Reputation: 12028
I am using react-native-firebase to work with our Firebase account for authentication, firestore and storage. Attempting to upload a photo to Storage is failing with an unknown error. Here is the code attempted:
_pickImage = async () => {
await this.getCameraRollPermission()
let result = await ImagePicker.launchImageLibraryAsync({
allowsEditing: true,
aspect: [4, 3],
if (!result.cancelled) {
// this.setState({ photoURL: result.uri });
_handlePhotoChoice = async pickerResult => {
let userId = this.state.userId
.ref('photos/profile_' + userId + '.jpg')
.then(uploadedFile => {
console.log("Firebase profile photo uploaded successfully")
.catch(error => {
console.log("Firebase profile upload failed: " + error)
Testing in iOS Simulator and using the debugger to detect the errors I'm just getting back this error:
"Error: An unknown error has occurred.
at createErrorFromErrorData (blob:http://localhost:19001/e9d43477-4e42-4f7a-b494-16485def4c28:2371:17)
at blob:http://localhost:19001/e9d43477-4e42-4f7a-b494-16485def4c28:2323:27
at MessageQueue.__invokeCallback (blob:http://localhost:19001/e9d43477-4e42-4f7a-b494-16485def4c28:2765:18)
at blob:http://localhost:19001/e9d43477-4e42-4f7a-b494-16485def4c28:2510:18
at MessageQueue.__guardSafe (blob:http://localhost:19001/e9d43477-4e42-4f7a-b494-16485def4c28:2678:11)
at MessageQueue.invokeCallbackAndReturnFlushedQueue (blob:http://localhost:19001/e9d43477-4e42-4f7a-b494-16485def4c28:2509:14)
at http://localhost:19001/debugger-ui/debuggerWorker.js:70:58"
A file is uploaded to the storage bucket, but the file is not the JPEG photo, but instead is JSON content about the file:
So somehow a JSON file is ending up in the bucket instead of the actual photo and then the error is thrown.
It looks like this issue is tracked a couple times, but not resolved:
Upvotes: 11
Views: 5740
Reputation: 266
In case you are using react-native-document-picker, check out this:
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 12028
Finally found my issue. The URI of the image from the ImagePicker had a '%' character in it from the local app cache. This percent was being URI encoded to '%25' which resulted in the file not being found by the putFile code. Adding a decodeURI call around the uri fixed the issue.
let fileUri = decodeURI(pickerResult.uri)
Upvotes: 2