Reputation: 8952
I am setting a new navigation for my app on launch. But when I launch it appears from a black color animation.After black color it sets it navigation bar. Please tell me what is issue.
I am using below code
var controller = UIViewController()
//App Theming
var navController = UINavigationController()
navController.navigationBar.barTintColor = UIColor.white
navController.navigationBar.tintColor = UIColor.white
navController.navigationBar.titleTextAttributes = [NSAttributedStringKey.foregroundColor: UIColor.white]
navController.navigationBar.shadowImage = UIImage()
navController.navigationBar.setBackgroundImage(UIImage(), for: .default)
navController.navigationBar.isTranslucent = false
navController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: viewcontroller)
navController.navigationBar.isHidden = true
let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate
appDelegate.window?.rootViewController = navController
Upvotes: 2
Views: 2281
Reputation: 1313
Your code should be placed in
import UIKit
// AppDelegate class file
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
// Be attentive. controller allocated withou any layout. Change to custom controller class or load from IB resource (storyboard/nib)
let controller = UIViewController()
let navigationController = rootNavigationController
// Setup viewControllers. Just one controller as root
navigationController.viewControllers = [controller]
// You already have a reference to window in your AppDelegate
window.rootViewController = navigationController
extension AppDelegate {
// Move out of AppDelegate class code to create theming NavigationController
private var rootNavigationController: UINavigationController {
let navController = UINavigationController()
navController.navigationBar.barTintColor = UIColor.white
navController.navigationBar.tintColor = UIColor.white
navController.navigationBar.titleTextAttributes = [NSAttributedStringKey.foregroundColor: UIColor.white]
navController.navigationBar.shadowImage = UIImage()
navController.navigationBar.setBackgroundImage(UIImage(), for: .default)
navController.navigationBar.isTranslucent = false
navController.navigationBar.isHidden = true
// If it theme for all application you should use appearances
/* For Example
UINavigationBar.appearance().titleTextAttributes = [NSAttributedStringKey.foregroundColor: UIColor.white]
UINavigationBar.appearance().tintColor = .white
return navController
You possible errors:
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 578
alright i just noticed you're using storyboards, give this a try:
var storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
var ivc = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "ViewController") as? ViewController
navigationController?.pushViewController(anIvc, animated: true)
window.rootViewController = ivc
window.rootViewController = navigationController
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 578
You need to pass the navigation controller at least one viewController for it to know which viewController to start your navigation process from, follow the code below:
var window: UIWindow? let nav = UINavigationController()
1- here is where i declared my Initial viewController (where i want my navigation process to start from)
var main = HomeViewController(nibName: "HomeViewController", bundle: nil)
2- here is where i give the navigationController the first viewController to start from.
window?.rootViewController = nav
nav.viewControllers = [main]//you need to have this line
nav.isNavigationBarHidden = true
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1373
Please use snippet bellow
In this I am using ViewController from Main storyboard
// mainStoryboard
let mainStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
// rootViewController
let rootViewController = mainStoryboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "ViewController") as? ViewController
// navigationController
let navigationController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: rootViewController!)
//App Theming
navigationController.navigationBar.barTintColor = UIColor.white
navigationController.navigationBar.tintColor = UIColor.white
navigationController.navigationBar.titleTextAttributes = [NSAttributedStringKey.foregroundColor: UIColor.white]
navigationController.title = "Testing Th"
navigationController.navigationBar.shadowImage = UIImage()
navigationController.navigationBar.setBackgroundImage(UIImage(), for: .default)
navigationController.navigationBar.isTranslucent = false
navigationController.navigationBar.isHidden = true
// self.window
self.window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)
self.window!.rootViewController = navigationController
If I unhide NavigationBar
navigationController.navigationBar.isHidden = false
you can clearly see the results
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 2010
The problem is this line:
navController.navigationBar.isHidden = true
Delete it and try again.
Upvotes: 4