should be set in this even if it is useless to set it in tmp. A correct implementation could be:

set& operator=( set &rhs)
    if (&rhs != this)
        set temp(rhs);
        Snode *ptr = head;
        head = temp.head;
        temp.head = ptr;
        tail = temp.tail;   // no need for a full swap here
    return *this;

Upvotes: 2

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