Reputation: 21
Does anyone know how to return a number of specific elements in a list?
Example: given
(list 'a 'a 'a 'a 'a 'b 'b 'b)
Returns the numbers of 'a:
numbers of 'b:
Upvotes: 1
Views: 39
Reputation: 21
I somewhat managed to find the answer, so here's the function definition:
(define (number-of s L)
[(empty? L) 0]
[else (cond [(eq? s (first L)) (+ 1 (number-of s (rest L)))]
[else (number-of s (rest L))])]))
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 48765
You count them. You make a procedure that takes a list and what you want to search for and you iterate that list while keeping a count and when you reach the end you return that value.
A skeleton for a simple recursive solution:
(define (count-element element lst)
(define (helper lst count)
(cond ((empty? lst) count)
((equal? element <first element>) <recurse whith cdr and increasing count>)
(else <recurse with cdr>)))
(helper lst 0))
Or you can use foldl
(define (count-element element lst)
(foldl (lambda (e count)
(if <e is the same as element>
<return 1 more than count>
<return count>))
There are probably 10 more ways I could do it, but the first is the most educational and the second the most common way I would do it. Some tests:
(define test '(a a a a a b b b))
(count-element 'b '()) ; ==> 0
(count-element 'e test) ; ==> 0
(count-element 'a test) ; ==> 5
(count-element 'b test) ; ==> 3
Upvotes: 1