Reputation: 9814
I've made a fairly complex animation in my Android app using Animator classes. I want to port this animation to iOS. Preferably it is somewhat like the Android Animator. I've looked around and nothing seems to be what I want. The closest I got was with CAAnimation. But unfortunately all child delegates get ignored if they're put in a group.
Let me start with the animation I made on Android. I'm animating three view groups (which contains an ImageView and a TextView). Per button I have an animation which translates the view to the left and simultaneously animate the alpha to 0. After that animation there is another animation which translates the same view in from the right to the original position and also animates the alpha back to 1. There is one view which also has a scale animation besides the translate and alpha animation. All the views are using different timing functions (easing). The animating in and animating out is different and one view has a different timing function for the scale while the alpha and translate animation uses the same. After the first animation ends I'm setting the values to prepare the second animation. The duration of the scale animation is also shorter than the translate and alpha animation. I'm putting the single animations (translate and alpha) inside an AnimatorSet (basically a group for animations). This AnimatorSet is put in another AnimatorSet to run the animations after eachother (first animate and than in). And this AnimatorSet is put in another AnimatorSet which runs the animation of all 3 buttons simultaneously.
Sorry for the long explanation. But this way you understand how I'm trying to port this to iOS. This one is too complex for the UIView.animate(). CAAnimation overrides delegates if put into a CAAnimationGroup. ViewPropertyAnimator doesn't allow custom timing functions to my knowledge and can't coordinate multiple animations.
Does anybody have an idea what I could use for this? I'm also fine with a custom implementation which gives me a callback each animation tick so I can update the view accordingly.
The Android animation code:
fun setState(newState: State) {
if(state == newState) {
processing = false
val prevState = state
state = newState
val reversed = newState.ordinal < prevState.ordinal
val animators = ArrayList<Animator>()
animators.add(getMiddleButtonAnimator(reversed, halfAnimationDone = {
if(prevState == State.TAKE_PICTURE || newState == State.TAKE_PICTURE) {
animators.add(getButtonAnimator(leftButton, leftButton, leftButton.imageView.width.toFloat(), reversed, halfAnimationDone = {
if(prevState == State.TAKE_PICTURE || newState == State.TAKE_PICTURE) {
if(newState == State.TAKE_PICTURE) rightButton else null,
if(newState == State.CROP_PICTURE) rightButton else null,
halfAnimationDone = {
displayRightButtonState(inAnimation = true)
val animatorSet = AnimatorSet()
fun getButtonAnimator(animateInView: View?, animateOutView: View?, maxTranslationXValue: Float, reversed: Boolean, halfAnimationDone: () -> Unit): Animator {
val animators = ArrayList<Animator>()
if(animateInView != null) {
val animateInAnimator = getSingleButtonAnimator(animateInView, maxTranslationXValue, true, reversed)
if(animateOutView == null) {
animateInAnimator.addListener(object : AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
override fun onAnimationStart(animation: Animator?) {
if(animateOutView != null) {
val animateOutAnimator = getSingleButtonAnimator(animateOutView, maxTranslationXValue, false, reversed)
animateOutAnimator.addListener(object : AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
override fun onAnimationEnd(animation: Animator?) {
val animatorSet = AnimatorSet()
return animatorSet
private fun getSingleButtonAnimator(animateView: View, maxTranslationXValue: Float, animateIn: Boolean, reversed: Boolean): Animator {
val translateDuration = 140L
val fadeDuration = translateDuration
val translateValues =
if(animateIn) {
if(reversed) floatArrayOf(-maxTranslationXValue, 0f)
else floatArrayOf(maxTranslationXValue, 0f)
} else {
if(reversed) floatArrayOf(0f, maxTranslationXValue)
else floatArrayOf(0f, -maxTranslationXValue)
val alphaValues =
if(animateIn) {
floatArrayOf(0f, 1f)
} else {
floatArrayOf(1f, 0f)
val translateAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(animateView, "translationX", *translateValues)
val fadeAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(animateView, "alpha", *alphaValues)
translateAnimator.duration = translateDuration
fadeAnimator.duration = fadeDuration
if(animateIn) {
translateAnimator.interpolator = EasingInterpolator(Ease.CUBIC_OUT)
fadeAnimator.interpolator = EasingInterpolator(Ease.CUBIC_OUT)
} else {
translateAnimator.interpolator = EasingInterpolator(Ease.CUBIC_IN)
fadeAnimator.interpolator = EasingInterpolator(Ease.CUBIC_IN)
val animateSet = AnimatorSet()
if(animateIn) {
animateSet.startDelay = translateDuration
animateSet.playTogether(translateAnimator, fadeAnimator)
return animateSet
fun getMiddleButtonAnimator(reversed: Boolean, halfAnimationDone: () -> Unit): Animator {
val animateInAnimator = getMiddleButtonSingleAnimator(true, reversed)
val animateOutAnimator = getMiddleButtonSingleAnimator(false, reversed)
animateOutAnimator.addListener(object : AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
override fun onAnimationEnd(animation: Animator?) {
val animatorSet = AnimatorSet()
animatorSet.playTogether(animateInAnimator, animateOutAnimator)
return animatorSet
private fun getMiddleButtonSingleAnimator(animateIn: Boolean, reversed: Boolean): Animator {
val translateDuration = 140L
val scaleDuration = 100L
val fadeDuration = translateDuration
val maxTranslationXValue = middleButtonImageView.width.toFloat()
val translateValues =
if(animateIn) {
if(reversed) floatArrayOf(-maxTranslationXValue, 0f)
else floatArrayOf(maxTranslationXValue, 0f)
} else {
if(reversed) floatArrayOf(0f, maxTranslationXValue)
else floatArrayOf(0f, -maxTranslationXValue)
val scaleValues =
if(animateIn) floatArrayOf(0.8f, 1f)
else floatArrayOf(1f, 0.8f)
val alphaValues =
if(animateIn) {
floatArrayOf(0f, 1f)
} else {
floatArrayOf(1f, 0f)
val translateAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(middleButtonImageView, "translationX", *translateValues)
val scaleXAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(middleButtonImageView, "scaleX", *scaleValues)
val scaleYAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(middleButtonImageView, "scaleY", *scaleValues)
val fadeAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(middleButtonImageView, "alpha", *alphaValues)
translateAnimator.duration = translateDuration
scaleXAnimator.duration = scaleDuration
scaleYAnimator.duration = scaleDuration
fadeAnimator.duration = fadeDuration
if(animateIn) {
translateAnimator.interpolator = EasingInterpolator(Ease.QUINT_OUT)
scaleXAnimator.interpolator = EasingInterpolator(Ease.CIRC_OUT)
scaleYAnimator.interpolator = EasingInterpolator(Ease.CIRC_OUT)
fadeAnimator.interpolator = EasingInterpolator(Ease.QUINT_OUT)
} else {
translateAnimator.interpolator = EasingInterpolator(Ease.QUINT_IN)
scaleXAnimator.interpolator = EasingInterpolator(Ease.CIRC_IN)
scaleYAnimator.interpolator = EasingInterpolator(Ease.CIRC_IN)
fadeAnimator.interpolator = EasingInterpolator(Ease.QUINT_IN)
if(animateIn) {
val scaleStartDelay = translateDuration - scaleDuration
val scaleStartValue = scaleValues[0]
middleButtonImageView.scaleX = scaleStartValue
middleButtonImageView.scaleY = scaleStartValue
scaleXAnimator.startDelay = scaleStartDelay
scaleYAnimator.startDelay = scaleStartDelay
val animateSet = AnimatorSet()
if(animateIn) {
animateSet.startDelay = translateDuration
animateSet.playTogether(translateAnimator, scaleXAnimator, scaleYAnimator)
return animateSet
Edit 2
Here is a video of how the animation looks on Android:
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Views: 1964
Reputation: 9814
So I've been working on my own solution using CADisplayLink
. This is how the documentation describes CADisplayLink
CADisplayLink is a timer object that allows your application to synchronize its drawing to the refresh rate of the display.
It basically provides a callback when to perform drawing code (so you can run your animation smoothly).
I am not going to explain everything during this answer, because it's going to be a lot of code and most of it should be clear. If something is unclear or you have a question you can comment below this answer.
This solution gives complete freedom on animations and provides the ability to coordinate them. I looked a lot to the Animator
class on Android and wanted a similar syntax so we can easily port the animations from Android to iOS or the other way around. I've tested it for a few days now and removed some quirks as well. But enough talking, let's see some code!
This is the Animator
class, which is the base structure for the animation classes:
class Animator {
internal var displayLink: CADisplayLink? = nil
internal var startTime: Double = 0.0
var hasStarted: Bool = false
var hasStartedAnimating: Bool = false
var hasFinished: Bool = false
var isManaged: Bool = false
var isCancelled: Bool = false
var onAnimationStart: () -> Void = {}
var onAnimationEnd: () -> Void = {}
var onAnimationUpdate: () -> Void = {}
var onAnimationCancelled: () -> Void = {}
public func start() {
hasStarted = true
startTime = CACurrentMediaTime()
if(!isManaged) {
internal func startDisplayLink() {
stopDisplayLink() // make sure to stop a previous running display link
displayLink = CADisplayLink(target: self, selector: #selector(animationTick))
displayLink?.add(to: .main, forMode: .commonModes)
internal func stopDisplayLink() {
displayLink = nil
@objc internal func animationTick() {
public func cancel() {
isCancelled = true
if(!isManaged) {
It contains all vitals like starting up the CADisplayLink
, providing ability to stop CADisplayLink
(when the animation is done), boolean values which indicates the state and some callbacks. You'll also notice the isManaged boolean. This boolean is when an Animator
is controlled by a group. If it is, the group will provide the animation ticks and this class shouldn't start the CADisplayLink
Next up is the ValueAnimator
class ValueAnimator : Animator {
public internal(set) var progress: Double = 0.0
public internal(set) var interpolatedProgress: Double = 0.0
var duration: Double = 0.3
var delay: Double = 0
var interpolator: Interpolator = EasingInterpolator(ease: .LINEAR)
override func animationTick() {
// In case this gets called after we finished
if(hasFinished) {
let elapsed: Double = (isCancelled) ? self.duration : CACurrentMediaTime() - startTime - delay
if(elapsed < 0) {
if(!hasStartedAnimating) {
hasStartedAnimating = true
if(duration <= 0) {
progress = 1.0
} else {
progress = min(elapsed / duration, 1.0)
interpolatedProgress = interpolator.interpolate(elapsedTimeRate: progress)
if(elapsed >= duration) {
private func endAnimation() {
hasFinished = true
if(!isManaged) {
internal func updateAnimationValues() {
This class is the base class for all value animators. But it could also be used to do the animation on your own if you wish to do the calculations yourself. You'll probably noticed the Interpolator
and interpolatedProgress
here. The Interpolator
class will be shown in a bit. This class provides the easing of the animation. This is where interpolatedProgress
comes in. progress
is just the linear progress from 0.0 to 1.0, but interpolatedProgress
could have a different value for the easing. For example when progress
has the value 0.2, interpolatedProgress
might already have 0.4 based on what easing you'll use. Also make sure to use interpolatedProgress
to calculate the right value. An example and the first subclass of ValueAnimator
is below.
Below is the CGFloatValueAnimator
which, as the name would suggest, animates CGFloat values:
class CGFloatValueAnimator : ValueAnimator {
private let startValue: CGFloat
private let endValue: CGFloat
public private(set) var animatedValue: CGFloat
init(startValue: CGFloat, endValue: CGFloat) {
self.startValue = startValue
self.endValue = endValue
self.animatedValue = startValue
override func updateAnimationValues() {
animatedValue = startValue + CGFloat(Double(endValue - startValue) * interpolatedProgress)
This is an example of how to subclass ValueAnimator
and you can make many more like this if you need others like doubles or integers for example. You just provide a start and end value and the Animator
calculates based on the interpolatedProgress
what the current animatedValue
is. You can use this animatedValue
to update your view. I'll show an example at the end.
Because I mentioned Interpolator
a couple times already, we'll continue to the Interpolator
protocol Interpolator {
func interpolate(elapsedTimeRate: Double) -> Double
It's just a protocol which you can implement yourself. I'll show you a part of the EasingInterpolator
class I use myself. I can provide more if someone needs it.
class EasingInterpolator : Interpolator {
private let ease: Ease
init(ease: Ease) {
self.ease = ease
func interpolate(elapsedTimeRate: Double) -> Double {
switch (ease) {
case Ease.LINEAR:
return elapsedTimeRate
case Ease.SINE_IN:
return (1.0 - cos(elapsedTimeRate * Double.pi / 2.0))
case Ease.SINE_OUT:
return sin(elapsedTimeRate * Double.pi / 2.0)
case Ease.SINE_IN_OUT:
return (-0.5 * (cos(Double.pi * elapsedTimeRate) - 1.0))
case Ease.CIRC_IN:
return -(sqrt(1.0 - elapsedTimeRate * elapsedTimeRate) - 1.0)
case Ease.CIRC_OUT:
let newElapsedTimeRate = elapsedTimeRate - 1
return sqrt(1.0 - newElapsedTimeRate * newElapsedTimeRate)
case Ease.CIRC_IN_OUT:
var newElapsedTimeRate = elapsedTimeRate * 2.0
if (newElapsedTimeRate < 1.0) {
return (-0.5 * (sqrt(1.0 - newElapsedTimeRate * newElapsedTimeRate) - 1.0))
newElapsedTimeRate -= 2.0
return (0.5 * (sqrt(1 - newElapsedTimeRate * newElapsedTimeRate) + 1.0))
return elapsedTimeRate
These are just a few examples of the calculations for specific easings. I actually ported all easings made for Android located here:
Before I show an example I have one more class to show. Which is the class that allows grouping of animators:
class AnimatorSet : Animator {
private var animators: [Animator] = []
var delay: Double = 0
var playSequential: Bool = false
override func start() {
override func animationTick() {
// In case this gets called after we finished
if(hasFinished) {
let elapsed = CACurrentMediaTime() - startTime - delay
if(elapsed < 0 && !isCancelled) {
if(!hasStartedAnimating) {
hasStartedAnimating = true
var finishedNumber = 0
for animator in animators {
if(!animator.hasStarted) {
if(animator.hasFinished) {
finishedNumber += 1
} else {
if(playSequential) {
if(finishedNumber >= animators.count) {
private func endAnimation() {
hasFinished = true
if(!isManaged) {
public func addAnimator(_ animator: Animator) {
animator.isManaged = true
public func addAnimators(_ animators: [Animator]) {
for animator in animators {
animator.isManaged = true
override func cancel() {
for animator in animators {
As you can see, here is where I set the isManaged
boolean. You can put multiple animators you make inside this class to coordinate them. And because this class also extends Animator
you can also put in another AnimatorSet
or multiple. By default it runs all the animations simultaneously, but if the playSequential
is set to true, it will run all animations in order.
Time for a demo:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
let animView = UIView()
animView.backgroundColor = UIColor.yellow
animView.snp.makeConstraints { maker in
let translateAnimator = CGFloatValueAnimator(startValue: 0, endValue: 100)
translateAnimator.delay = 1.0
translateAnimator.duration = 1.0
translateAnimator.interpolator = EasingInterpolator(ease: .CIRC_IN_OUT)
translateAnimator.onAnimationStart = {
animView.backgroundColor =
translateAnimator.onAnimationEnd = {
animView.backgroundColor =
translateAnimator.onAnimationUpdate = {
animView.transform.tx = translateAnimator.animatedValue
let alphaAnimator = CGFloatValueAnimator(startValue: animView.alpha, endValue: 0)
alphaAnimator.delay = 1.0
alphaAnimator.duration = 1.0
alphaAnimator.interpolator = EasingInterpolator(ease: .CIRC_IN_OUT)
alphaAnimator.onAnimationUpdate = {
animView.alpha = alphaAnimator.animatedValue
let animatorSet = AnimatorSet()
// animatorSet.playSequential = true // Uncomment this to play animations in order
I think most of this will speak for itself. I created a view which translates the x and fades out. For each animation you implement the onAnimationUpdate
callback to alter values used in the view, like in this case the translation x and alpha.
Note: In contradiction to Android, the duration and delay are in seconds here instead of milliseconds.
We are working with this code right now and it works great! I already wrote some animation stuff in our Android app. I could easily port the animation to iOS with some minimal rewriting and the animation works exactly the same! I could copy the code written in my question, changed the Kotlin code to Swift, applied the onAnimationUpdate
, changed the duration and delays to seconds and the animation worked like a charm.
I want to release this as an open source library, but I have not yet done this. I'll update this answer when I released it.
If you have any question about the code or how it works, feel free to ask.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 1373
Here is a start on the animation I think you are looking for. If you do not like the timing of the slides then you could switch out the UIView.animate
with .curveEaseInOut
for CAKeyframeAnimation
where you could control each frame more granularly. You would want a CAKeyFrameAnimation
for each view you are animating.
This is a playground and you can copy and paste it into an empty playground to see it in action.
import UIKit
import Foundation
import PlaygroundSupport
class ViewController: UIViewController {
let bottomBar = UIView()
let orangeButton = UIButton(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 10, width: 75, height: 75))
let yellow = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 20, y: 20, width: 35, height: 35))
let magenta = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 80, y: 30, width: 15, height: 15))
let cyan = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 50, y: 20, width: 35, height: 35))
let brown = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 150, y: 30, width:
15, height: 15))
let leftBox = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 15, y: 10, width: 125, height: 75))
func setup() {
let reset = UIButton(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 50, height: 50))
reset.backgroundColor = .white
reset.addTarget(self, action: #selector(resetAnimation), for: .touchUpInside)
bottomBar.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: self.view.frame.size.height - 100, width: self.view.frame.size.width, height: 100)
bottomBar.backgroundColor = .purple
orangeButton.backgroundColor = .orange = bottomBar.frame.size.width / 2
orangeButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(orangeTapped(sender:)), for: .touchUpInside)
orangeButton.clipsToBounds = true
yellow.backgroundColor = .yellow
magenta.backgroundColor = .magenta
magenta.alpha = 0
// Left box is an invisible bounding box to get the effect that the view appeared from nowhere
// Clips to bounds so you cannot see the view when it has not been animated
// Try setting to false
leftBox.clipsToBounds = true
cyan.backgroundColor = .cyan
brown.backgroundColor = .brown
brown.alpha = 0
@objc func orangeTapped(sender: UIButton) {
// Perform animation
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.2, delay: 0, options: .curveEaseInOut, animations: {
self.yellow.frame = CGRect(x: -20, y: 30, width: 15, height: 15)
self.yellow.alpha = 0
self.magenta.frame = CGRect(x: 20, y: 20, width: 35, height: 35)
self.magenta.alpha = 1
self.cyan.frame = CGRect(x: -150, y: 30, width: 15, height: 15)
self.cyan.alpha = 0
self.brown.frame = CGRect(x: 50, y: 20, width: 35, height: 35)
self.brown.alpha = 1
}, completion: nil)
@objc func resetAnimation() {
// Reset the animation back to the start
yellow.frame = CGRect(x: 20, y: 20, width: 35, height: 35)
yellow.alpha = 1
magenta.frame = CGRect(x: 80, y: 30, width: 15, height: 15)
magenta.alpha = 0
cyan.frame = CGRect(x: 50, y: 20, width: 35, height: 35)
cyan.alpha = 1
brown.frame = CGRect(x: 150, y: 30, width: 15, height: 15)
brown.alpha = 0
let viewController = ViewController()
viewController.view.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 375, height: 667)
viewController.view.backgroundColor = .blue
PlaygroundPage.current.liveView = viewController
Upvotes: 1