Reputation: 1857
I want to produce json file with structure like this:
"data": [
"Tiger Nixon",
"Garrett Winters",
Here is my bash script:
list=( http://RESTURL1 http://RESTURL2 )
jq -n .data[] > result.json ## -> (create empty array data)
for p in $list
VAR1=$(curl $p | jq -r .foo ) ## -> (Tiger Nixon)
VAR2=$(curl $p | jq -r .bar ) ## -> (Edinburgh)
cat result.json | jq -n --arg a "$VAR1" --arg b "$VAR2" .data["$a","$b"] >> results.json ## -> (add Tiger Nixon and Edinburgh to .data array)
Script is selfexplaining. Except jq part. I dont know how to handle jq to create json file.
Basically I want to iterate over list of urls, populate 2 variables and push it to results.json file as entry/per iteration.
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Views: 4433
Reputation: 295756
Reusing Glenn's test framework, but calling jq
only once for the entire script:
list=( http://RESTURL1 http://RESTURL2 )
declare -A hypothetical_data=(
[http://RESTURL1]='{"foo":"Tiger Nixon","bar":"Edinburgh"}'
[http://RESTURL2]='{"foo":"Garrett Winters","bar":"Tokyo"}'
for url in "${list[@]}"; do
echo "${hypothetical_data[$url]}" # or curl "$url"
done | jq -n '{"data": [inputs | [.foo, .bar]]}'
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 247162
list=( http://RESTURL1 http://RESTURL2 )
declare -A hypothetical_data=(
[http://RESTURL1]='{"foo":"Tiger Nixon","bar":"Edinburgh"}'
[http://RESTURL2]='{"foo":"Garrett Winters","bar":"Tokyo"}'
# create the seed file
echo '{"data":[]}' > "$result"
for url in "${list[@]}"; do
# fetch the data.
# would really do: json=$(curl "$url")
# extract the name ("foo") and location ("bar") values
name=$( jq -r '.foo' <<<"$json" )
location=$( jq -r '.bar' <<<"$json" )
jq --arg name "$name" \
--arg loc "$location" \
'.data += [[$name, $loc]]' "$result" | sponge "$result"
# "sponge" is in the "moreutils" package that you may have to install.
# You can also write that line as:
# tmp=$(mktemp)
# jq --arg name "$name" \
# --arg loc "$location" \
# '.data += [[$name, $loc]]' "$result" > "$tmp" && mv "$tmp" "$result"
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
End result:
$ cat result.json
"data": [
"Tiger Nixon",
"Garrett Winters",
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 17781
Do you really need to write the file using jq?
list=( http://RESTURL1 http://RESTURL2 )
exec > result.json
echo '['
for p in "${list[@]}"
data=$(curl "$p")
echo " $(jq -c '[.foo, .bar]' <<< "$data"),"
echo ']'
Upvotes: 0