Seth McClaine
Seth McClaine

Reputation: 10030

Jest gives `Cannot find module` when importing components with absolute paths

Receiving the following error when running Jest

Cannot find module 'src/views/app' from 'index.jsx'

  at Resolver.resolveModule (node_modules/jest-resolve/build/index.js:179:17)
  at Object.<anonymous> (src/index.jsx:4:12)


import AppContainer from 'src/views/app';


  "jest": {
    "collectCoverageFrom": [
    "setupFiles": [
    "testMatch": [
    "testEnvironment": "node",
    "testURL": "http://localhost",
    "transform": {
      "^.+\\.(js|jsx|mjs)$": "<rootDir>/node_modules/babel-jest",
      "^.+\\.css$": "<rootDir>/config/jest/cssTransform.js",
      "^(?!.*\\.(js|jsx|mjs|css|json)$)": "<rootDir>/config/jest/fileTransform.js"
    "transformIgnorePatterns": [
    "moduleDirectories": [
    "moduleNameMapper": {
      "^react-native$": "react-native-web"
    "moduleFileExtensions": [

My tests that run files that only contain relative paths in the tree run correctly.

To Clarify, I'm looking for how to configure Jest to not fail on absolute paths.

Upvotes: 204

Views: 345388

Answers (16)


Reputation: 41

I also faced the same issue using Angular@15 and Jest@29. Following are the two fixes that worked for me.

  1. Converting absolute path to relative path (not a scalable solution if you have a large codebase)
    Absolute path - import SharedService from 'src/app/services/shared/shared.service';
    Relative path - import SharedService from '../../services/shared/shared.service';

  2. Add the following in your jest configuration (jest.config.ts)

module.exports = {
 moduleDirectories: ['node_modules', '<rootDir>'],

Upvotes: 1

Anderson Paiva
Anderson Paiva

Reputation: 978

Try to add this to jest config

"modulePaths": [

Upvotes: 3

Dawid Dahl
Dawid Dahl

Reputation: 457

This solved it for me.

Here is my jest-e2e.json file:

    "moduleFileExtensions": ["js", "json", "ts"],
    "rootDir": "..",
    "globalSetup": "<rootDir>/src/integration-test/setup.ts",
    "globalTeardown": "<rootDir>/src/integration-test/teardown.ts",
    "testEnvironment": "node",
    "testRegex": ".e2e-spec.ts$",
    "transform": {
        "^.+\\.(t|j)s$": "ts-jest"
    "moduleDirectories": ["<rootDir>", "node_modules"],
    "moduleNameMapper": {
        "^src/(.*)$": "<rootDir>/src/$1"
    "testPathIgnorePatterns": [".*\\.e2e\\.ts$"],
    "collectCoverageFrom": ["src/**/*.ts", "!src/private/**/*.resolver.ts"],
    "coveragePathIgnorePatterns": [
    "coverageDirectory": "./coverage",
    "transformIgnorePatterns": ["node_modules/(?!(node-fetch)/)"]

You can see I call "setup.ts" in there. Then I added "tsconfig-paths/register" like this in my setup.ts file:

require("tsconfig-paths/register") <---- ADDED THIS

import { integrationTestEnvSetup } from "./env-setup"
import { integrationTestSetupStuff } from "./setup-stuff"

/* Code run prior to integration test from ./jest-e2e.json */

const integrationTestSetup = async () => {
    await integrationTestEnvSetup()
    await integrationTestSetupStuff()

export default integrationTestSetup

Make sure you have the tsconfig-paths package installed for this as well.

The require("tsconfig-paths/register") line is used to import the tsconfig-paths package, which is a utility that allows Node.js to understand TypeScript's paths and baseUrl options directly. This is often used in conjunction with a tool like ts-node for running TypeScript code directly in Node.js without a separate compilation step.

Hope that can help anyone else! I was so happy when I realized that this worked, after hours of hair-pulling.

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 306

In my case, I was running integration tests and all tests were in the same file with the path src/int-test.spec.ts in order to read paths I had to write:

Solution 1

"jest": {
    "moduleNameMapper": {
      "src/(.*)": "<rootDir>/$1"

Another way of doing this is to create jest.config.js file, The file will be discovered automatically, if it is named jest.config.js|ts|mjs|cjs|json. And put this into it:

Solution 2

const path = require('path');

module.exports = {
  moduleFileExtensions: ['js', 'json', 'ts'],
  roots: ['src'],
  testRegex: '.*\\.spec\\.ts$',
  transform: {
    '^.+\\.(t|j)s$': 'ts-jest',
  collectCoverageFrom: ['**/*.(t|j)s'],
  coverageDirectory: '../coverage',
  testEnvironment: 'node',
  moduleDirectories: ['node_modules', 'src', __dirname],

Upvotes: 9


Reputation: 2346

I had jest-expo installed, but not jest. Probably related that I'm prebuild-ejected from Expo. I had to run yarn add jest-expo jest to install jest, and updated jest-expo. Now my tests run.

Depending on your setup it might be, npm i jest-expo jest or expo install jest-expo jest. ... Got the idea from their docs

Upvotes: 0

suranga upul
suranga upul

Reputation: 259

Make sure you have run npm i or npm install after update the package.json. My issue was that :0

Upvotes: 5

VyTor BrB
VyTor BrB

Reputation: 111

Just add "modulePaths" to your package.json

"jest": {
    "modulePaths": [

Upvotes: 3


Reputation: 365

This Workaround:

Using "moduleNameMapper" in your jest configuration will make test-resolve work as expected:

"jest": {
  "moduleNameMapper": {
    "#(.*)": "<rootDir>/node_modules/$1"

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 1783

That's because jest doesn't recognize relative imports like src/views/app

Add a rootDir and a modulePaths in package.json

"name": "my-app",
"jest": {
    "rootDir": "./",
    "modulePaths": [

Upvotes: 10

Mike Rippon
Mike Rippon

Reputation: 604

This can also be caused by absolute imports present in the globalSetup file (or any files it references).

It seems like moduleNameMappers do not get applied to globalSetup files. I fixed this by just switching to relative imports for those specific files.

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 4519

One of the modules I wanted to use has a .cjs extension. Adding .cjs to moduleFileExtensions in jest.config.js fixed this problem for me.

My jest.config.js as example:

module.exports = {
    moduleNameMapper: {
        // see:
        "^@/(.*)$": "<rootDir>/src/$1",
    preset: "ts-jest/presets/default-esm",
    globals: {
        "ts-jest": {
            useESM: true,
    testEnvironment: 'jsdom',
    transform: {
        '^.+\\.vue$': 'vue3-jest',
    moduleFileExtensions: ['json', 'js', 'jsx', 'ts', 'tsx', 'vue', "cjs"],
    moduleDirectories: ["node_modules"],

Upvotes: 3


Reputation: 791

For those who are building something from scratch with Webpack and Babbel. Try the following steps:

  1. Delete the node_modules folder and install again. (This was something that solved my issue).

  2. Here is a link with the necessary documentation to set up Webpack which in some cases will not be necessary. Jest Docs Webpack

  3. Here is a link to the docs that explains how to set up Jest with React (Without using Create-React-App). Jest React Docs

4. Here is an example with a simple setup with Jest. You can set this up in package.json or the Jest configuration file.

Disclaimer: This does not answer the OP question. But most people will end up here for the keywords used for this issue.

  "jest": {
"moduleFileExtensions": ["js", "jsx"],
"moduleDirectories": ["node_modules"],
"moduleNameMapper": {
  "\\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|eot|otf|webp|svg|ttf|woff|woff2|mp4|webm|wav|mp3|m4a|aac|oga)$": "<rootDir>/__mocks__/fileMock.js",
  "\\.(css|less)$": "<rootDir>/__mocks__/styleMock.js"


Upvotes: 3

Ankur Marwaha
Ankur Marwaha

Reputation: 1885

Adding __esModule:true fixed this issue for me.

  __esModule: true,                    // this makes it work
  default: jest.fn()

Hope this helps somebody. Although this is not very specific to the question.

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 1716


"moduleDirectories": [

should work if you have Jest's config in your package.json file.

If you have a jest.config.js file, you should add it there, otherwise package.json will be overriden (and ignored) by this config file. So in your jest.config.js file:

module.exports = {
// ... lots of props
  moduleDirectories: ["node_modules", "src"],
// ...

Upvotes: 23


Reputation: 2633

I think you're looking for: roots or modulePaths and moduleDirectories

You can add both relative and absolute paths.

I would make sure to include <rootDir> in the roots array, <rootDir> in the modulePaths array, and node_modules in the moduleDirectories array, unless you've got a good reason to exclude them.

"jest": {
  "roots": [
  "modulePaths": [
  "moduleDirectories": [

Upvotes: 122

Hriday Modi
Hriday Modi

Reputation: 2081

Since in package.json you have:

"moduleDirectories": [

Which says that each module you import will be looked into node_modules first and if not found will be looked into src directory.

Since it's looking into src directory you should use:

import AppContainer from 'views/app';

Please note that this path is absolute to the src directory, you do not have to navigate to locate it as relative path.

OR you can configure your root directory in moduleDirectories inside your pakcage.json so that all your components could be imported as you want it.

Upvotes: 77

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