
Reputation: 443

Help me to crete graph in as3

Here i have created a grid.But when large number of columns comes flash quit unexpectedly.

    import flash.events.MouseEvent;
    import fl.transitions.Tween;
    import fl.transitions.easing.Strong;

    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.events.Event;
    import fl.motion.Color;
    import flash.text.TextField;

    public class Line extends MovieClip

        public function Line()


            // constructor code
        public function createGraphContainer(ev:Event):void
            var grid:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
            var numColumns:Number = 50;
            var numRows:Number = 25;
            var cellHeight:Number = 5;
            var cellWidth:Number = 10;

            grid.graphics.lineStyle(.5, 0xFFECDB);

            // we drop in the " + 1 " so that it will cap the right and bottom sides.;
            for (var col:Number = 0; col < numColumns + 1; col++)
                for (var row:Number = 0; row < numRows + 1; row++)
                    grid.x = 50;
                    grid.y = 50;
                    //trace(col, row);
                    grid.graphics.moveTo(0, row * cellHeight);
                    grid.graphics.lineTo(cellWidth * numColumns, row * cellHeight);
                    grid.graphics.moveTo(col * cellWidth, 0);
                    grid.graphics.lineTo(col * cellWidth, cellHeight * numRows);





Here var numColumns:Number = 150;var numRows:Number = 225; flash quits unexpectedly.Give me a solution guys.

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Views: 1264

Answers (1)


Reputation: 1069

you're adding row * col children ( in the nested loop: addchild( grid ) ) so you end up with a pile of row * col movieclips containing increasingly complex vector drawings. not good especially as this is done on enterframe !

actually it is a grid and should be drawn once, the graph itself would be drawn on antoher layer. you could pass the displayobject to a function if you have to redraw the grid.

plus you don't need nested loops : using a drawRect instead will give you the possibility of splitting the nested loops and as a rect draws the top and the bottom at once, you can event increment the loops by 2.

here's an example that should run slightly faster :)

import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Shape;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.utils.getTimer;

public class Line extends MovieClip
    private var grid:Shape;
    public function Line()
        //adds the canvas once
        grid = new Shape();
        grid.x = 50;
        grid.y = 50;
        addChild( grid );

        //draws once
        createGraphContainer( grid, 100, 25, 5, 2 );

        //draws in a loop
        //addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, redrawGrid );


    private function redrawGrid(e:Event):void 
        var t:uint = getTimer();
        var cols:int = 1 + int( Math.random() * 200 );
        var rows:int = 1 + int( Math.random() * 200 );
        var width:int = 1 + Math.random() * 10;
        var height:int = 1 + Math.random() * 10;
        createGraphContainer( grid, cols, rows, width, height );
        trace( 'redrawing took :', ( getTimer() - t ), 'for col:', cols, 'rows:', rows, 'cell width:', width, 'cell height:', height );

    public function createGraphContainer( grid:Shape, numColumns:int = 100, numRows:int = 100, cellWidth:Number = 10, cellHeight:Number = 5 ):void

        grid.graphics.lineStyle( 0.5, 0xFFECDB);
        //grid.graphics.beginFill( 0xFF0000, .25 ); // uncomment for debug

        var gridWidth:Number = numColumns * cellWidth;
        var gridHeight:Number = numRows * cellHeight;

        grid.graphics.drawRect( 0, 0, gridWidth, gridHeight );

        for (var col:Number = 0; col < numColumns; col += 2 )
            grid.graphics.drawRect( col * cellWidth, 0, cellWidth, gridHeight );
        for (var row:Number = 0; row < numRows; row += 2 )
            grid.graphics.drawRect(  0, row * cellHeight, gridWidth, cellHeight );

        grid.cacheAsBitmap = true;//not to be used in a loop very efficient if drawn once.

Upvotes: 3

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