Reputation: 35
i'm writing a program for class. It takes x and epsilon from the console and should retrieve an sin(x) approximation. When i run it in QtSpim i get the error:
Unknown instruction type: 0
The error occurs here:
floatsin: addi $sp, $sp, -64 # Frame
sw $ra, 64($ra)
sw $fp, 60($sp)
s.d $f0, 56($sp)
s.d $f4, 48($sp)
s.d $f20, 40($sp)
s.d $f8, 32($sp)
s.d $f10, 24($sp)
s.d $f14, 16($sp)
s.d $f18, 8($sp) # ERROR HERE
addi $fp, $sp, 64
What could be the reason? I'm confused because till s.d $f18
everything runs normal. Thanks for any hints!
Below the full programm:
xinput: .asciiz "\nPlease enter x\n"
epsinput: .asciiz "\nPlease enter epsilon\n"
sinxoutput: .asciiz "\nsin(x) is: "
main: la $a0, xinput
li $v0, 4
li $v0, 7
mov.d $f2, $f12
la $a0, epsinput
li $v0, 4
li $v0, 7
mov.d $f0, $f12
jal floatsin
la $a0, sinxoutput
li $v0, 4
li $v0, 3
li $v0, 10
floatsin: addi $sp, $sp, -64 # Frame
sw $ra, 64($ra)
sw $fp, 60($sp)
s.d $f0, 56($sp)
s.d $f4, 48($sp)
s.d $f20, 40($sp)
s.d $f8, 32($sp)
s.d $f10, 24($sp)
s.d $f14, 16($sp)
s.d $f18, 8($sp)
addi $fp, $sp, 64
li.d $f8, 0.0 # Initialize
li.d $f14, 1.0
mov.d $f16, $f0
li.d $f18, 0.0
jal loop_p1
main_loop: add.d $f18, $f18, $f4 $f2, $f4
bc1f exit_fsin
jal loop_p1
sub.d $f18, $f18, $f4 $f2, $f4
bc1f exit_fsin
jal loop_p1
j main_loop
loop_p1: add.d $f8, $f8, $f14
li.d $f10, 1.0 #for (j < 2i-1)
mov.d $f4, $f16
li.d $f20, 0.0
add.d $f20, $f8, $f8
sub.d $f20, $f20, $f14
for: $f10, $f20
bc1f loop_p2
mul.d $f4, $f4, $f16 # (x*x)
add.d $f10, $f10, $f14
j for
loop_p2: mov.d $f0, $f20
move $t0, $ra
jal floatfac
div.d $f4, $f4, $f12
jr $t0
exit_fsin: mov.d $f12, $f18 # Write in target register
l.d $f18, 8($sp) # rewrite values
l.d $f14, 16($sp)
l.d $f10, 24($sp)
l.d $f8, 32($sp)
l.d $f20, 40($sp)
l.d $f4, 48($sp)
l.d $f0, 56($sp)
lw $fp, 60($sp)
lw $ra, 64($sp)
addi $sp, $sp, 64
jr $ra # back to caller
floatfac: addi $sp, $sp, -28 # Frame
sw $fp, 28($sp)
s.d $f4, 24($sp)
s.d $f2, 16($sp)
s.d $f0, 8($sp)
addi $fp, $sp, 28
li.d $f4, 0.0
c.le.d $f0, $f4
bc1t negative
li.d $f12, 1.0
li.d $f2, 1.0
while: c.le.d $f0, $f2 # Break condition
bc1t exit_floatfact
mul.d $f12, $f12, $f0
sub.d $f0, $f0, $f2
j while
negative: li.d $f12, 0.0
exit_floatfact: l.d $f0, 8($sp) # rewrite values
l.d $f2, 16($sp)
l.d $f4, 24($sp)
lw $fp, 28($sp)
addi $sp, $sp, 28
jr $ra
Upvotes: 1
Views: 488
Reputation: 58447
This is incorrect: sw $ra, 64($ra)
What's happening here is that you're storing the current value of $ra
(0x40005c) at 64($ra)
, i.e. (0x40009c)
, thereby overwriting the instruction s.d $f14, 16($sp)
What you should be doing instead is sw $ra, 64($sp)
Upvotes: 2