
Reputation: 147

Converting a list of data frames: not a simple rbind, second row to new columns

Converting a list of data frames: not a simple rbind, second row to new columns

I have a list

employeesList = list(data.frame(first = ("Al"), second = "Jones"), 
                 data.frame(first = c("Al", "Barb"), second = c("Jones",       "Smith")),
             data.frame(first = c("Al", "Barb", "Carol"), second =   c("Jones", "Smith", "Adams")),
             data.frame(first = ("Al"), second = "Jones"))

I am looking to produce this.

employeesDF = data.frame(first = c("Al", "Al", "Al", "Al"), second = c("Jones", "Jones", "Jones", "Jones"),
                        first2 = c(NA, "Barb", "Barb", NA), second2 = c(NA, "Smith", "Smith", NA),
                        first3 = c(NA, NA, "Carol", NA), second3 = c(NA, NA, "Adams", NA))

I would like each data frame to be a row in the results data frame. Note that the first data frame when converted will have two columns, the second df when converted will have four columns, the third df when converted will produce 6 columns, the fourth df when converted will produce 2 columns and so on. I realize there will have to be a fill of NA values I have done some research and the problem is solved if the goal were simply to rbind. I do not see a way to solve my problem. Convert a list of data frames into one data frame

After reading this, Combine two data frames by rows (rbind) when they have different sets of columns I got a start with

res1 = cbind(t(employeesList[[1]][1]), t(employeesList[[1]][2]))
res2 = cbind(t(employeesList[[2]][1]), t(employeesList[[2]][2]))
res3 = cbind(t(employeesList[[3]][1]), t(employeesList[[3]][2]))
res4 = cbind(t(employeesList[[4]][1]), t(employeesList[[4]][2]))


bind_rows(list(res1, res2, res3, res4))

But I may have a very large number of data frames -- res1, …, resn. The number of columns is unspecified in advance, but will likely be fewer than 10. My procedure does not name the columns and I think that is needed for bind_rows.

Upvotes: 3

Views: 227

Answers (4)


Reputation: 147

I made a mistake when I submitted my example data. It was not general enough in two different ways. The column names can vary inconsistently and the data can vary much more than indicated. I then asked my question at r-help. There the question was answered in multiple ways. Below are the solutions created by others along with my timing study.

# input data (list of data frames and data frames may have multiple rows)
employees4List = list(data.frame(first1 = "Al", second1 =
                      data.frame(first2 = c("Al2", "Barb"),
                                 second2 = c("Jones", "Smith")),
                      data.frame(first3 = c("Al3", "Barbara",
                                 second3 = c("Jones", "Smith",
                      data.frame(first4 = ("Al"), second4 =

# intermediate step (list of data frames with each just one row)
df1 = data.frame(First1 = "Al", Second1 = "Jones",
                 First2 = NA, Second2 = NA,
                 First3 = NA, Second3 = NA,
                 First4 = NA, Second4 = NA)
df2 = data.frame(First1 = "Al2", Second1 = "Jones",
                 First2 = "Barb", Second2 = "Smith",
                 First3 = NA, Second3 = NA,
                 First4 = NA, Second4 = NA)
df3 = data.frame(First1 = "Al3", Second1 = "Jones",
                 First2 = "Barbara", Second2 = "Smith",
                 First3 = "Carol", Second3 = "Adams",
                 First4 = NA, Second4 = NA)
df4 = data.frame(First1 = "Al", Second1 = "Jones2",
                 First2 = NA, Second2 = NA,
                 First3 = NA, Second3 = NA,
                 First4 = NA, Second4 = NA)
listFinal = list(df1, df2, df3, df4)

# Expected final step, except that all columns should be character
# Just one data frame
sapply(dplyr::bind_rows(listFinal), class)

# Solution 1 using base R by Sarah Goslee

dfbycol <- function(x) {
  x <- lapply(x, function(y)as.vector(t(as.matrix(y))))
  x <- lapply(x, function(y){length(y) <- max(sapply(x, length)); y})
  x <-, x)
  x <- data.frame(x, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  colnames(x) <- paste0(c("first", "last"), rep(seq(1, ncol(x)/2), each=2))


# Solution 2 by Jeff Newmiller (Base R)

myrename2 <- function( DF, m ) {
  # if a pair of columns is not present, raise an error
  stopifnot( 2 == length( DF ) )
  n <- nrow( DF )
  # use memory layout of elements of matrix
  # t() automatically converts to matrix (nrow=2)
  # matrix(,nrow=1) re-interprets the column-major output of t()
  # as a single row matrix
  result <- matrix( t( DF ), nrow = 1 )
                           , stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  if ( n < m ) {
    result[ , seq( 2 * n + 1, 2 * m ) ] <- NA
  setNames( result
            , sprintf( "%s%d"
                       , c( "First", "Second" )
                       , rep( m ), each = 2 )

m <- max( unlist( lapply( employees4List, nrow ) ) )
listFinal2 <- lapply( employees4List, myrename2, m = m )

result2 <- rbind, listFinal2 )

# Solution 3 by Jeff Newmiller (uses dplyr)
myrename3 <- function( DF ) {
  # if a pair of columns is not present, raise an error
  stopifnot( 2 == length( DF ) )
  n <- nrow( DF )
  # use memory layout of elements of matrix
  # t() automatically converts to matrix (nrow=2)
  # matrix(,nrow=1) re-interprets the column-major output of t()
  # as a single row matrix
  setNames( matrix( t( DF ), nrow = 1 )
                           , stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  , sprintf( "%s%d"
             , c( "First", "Second" )
             , rep( n ), each = 2 )

listFinal3 <- lapply( employees4List, myrename3 )
result3 <- dplyr::bind_rows( listFinal3 )

# Solution 4 by Jeff Newmiller (uses dplyr and tidyr)

myrename4 <- function( DF ) {
  # if a pair of columns is not present, raise an error
  stopifnot( 2 == length( DF ) )
  names( DF ) <- c( "a", "b" )
  m <- nrow( DF )
  (  DF
    %>% mutate_all( as.character )
    %>% mutate( rw = LETTERS[ n() ) ] )
    %>% gather( col, val, -rw )
    %>% tidyr::unite( "labels", rw, col, sep="" )
    %>% spread( labels, val )
    %>% setNames( sprintf( "%s%d"
                           , c( "First", "Second" )
                           , rep( m ), each = 2 )

listFinal4 <- lapply( employees4List, myrename3)
result4 <- dplyr::bind_rows(listFinal4)

# Timing
# Create a large dataset
firsts = c("Al", "Barb", "Carol")
seconds = c("Washington", "Adams", "Jefferson" )
numReplications = 10000

# Create data frames
sim_list1 = replicate(n = numReplications,
                      expr = {data.frame(first = base::sample(x = firsts, size = 1, replace = TRUE),
                                         second = base::sample(x = seconds, size = 1, replace = TRUE))},
                      simplify = F)

sim_list2 = replicate(n = numReplications,
                      expr = {data.frame(first = base::sample(x = firsts, size = 2, replace = TRUE),
                                         second = base::sample(x = seconds, size = 2, replace = TRUE))},
                      simplify = F)

sim_list3 = replicate(n = numReplications,
                      expr = {data.frame(first = base::sample(x = firsts, size = 3, replace = TRUE),
                                         second = base::sample(x = seconds, size = 3, replace = TRUE))},
                      simplify = F)

# Create list
employeesList = c(sim_list1, sim_list2, sim_list3)

# Method 1

system.time(res1 <- dfbycol(employeesList))
# > system.time(dfbycol(employeesList))
# user  system elapsed 
# 757.87    0.18  758.62 
# res1

# Method 2

system.time(m <- max( unlist( lapply( employeesList, nrow ) ) ))
#    user  system elapsed 
#    0.22    0.00    0.22

system.time(listFinal2 <- lapply( employeesList, myrename2, m = m ) )
# user  system elapsed 
# 16.16    0.01   16.18 

system.time(result2 <- rbind, listFinal2 ) )
# result2
# user  system elapsed 
# 3.96    0.00    3.96

# Method 3

system.time(listFinal3 <- lapply( employeesList, myrename3))
# user  system elapsed 
# 7.33    0.00    7.33
system.time(result3 <- dplyr::bind_rows( listFinal3 ))
# user  system elapsed 
# 0.17    0.00    0.17

# Method 4

system.time(listFinal4 <- lapply( employeesList, myrename4) )
# user  system elapsed 
# 400.05    0.04  400.24 
system.time(result4 <- dplyr::bind_rows( listFinal4 ) )
#    user  system elapsed 
#   0.17    0.00    0.17 
# result4

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 886968

Here is one option with gather/spread

employeesList %>% 
   map_df(~ .x %>% 
               mutate_all(as.character) %>% # convert columns to character class
               mutate(n = row_number(), n = replace(n, n==1, "")),
             .id = 'grp') %>% 
  group_by(grp) %>%
  gather(key, val, first:second) %>% # gather to long format
  arrange(grp, n) %>% 
  unite(keyn, key, n, sep="") %>% # unite columns to create new column
  ungroup %>% 
  mutate(keyn = factor(keyn, levels = unique(keyn))) %>% # for column order
  spread(keyn, val) %>% # spread to wide format
# A tibble: 4 x 6
#  first second first2 second2 first3 second3
#  <chr> <chr>  <chr>  <chr>   <chr>  <chr>  
#1 Al    Jones  NA     NA      NA     NA     
#2 Al    Jones  Barb   Smith   NA     NA     
#3 Al    Jones  Barb   Smith   Carol  Adams  
#4 Al    Jones  NA     NA      NA     NA     

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 12703

May be this using data.table


rbindlist( l = lapply( employeesList, function(x) {
                  dcast( data    = melt( setDT( x ), measure.vars = c( 'first', 'second'))[, V1 := seq_along(value), by = variable][],
                         formula = " . ~ variable + V1")[, -1]
           fill = TRUE, 
           use.names = TRUE )

#    first_1 second_1 first_2 second_2 first_3 second_3
# 1:      Al    Jones      NA       NA      NA       NA
# 2:      Al    Jones    Barb    Smith      NA       NA
# 3:      Al    Jones    Barb    Smith   Carol    Adams
# 4:      Al    Jones      NA       NA      NA       NA

Upvotes: 1

Ronak Shah
Ronak Shah

Reputation: 388817

We can use lapply and convert the list into a single row data frame using and then use bind_rows to bind multiple data frames together.

bind_rows(lapply(employeesList, function(x)

#   X.Al. X.Jones. X.Barb. X.Smith. X.Carol. X.Adams.
#1    Al    Jones    <NA>     <NA>     <NA>     <NA>
#2    Al    Jones    Barb    Smith     <NA>     <NA>
#3    Al    Jones    Barb    Smith    Carol    Adams
#4    Al    Jones    <NA>     <NA>     <NA>     <NA>

We can rename the columns later using setNames according to our preference.

Upvotes: 1

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