Reputation: 21
I am havig some diffuculties with a part of my code. Netlogo reort "Can't use GO in an observer context because patch only"
My guess is that this is because in the go part I ask for a procedure (CACULATEWILANDATRAC) that does not begin with "ask Patches". However the (CACULATEWILANDATRAC) produce is to calculate one of the patches own-variables, so ask patches does not seem fit here.
I still tried to solve it with putting ask patches before the procure but then I get another error when running the model : " only the observer can ASK the set of all patches. error while patch 1079 509 running ASK called by (anonymous command: [ [the-Land-use the-Senario] -> ask patches [ if count patches with [ the-Land-use ] > the-Senario [ set Willingstochange True ] ] ]) called by procedure CACULATEWILANDATRAC"
The problem thus lies with where to call for the CACULATEWILANDATRAC procedure? It is now part of the go procedure but this thus gives the error "Can't use XXX in an observer context because turtle only".
My entire code:
> extensions [gis]
Senario1N ;; the count of patches senario 1 describes
%landusetypeN ;; the amount patches
Willingstochange ;; If true a patch would like to change (if true the count of patches has a surplus comparing to the sneario, if false they have a shortage)
atractiveness ;; if a patch type is attractive to change in <1 = yess
[ Land-use ;; Wat kind og landusetype a patch has
to setup
load-gis ;;load the maps
to load-gis ;;load the maps
set land-use-map gis:load-dataset "a_LANDUSE_cellsize5.asc" ;;loads the land use map
gis:set-world-envelope-ds gis:envelope-of land-use-map ;;sets the envelope of the world to match that of the GIS dataset
gis:apply-raster land-use-map Land-use ;;patches in the land-use-map have a specific land-use now
ask patches [
if Land-use = 1 [ set pcolor Green ] ; Green = Nature ;; patches have a certain color now
if Land-use = 2 [ set pcolor red ] ; Dark red = Leisure
if Land-use = 3 [ set pcolor Yellow ] ; Yellow = Agriculture
if Land-use = 4 [ set pcolor brown ] ; brouwn = Buildup
if Land-use = 5 [ set pcolor grey ] ; grey = roads
if Land-use = 6 [ set pcolor pink ] ; pink = industry
if Land-use = 7 [ set pcolor blue ] ; Blue = water
resize-world 0 1633 0 780
set-patch-size 1
to setup-constants
set Senario1N 49174 ;; the count of patches senario 1 describes
set Senario1L 17871
set Senario1A 569970
set Senario1B 34202
set Senario1I 5540
set Senario1R 34968
set Senario1W 65594
to go ;; this asks the model to caculate certain variables defined below
to givecountlansusetypes ;; here the cuurent amount of patches is shown
show count patches with [Land-use = 1]
show count patches with [Land-use = 2]
show count patches with [Land-use = 3]
show count patches with [Land-use = 4]
show count patches with [Land-use = 5]
show count patches with [Land-use = 6]
show count patches with [Land-use = 7]
to update-display
ask patches
if Land-use = 1 [ set pcolor Green ] ;; Green = Nature ;; patches have a certain color now
if Land-use = 2 [ set pcolor red ] ;; Dark red = Leisure
if Land-use = 3 [ set pcolor yellow ] ;; Yellow = Agriculture
if Land-use = 4 [ set pcolor brown ] ;; brouwn = Buildup
if Land-use = 5 [ set pcolor grey ] ;; grey = roads
if Land-use = 6 [ set pcolor pink ] ;; pink = industry
if Land-use = 7 [ set pcolor blue ] ;; Blue = water
to update-global-variables
if count patches > 0
[ set %landusetypeN (count patches with [ Land-use = 1 ] / count patches) * 100
set %landusetypeL (count patches with [ Land-use = 2 ] / count patches) * 100
set %landusetypeA (count patches with [ Land-use = 3 ] / count patches) * 100
set %landusetypeB (count patches with [ Land-use = 4 ] / count patches) * 100
set %landusetypeI (count patches with [ Land-use = 6 ] / count patches) * 100
to caculateWILandAtrac
;; Sets Willingness to change true if patches are with more fellowpatches than the senario decribes
(foreach list (Land-use = 1) (Land-use = 2)[49174 17871]
[ [the-Land-use the-Senario] -> ask patches [if count patches with [the-Land-use] > the-Senario [ set Willingstochange True ] ] ])
;; gives score to the patches attractiveness based on the ratio patches/senario
(foreach list (Land-use = 1) (Land-use = 2)[49174 17871]
[ [the-Land-use the-Senario] -> ask patches [ set atractiveness (count patches with [the-Land-use]/ the-Senario) ] ])
to askforchange
ask patches [
if Willingstochange = true [change] ;; this ask the patches that are willing to change (have a surpuls) to go and change
to change
ask neighbors with [Willingstochange = false ] ;; this asks if the patch had neigbors with a shortage
[set Atractiveneighbor min-one-of patches [atractiveness]] ;; this asks to give the neigbor with the lowest patchcount/senario ratio
ask patches [set Land-use ([Land-use] of Atractiveneighbor)] ;; this asks the patches to change their land-use to the land-use of neigbor with the lowest patchcount/senario ratio
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Views: 1516
Reputation: 66
In your last line of code the current asked patch (asked in askforchange) asks all patches to set their Land-use accordingly. I think that there lies your problem.
Maybe it solves your problem, if you replace the last line with the following:
set Land-use ([Land-use] of Atractiveneighbor)
With this, the currently asked patch changes its land-use accordingly. But I am not quite sure, if that is what you want the procedure to do there?
Upvotes: 1