Reputation: 577
I need to verify document with enveloped xml-dsig signature using package. After loading I unmarshal document and have object of Signature according to xsd -
public class XmlSignatureCheckerImpl implements XmlSignatureChecker {
private static final String ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM = "RSA";
private static final String HASH_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM = "SHA1withRSA";
public PublicKey getPublicKey(byte[] exp, byte[] mod) {
BigInteger modulus = new BigInteger(1, mod);
BigInteger exponent = new BigInteger(1, exp);
RSAPublicKeySpec rsaPubKey = new RSAPublicKeySpec(modulus, exponent);
KeyFactory fact;
try {
fact = KeyFactory.getInstance(ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM);
return fact.generatePublic(rsaPubKey);
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidKeySpecException e) {
return null;
public Boolean verify(byte[] message, byte[] signature, PublicKey publicKey) {
final Signature sig;
try {
sig = Signature.getInstance(HASH_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM);
boolean verify = sig.verify(Base64.encodeBase64Chunked(signature));
return verify;
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | SignatureException | InvalidKeyException e) {
return null;
Call getPublicKey and verify, as a result I got signature length mismatch, if I did't encode signature I got no mismatch, but also verification is false, but I use test data which is completely valid. Give up with finding error, help me. please. File encoding is UFT-8.
Upvotes: 4
Views: 1645
Reputation: 48
Have you look at official documentation? Seems like working with the sign factory is a bit more convenient
Also, I've found these examples if it will be helpful
Upvotes: 1