Reputation: 175
I have a .txt
like that below:
R$ 66,12
R$ 7.501,98
R$ 48,19
R$ 7.742,46
R$ 48,19
R$ 5.846,14
R$ 48,19
R$ 4.210,65
R$ 4.210,65
R$ 48,19
R$ 2.892,20
R$ 48,19
R$ 4.210,65
R$ 1.944,19
R$ 584,04
R$ 4.210,65
I need a .bat
file (could be in PowerShell) that organize the lines by the descrption and value, like below:
R$ 66,12
R$ 48,19
R$ 48,19
R$ 48,19
R$ 48,19
R$ 48,19
R$ 7.501,98
R$ 7.742,46
R$ 5.846,14
R$ 4.210,65
R$ 2.892,20
R$ 1.944,19
R$ 584,04
R$ 4.210,65
R$ 4.210,65
R$ 4.210,65
It's possibile do it with a .bat
file? I'm stuck in how to start.
I was trying using a simple command: sort test.txt /o testout.txt
But it's not working.
I have another idea. Running this command i can put all lines in the same line:
for /f "usebackq tokens=* delims=" %%a in ("frt01.txt") do (echo(%%a)>>test.txt
for /f "usebackqdelims=" %%i in ("test.txt") do @<nul set /p"=%%i ">>"test2.txt"
del test.txt /S /Q /
So now, the description and values are all in only one line:
MasterCard R$ 66,12 Hipercard R$ 7.501,98 MasterCard R$ 48,19 Hipercard R$ 7.742,46 MasterCard R$ 48,19 Hipercard R$ 5.846,14 MasterCard R$ 48,19 Hipercard R$ 4.210,65 MasterCard R$ 48,19 Hipercard R$ 2.892,20 MasterCard R$ 48,19 Hipercard R$ 1.944,19 Hipercard R$ 584,04
How can i do for it be like bellow? (Type a 'enter' after each value)
MasterCard R$ 66,12
Hipercard R$ 7.501,98
MasterCard R$ 48,19
Hipercard R$ 7.742,46
MasterCard R$ 48,19
Hipercard R$ 5.846,14
MasterCard R$ 48,19
Hipercard R$ 4.210,65
MasterCard R$ 48,19
Hipercard R$ 2.892,20
MasterCard R$ 48,19
Hipercard R$ 1.944,19
Hipercard R$ 584,04
Because then i can sort with this command: sort test2.txt /o output.txt
I guess doing by this way is easier.
@michael_heath This is what i was talking:
Hipercard R$ 584,04
Hipercard R$ 1.944,19
Hipercard R$ 2.892,20
Hipercard R$ 4.210,65
Hipercard R$ 5.846,14
Hipercard R$ 7.501,98
Hipercard R$ 7.742,46
MasterCard R$ 48,19
MasterCard R$ 48,19
MasterCard R$ 48,19
MasterCard R$ 48,19
MasterCard R$ 48,19
MasterCard R$ 66,12
Visa R$ 48,19
Visa R$ 48,19
Visa R$ 48,19
Upvotes: 0
Views: 4125
Reputation: 16236
The following code parses the input file into an array of transaction objects, sorts them, then outputs the sorted array. Not that the amounts were sorted as a right-justified string.
$unsortedtransactions = @()
Get-Content .\in.txt -ReadCount 3 |
ForEach-Object {
$Matches = $null
"$_" -match '([^\s]*)\s*(\S*)\s*(.*)$(.*)$' | Out-Null
$thisrecord = [PSCustomObject] @{ Card = $Matches[1]
Currency = $Matches[2]
Amount = $("{0,15}" -f @($Matches[3].Trim()))
$unsortedtransactions += $thisrecord
$sortedtransactions = $unsortedtransactions | Sort-Object -Property Card, Currency, Amount
foreach ($t in $sortedtransactions) {
$("{0}`r`n{1} {2}`r`n" -f @($t.Card, $t.Currency, $t.Amount.Trim())) |
Out-File -FilePath st.txt -Encoding ascii -Append
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 5372
All batch-file code
Option 1
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /f "tokens=1,2" %%A in (frt01.txt) do (
if not "%%~A" == "R$" (
set "card=%%~A "
set "card=!card:~,11!"
) else (
set "value= %%~B"
set "value=!value:~-9!"
echo !card! %%~A !value!
) > unsorted.txt
sort unsorted.txt /o output.txt
rem Optional code below to insert ------- between rows after sort.
set "last_card="
for /f "delims=" %%A in (output.txt) do (
for /f %%B in ("%%~A") do set "card=%%~B"
if defined last_card if not "!card!" == "!last_card!" (
echo ------------------------
echo %%A
set "last_card=!card!"
echo ------------------------
) > tmp.txt
move /y tmp.txt output.txt
This is the delayed expansion concept. Fixed spacing is
used so sort
can order better with different lengths
of the cards and of the currency values.
for /?
for token descriptions etc.set /?
for substitution syntax used i.e. set "card=!card:~,11!"
.Option 2
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /f "tokens=1,2" %%A in (frt01.txt) do (
if not "%%~A" == "R$" (
set "card=%%~A "
call set "card=%%card:~,11%%"
) else (
set "value= %%~B"
call set "value=%%value:~-9%%"
call echo "%%card%%" "%%A" "%%value%%"
) | sort /o output.txt
This is a unusual concept. Like previous code, uses fixed
spacing. It uses no temporary file as it pipes direct to
Uses setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
even though no !
are used. Delayed variables would not expand. Without,
delayed expansion, the call set
and call echo
not work.
Works on Win7 though perhaps it's strange behavior may make the other code a better option.
Option 3
@echo off
if not "%~1" == "" (
if "%~1" == "/?" goto :help
for %%A in (%*) do call :read "%%~A"
exit /b
rem If no arguments, do this optional task instead.
> "%~dp0unsorted.txt" call :read "frt01.txt"
sort "%~dp0unsorted.txt" /o "%~dp0output.txt"
del "%~dp0unsorted.txt"
exit /b
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /f "usebackq tokens=1,2" %%A in ("%~1") do (
if not "%%~A" == "R$" (
set "card=%%~A "
set "card=!card:~,11!"
) else (
set "value= %%~B"
set "value=!value:~-9!"
echo !card! %%~A !value!
exit /b
echo Prints Hipercard, MasterCard... vertical list as 3 horizontal fixed columns.
echo If multiple files are passed as arguments, they will be printed in sequence.
echo Syntax: %~nx0 file [file [file]]
echo Examples:
echo %~nx0 "test 1.txt"
echo %~nx0 test1.txt test2.text ^| sort /o output.txt
exit /b
This is a standalone script or run code below the rem
remark line. You could remove the optional code and place
the script in PATH so you can run it from a console
If the script is named cardsorter.cmd, then you could i.e.
cardsorter frt01.txt | sort /o output.txt
at a command prompt.
Output Of All Options
Hipercard R$ 584,04
Hipercard R$ 1.944,19
Hipercard R$ 2.892,20
Hipercard R$ 4.210,65
Hipercard R$ 5.846,14
Hipercard R$ 7.501,98
Hipercard R$ 7.742,46
MasterCard R$ 48,19
MasterCard R$ 48,19
MasterCard R$ 48,19
MasterCard R$ 48,19
MasterCard R$ 48,19
MasterCard R$ 66,12
Visa R$ 4.210,65
Visa R$ 4.210,65
Visa R$ 4.210,65
Option 1 inserts --------------
to separate card types.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 14290
Here is a batch file solution. To stack the lines together you just use a variable to hold the previous line.
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "line1="
(FOR /F "delims=" %%G IN (input.txt) DO (
set "line1=%%G
) else (
echo !line1! %%G
set "line1="
sort temp.txt>output.txt
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 174485
Before you can sort the data, you'll need to parse it. You can use the ConvertFrom-String
cmdlet with a template to do this:
$Template = @'
R$ {Amount:66,12}
R$ {Amount:7.501,98}
R$ {Amount:4.210,65}
$Transactions = Get-Content path\to\file.txt |ConvertFrom-String -TemplateContent $Template
The $Transactions
variable will now contain an array of objects with a CardProvider
and an Amount
property each. To sort by provider and then by amount we can do something like:
# Define output file name
$OutputFile = 'output.txt'
# Group by card type first
$Transactions |Group-Object CardProvider |ForEach-Object {
# Write seperator to output file:
'----------------' |Add-Content -Path $OutputFile
# Now we sort each group of cards by descending amount
$_.Group |Sort-Object {$_.Amount -replace '\.' -replace ',','.' -as [decimal]} -Descending |ForEach-Object {
# Finally write the contents to file again
$_.CardProvider,"R$ $($_.Amount)","" |Add-Content -Path $OutputFile
Upvotes: 5