Reputation: 121
Im new to extjs, so need help. I've uploaded image in my db,
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(sb.toString());
fos.write(myFileService.getImage.getBytes()); // it works ok
FileBean fb = new FileBean();
res.put("image", fb);
My Panel looks as in examples..
var imgPanel = new Ext.Panel({
padding: 5,
margins: '0 0 5 5',
items: new Ext.DataView({
store: imgStore,
tpl: tpl,
width: 200,
multiSelect: false,
emptyText: 'No images to display',
plugins: [
new Ext.DataView.DragSelector({dragSafe:true})
this is store
imgStore = new{
url: '/foo',
root: 'image',
fields: [
'name', 'url'
i get good response, but panel shows emptyText value, after store is reloaded. May be I get not correct url? if so, how to make it work? I need to save my picture in temp file, and then to show it. I think my problem is at server side. How to save it at url i need, and then to get it by this url? Help me pls....
Upvotes: 4
Views: 15660
Reputation: 1072
Follow this link may this help you alot:!/api/Ext.Img
You can use default image xtype for showing images in Extjs
var changingImage = Ext.create('Ext.Img', {
src: '',
width: 184,
height: 90,
renderTo: Ext.getBody()
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 19353
Here is what I did for a similar requirement. I used XTemplates to display my images in data view:
// ImageTemplate for the Data View
var imageTemplate = new Ext.XTemplate('<tpl for=".">',
'<div class="thumb-wrap" id="{name}">',
'<div class="thumb">
<img src="/GetThumbnail/{url}" title="{name}"></div>',
// DataView for the Gallery
var imageDataView = new Ext.DataView({
tpl: imageTemplate,
singleSelect: true,
overClass: 'x-view-over',
itemSelector: 'div.thumb-wrap',
loadingText: 'Loading Images...',
emptyText: '<div style="padding:10px;">No images</div>',
store: imageStore
and in my panel, I have :
title: 'Image Gallery',
height: 500,
width: 600,
id: 'img-chooser-view',
autoScroll: true,
items: imageDataView,
I hope this helps. Do you get any error with your present code?
Upvotes: 1