I am writing a custom gradle plugin, which will generate some code for me, based on the code it finds in the project it is applied to. For this I need to find all classes that extend a specific class. The problem is that the class, that is extended, is not loaded in the classpath, since it is a dependency of the other project.
Currently I got this for my custom Task
public class GenerateCodeTask extends DefaultTask {
public void generateCode() throws MalformedURLException, ClassNotFoundException {
File buildDir = new File(getProject().getBuildDir(), "classes/main");
File root = new File(getProject().getProjectDir(), "src/main/generated");
URLClassLoader classLoader = new URLClassLoader(new URL[]{buildDir.toURL()});
Class itemClass = classLoader.loadClass("net.minecraft.item.Item");
Reflections reflections = new Reflections(classLoader);
Set<Class<?>> items = reflections.getSubTypesOf(itemClass);
And this for the plugin
public class EasymodsPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
public void apply(Project p) {
Task t = p.getTasks().create("generateCode", GenerateCodeTask.class);
This is the error I am getting
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.minecraft.item.Item
I know that the problem is that the library containing the class is not loaded, and that causes the exception. What I want is to be able to load all dependencies of my project into the classloader, so I can use reflections to find all "items" in the project (which I need to generate code)
Greetings Failender
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I think you almost got it.
You need the compileClasspath
property. I pass it as an input parameter to my task, and build the Class Loader from it:
In plugin:
Set<File> ccp = project.getConfigurations().getByName("compileClasspath").getFiles();
task.classpath = ccp;
In task:
Iterable<File> classpath;
What this property is adding is:
dir. ( So no need to build the path manually )So, in the case your class is of type 1:
It is better if you have different subprojects: the one that has the original classes and the other with the generated ones.
So the second depends on the first:
dependencies {
compile project(':my_project_with_classes_to_extend')
In the case is the second one, you can just add the library as a dep to your project and it will find the class.
And rewire the tasks so you are sure the fist project is built before calling your task (just on root level of your 2nd project build.gradle):
I think that´s the part that wasn't really working for you, apparently, compileJava and build are not exactly the same. Or at least, compileJava wasnt working for me either.
myGeneratorTask.dependsOn( ":my_project_with_classes_to_extend:build" )
compileJava.dependsOn( "myGeneratorTask" )
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