Reputation: 21
I'm trying to create a program using PuLP library that when you hit the button it solves a linear problem and outputs values. But i can't make it work. It's only write my ""Enter more values"" and doesn't want to solve. Maybe I have some problems with input values but i'm not really sure.
Here is my code:
from tkinter import*
from pulp import*
def problem(a_val, b_val, c_val, d_val, e_val, f_val, g_val):
prob=LpProblem("problem", LpMaximize)
x1=LpVariable("x1", lowBound=0)
x2=LpVariable("x2", lowBound=0)
x3=LpVariable("x3", lowBound=0)
prob+= a_val*x1 +b_val*x2 +c_val*x3,
prob+= d_val*x1 +e_val*x2 + f_val*x3 <= g_val,
prob.solve ()
print("status:", LpStatus[prob.status])
for v in prob.variables():
print (, "=", v.varValue)
print("objective=%s$" % value(prob.objective))
root =Tk()
a=Entry(Top, font=("arial", 10, "bold"), bd=8)
a.grid(row=1, column=1)
b=Entry(Top, font=("arial", 10, "bold"), bd=8)
b.grid(row=1, column=2)
c=Entry(Top, font=("arial", 10, "bold"), bd=8)
c.grid(row=1, column=3)
d=Entry(Top, font=("arial", 10, "bold"), bd=8)
d.grid(row=2, column=1)
e=Entry(Top, font=("arial", 10, "bold"), bd=8)
e.grid(row=2, column=2)
f=Entry(Top, font=("arial", 10, "bold"), bd=8)
f.grid(row=2, column=3)
g=Entry(Top, font=("arial", 10, "bold"), bd=8)
g.grid(row=3, column=1)
def inserter (value):
w.delete("0.0", "end")
w.insert("0.0", value)
def handler():
g_val = float(g.get())
a_val = float(a.get())
b_val = float(b.get())
c_val = float(c.get())
d_val = float(d.get())
e_val = float(e.get())
f_val = float(f.get())
inserter(problem(a_val,b_val,c_val,d_val,e_val,f_val, g_val))
except ValueError:
inserter("Enter more values")
w=Text(Top, font=("arial", 10, "bold"), bd=6)
w.grid(row=4, column=1)
info6=Button(Top, font=("arial", 10,"bold"), text="Optimize", bd=8, command=handler)
info6.grid(row=4, column=0)
Upvotes: 1
Views: 381
Reputation: 1619
According to PuLP documentation you are required to put a short string at the end of the function statement.
The variable prob now begins collecting problem data with the += operator. The objective function is logically entered first, with an important comma , at the end of the statement and a short string explaining what this objective function is:
# The objective function is added to 'prob' first prob += 0.013*x1 + 0.008*x2, "Total Cost of Ingredients per can"
So you would need to:
prob+= a_val*x1 +b_val*x2 +c_val*x3, "whats this"
prob+= d_val*x1 +e_val*x2 + f_val*x3 <= g_val, "something here too"
Furthermore your function problem doesnt return anything (None) and you're trying to put it in a Text widget. You would need to make the insertion inside your function (or add a return statement). For example:
def problem(a_val, b_val, c_val, d_val, e_val, f_val, g_val):
w.delete("0.0", "end") # Clear the Text widget
print("status:", LpStatus[prob.status])
for v in prob.variables():
print (, "=", v.varValue)
print("objective=%s$" % value(prob.objective))
w.insert(END, str( + "=" + str(v.varValue) + '\n' ) # Insert data at the END (rather then at the beginning)
w.insert(END, "objective=%s$" % value(prob.objective) + '\n' )
If you decide to do something like this (without return statement), then make sure you delete your custom insert call:
#inserter(problem(a_val,b_val,c_val,d_val,e_val,f_val, g_val)) #instead of this
problem(a_val,b_val,c_val,d_val,e_val,f_val, g_val) #do this
Upvotes: 2