Reputation: 445
I am trying to change the color of uitextview
link attribute. But i am cant able to get success. Please Help me here is my code.
I have one string name is the main string .IN this string i have hashtag string i am founding the hashtag value and converting in the clickable link . The problem is I want to change this hashtag text color as red.
txt_text.delegate = self
let main_string:String = "test this text in #nishant #waooo good to #UUUUUU"
// print("---->",main_string)
let attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string:main_string)
let font = UIFont(name: "verdana", size: 13.0)
attributedString.addAttribute(NSAttributedStringKey.font, value:font!, range: NSRange.init(location: 0, length: main_string.utf16.count))
let regex = try? NSRegularExpression(pattern: "#(\\w+)", options: [])
// print(regex)
let matches = regex?.matches(in: main_string, options: [], range: NSRange(location: 0, length: main_string.utf16.count))
for match: NSTextCheckingResult in matches! {
let wordRange: NSRange = match.range(at: 0)
// let linkAttributes = [
// URL(string: "")!,
// NSAttributedStringKey.font: UIFont(name: "Helvetica", size: 18.0)!,
// NSAttributedStringKey.foregroundColor.rawValue:
// ] as! [String : Any]
let tet = main_string.rangeFromNSRange(nsRange: wordRange)
let HasTagText = main_string[tet!]
// print("-----",HasTagText)
// attributedString.addAttribute(NSAttributedStringKey.foregroundColor, value: , range: wordRange)
attributedString.addAttribute(, value: URL(string: String(HasTagText))! , range: wordRange)
attributedString.addAttribute(NSAttributedStringKey(rawValue: NSAttributedStringKey.foregroundColor.rawValue), value: , range: wordRange)
// attributedString.addAttributes(linkAttributes, range: wordRange)
self.txt_text.attributedText = attributedString
extension String {
func nsRange(from range: Range<String.Index>) -> NSRange? {
let utf16view = self.utf16
if let from = range.lowerBound.samePosition(in: utf16view), let to = range.upperBound.samePosition(in: utf16view) {
return NSMakeRange(utf16view.distance(from: utf16view.startIndex, to: from), utf16view.distance(from: from, to: to))
return nil
func rangeFromNSRange(nsRange : NSRange) -> Range<String.Index>? {
return Range(nsRange, in: self)
Please give me the solution
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1078
Reputation: 3352
Change the textview tint color.
let textvw = UITextView()
textvw.tintColor = .blue
Upvotes: 1