Reputation: 4436
I want to aggregate a monthly series at the quarterly frequency, for which R
has ts
and aggregate()
(see the first answer on this thread) and pandas
has df.resample("Q").sum()
(see this question). Does Julia offer something similar?
Appendix: my current solution uses a function to convert a data to the first quarter and split-apply-combine:
Returns the date corresponding to the first day of the quarter enclosing date
# Examples
julia> Date(1990, 1, 1) == RED.month_to_quarter(Date(1990, 2, 1))
julia> Date(1990, 1, 1) == RED.month_to_quarter(Date(1990, 1, 1))
julia> Date(1990, 1, 1) == RED.month_to_quarter(Date(1990, 2, 25))
function month_to_quarter(date::Date)
new_month = 1 + 3 * floor((Dates.month(date) - 1) / 3)
return Date(Dates.year(date), new_month, 1)
Aggregates a monthly data frame to the quarterly frequency. The data frame should have a :DATE column.
# Examples
julia> monthly = convert(DataFrame, hcat(collect([Dates.Date(1990, m, 1) for m in 1:3]), [1; 2; 3]));
julia> rename!(monthly, :x1 => :DATE);
julia> rename!(monthly, :x2 => :value);
julia> quarterly = RED.monthly_to_quarterly(monthly);
julia> quarterly[:value][1]
julia> length(quarterly[:value])
function monthly_to_quarterly(monthly::DataFrame)
# quarter months: 1, 4, 7, 10
quarter_months = collect(1:3:10)
# Deep copy the data frame
monthly_copy = deepcopy(monthly)
# Drop initial rows until it starts on a quarter
while !in(Dates.month(monthly_copy[:DATE][1]), quarter_months)
# Verify that something is left to pop
@assert 1 <= length(monthly_copy[:DATE])
monthly_copy = monthly_copy[2:end, :]
# Drop end rows until it finishes before a quarter
while !in(Dates.month(monthly_copy[:DATE][end]), 2 + quarter_months)
monthly_copy = monthly_copy[1:end-1, :]
# Change month of each date to the nearest quarter
monthly_copy[:DATE] = month_to_quarter.(monthly_copy[:DATE])
# Split-apply-combine
quarterly = by(monthly_copy, :DATE, df -> mean(df[:value]))
# Rename
rename!(quarterly, :x1 => :value)
return quarterly
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1010
Reputation: 2718
I couldn't find such a function in the docs. Here's a more DataFrames.jl-ish and more succint version of your own answer
using DataFrames
# copy-pasted your own function
function month_to_quarter(date::Date)
new_month = 1 + 3 * floor((Dates.month(date) - 1) / 3)
return Date(Dates.year(date), new_month, 1)
# the data
monthly = DataFrame(date=[Dates.Date(1990, m, 1) for m in r],
# the functionality
monthly[:quarters] = month_to_quarter.(monthly[:date])
_aggregated = by(monthly, :quarters, df -> DataFrame(S = sum(df[:val])))
@show monthly
@show _aggregated
Upvotes: 1