Reputation: 457
how would you implement a catMaybes for Data.Set ?
I came up with:
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
setCatMaybes a = Maybe.fromJust . Set.delete Nothing $ a
fnord = Set.fromList [Nothing, Just 41, Just 43, Just 47]
then i get the following
setCatMaybes fnord == fromList [41,43,47]
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Reputation: 4740
λ> foldr (\a b -> maybe b (`Set.insert` b) a) Set.empty fnord
fromList [41,43,47]
Also works for other things so one could do a helper:
catMaybesF :: Foldable f => (a -> f a -> f a) -> f a -> f (Maybe a) -> f a
catMaybesF insert emptyf = foldr (\a b -> maybe b (`insert` b) a) emptyf
catMaybesSet = catMaybesF Set.insert Set.empty
catMaybesSeq = catMaybesF (Seq.:<|) Seq.empty
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 12749
Since Set (Maybe a)
is such a weird type, which appears only after the application of f :: a -> Maybe b
, why not kill two birds with one stone and create a mapMaybe
for Data.Set
import qualified Data.Set
import qualified Data.Maybe
mapMaybe :: Ord b => (a -> Maybe b) -> Data.Set.Set a -> Data.Set.Set b
mapMaybe f = Data.Set.fromList . Data.Maybe.mapMaybe f . Data.Set.toList
In this way, the weird Set (Maybe a)
never exists.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 3558
I think the solution you already have is probably the best one. Along the lines of John's solution, here's a fairly short one:
setCatMaybes :: Ord a => Set.Set (Maybe a) -> Set.Set a
setCatMaybes s = Set.fromAscList [x | Just x <- Set.toAscList s]
Or here's a longer one, that may be faster:
setCatMaybes2 :: Ord a => Set.Set (Maybe a) -> Set.Set a
setCatMaybes2 s
| Set.null s = Set.empty
| otherwise = Set.mapMonotonic Maybe.fromJust $ case Set.deleteFindMin s of
(Nothing, s') -> s'
_ -> s
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 28097
How about just this:
setCatMaybes = Set.fromList . catMaybes
This will only require traversing the list once, as Set.fromList
is a good consumer.
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